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eave for fear of missing something; and if he had a phone there'd be others down in the Montaigne。〃
 〃The Jackal;〃 said Bourne; stepping forward; then stopping; remembering Conklin's order to stay away from the window。
 〃Now; do you understand?〃 asked Alex; addressing the question to Krupkin。
 〃Of course;〃 conceded the KGB official; smiling。 〃It's why you wanted an ostentatious limousine from our embassy。 After we leave; Carlos is told that a Soviet diplomatic vehicle was sent to pick us up; and for what other reason would we be here but to interrogate Madame Lavier? Naturally; in my well…advertised presence was a tall man who might or might not be Jason Bourne; and another shorter individual with a disabled leg…thus confirming that it was Jason Bourne。 。。。 Our unholy alliance is therefore established and observed; and again; naturally; during our harsh questioning of Madame Lavier; tempers flared and references were made to the Jackal's informer in Dzerzhinsky Square。〃
 〃Which only I'd known about through my dealing with Santos at Le Coeur du Soldat;〃 said Jason quietly。 〃So Dominique has a credible observer…an old man from Carlos's army of old men…to back up the information she delivers。 。。。 I've got to say it; Saint Alex; that serpentine brain of yours hasn't lost its cunning。〃
 〃I hear a professor I once knew。 。。。 I thought he'd left us。〃
 〃He has。〃
 〃Only for a while; I hope。〃
 〃Well done; Aleksei。 You still have the touch; you may remain abstemious if you must; much as it pains me。 。。。 It's always the nuances; isn't it?〃
 〃Not always by any means;〃 disagreed Conklin simply; shaking his head。 〃Most of the time it's foolish mistakes。 For instance; our new colleague here; 'Domie;' as you affectionately call her; was told she was still trusted; but she wasn't; not pletely。 So an old man was dispatched to watch her apartment…no big deal; just a little insurance in a car that doesn't belong in a street with Jaguars and Rolls…Royces。 So we pay off on the small policy; and with luck cash in on the big one。 Moscow。〃
 〃Let me intellectualize;〃 said Krupkin。 〃Although you were always far better in that department than I; Aleksei。 I prefer the best wine to the most penetrating thoughts; although the latter…in both our countries…invariably leads to the former。〃
 〃Merde!〃 yelled Dominique Lavier; crushing out her cigarette。 〃What are you two idiots talking about?〃
 〃They'll tell us; believe me;〃 answered Bourne。
 〃As has been reported and repeated in secure circles too often for fort;〃 continued the Soviet; 〃years ago we trained a madman in Novgorod; and years ago we would have put a bullet in his head had he not escaped。 His methods; if sanctioned by any legitimate government; especially the two superpowers; would lead to confrontations neither of us can ever permit。 Yet; withal; in the beginning he was a true revolutionary with a capital R; and we; the world's truest revolutionaries; disinherited him。 。。。 By his lights; it was a great injustice and he never forgets it。 He will always yearn to e back to the mother's breast; for that's where he was born。 。。。 Good God; the people he's killed in the name of 'aggressors' while he made fortunes is positively revolting!〃
 〃But you denied him;〃 said Jason flatly; 〃and he wants that denial reversed。 He has to be acknowledged as the master killer you trained。 That psychopathic ego of his is the basis for every thing Alex and I mounted。 。。。 Santos said he continuously bragged about the cadre he was building in Moscow…'Always Moscow; it's an obsession with him'…those were Santos's words。 The only specific person he knew about; and not by name; was Carlos's mole high up in the KGB; but he said Carlos claimed to have others in key positions at various powerful departments; that as the monseigneur he'd been sending them money for years。〃
 〃So the Jackal thinks he forms a core of supporters within our government;〃 observed Krupkin。 〃Despite everything; he still believes he can e back。 He is; indeed; an egomaniac but he's never understood the Russian mind。 He may temporarily corrupt a few cynical opportunists; but these will cover themselves and turn on him。 No one looks forward to a stay at the Lubyanka or a Siberian gulag。 The Jackal's Potemkin village will burn to the ground。〃
 〃All the more reason for him to race to Moscow and put out the brushfires;〃 said Alex。
 〃What do you mean?〃 asked Bourne。
 〃The burning will start with the exposure of Carlos's man in Dzerzhinsky Square; he'll know that。 The only way to prevent it is for him to reach Moscow and make a determination。 Either his informer will elude internal security or the Jackal will have to kill him。〃
 〃I forgot;〃 interrupted Bourne。 〃Something else Santos said 。。。 most of the Russians on Carlos's payroll spoke French。 Look for a man high up in the Komitet who speaks French。〃
 Krupkin's radio again intruded; the two piercing beeps barely muffled by his jacket。 He pulled it out and spoke。 〃Yes?〃
 〃I don't know how or why; rade;〃 said the tense voice of Sergei; 〃but the ambassador's limousine has just arrived at the building。 I swear to you I have no idea what happened!〃
 〃I do。 I called for it。〃
 〃But the embassy flags will be seen by everyone!〃
 〃Including; I trust; an alert old man in a brown automobile。 We'll be down shortly。 Out。〃 Krupkin turned to the others。 〃The car's here; gentlemen。 Where shall we meet; Domie? And when?〃
 〃Tonight;〃 replied Lavier。 〃There's a showing at La Galerie d'Or in the rue de Paradis。 The artist's a young upstart who wants to be a rock star or something; but he's the rage and everyone will be there。〃
 〃Tonight; then。 e; gentlemen。 Against our instincts; we must be very observable outside on the pavement。〃
 The crowds moved in and out of the shafts of light while the music was provided by an ear…shattering rock band mercifully placed in a side room away from the main viewing area。 Were it not for the paintings on the walls and the beams of the small spotlights illuminating them; a person might think he was in a discotheque rather than in one of Paris's elegant art galleries。
 Through a series of nods; Dominique Lavier maneuvered Krupkin to a corner of the large room。 Their graceful smiles; arched brows and intermittently mimed laughter covered their quiet conversation。
 〃The word passed among the old men is that the monseigneur will be away for a few days。 However; they are all to continue searching for the tall American and his crippled friend and list wherever they are seen。〃
 〃You must have done your job well。〃
 〃As I relayed the information he was utterly silent。 In his breathing; however; there was utter loathing。 I felt my bones grow cold。〃
 〃He's on his way to Moscow;〃 said the Russian。 〃No doubt through Prague。〃
 〃What will you do now?〃
 Krupkin arched his neck and raised his eyes to the ceiling in false; silent laughter。 Leveling his gaze on her; he answered; smiling。 〃Moscow;〃 he said。
 Bryce Ogilvie; managing partner of Ogilvie; Spofford; Crawford and Cohen; prided himself on his self…discipline。 That was to say; not merely the outward appearance of posure; but the cold calm he forced upon his deepest fears in times of cris
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