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hose fleeing Fax's new management。 He's a hard man。〃
   〃And will the Lord Holders act?〃 Robinton demanded。
   Melongel twisted his head slightly to indicate uncertainty; lifting his hands in helplessness。 〃I cannot act on my own。〃
   Robinton sighed; knowing that that would be foolish。 〃Lord Grogellan would support you … especially since Groghe can endorse your word。〃
   〃Grogellan would; but I doubt I could get much support from old Lord Ashmichel at Ruatha Hold。 His son; Kale; though。。。〃 Melongel thoughtfully fingered his chin。 〃Telgar's another matter; but his Hold borders High Reaches。〃
   〃Lord Tarathel's protective; and his foresters are very well trained;〃 Minnarden ventured。
   〃Lord Raid is too far away to feel anxiety;〃 said Robinton with a touch of asperity。
   〃I know that Master Gennell wants to know about Lobira and Mallan;〃 Minnarden said; exchanging another glance with Melongel。 〃If he isn't satisfied with the answers; he'll withdraw all harpers from the Hold。〃
   Robinton snorted; still pacing。 〃That would suit Fax perfectly。 No one to tell anyone in his Hold what their rights are。〃 Then he paused。 〃I know High Reaches Hold well: how to get in and how to get out。〃
   〃Yes; and Fax knows your face;〃 Minnarden said。
   〃He can't be everywhere;〃 Robinton replied。
   〃You are far too valuable to be sent on that sort of a task;〃 said Minnarden; his face set in denial。
   〃I've nothing to lose。。。〃 Robinton began。
   〃I have。。。 brother;〃 said Melongel。
   〃You've all to lose if you cross Fax;〃 Minnarden said at the same time。 〃Master Gennell has men who are versed in quiet investigations。 He has arranged all。〃 His expression said clearly that that was that。
   After Robinton left that meeting; he realized how he had shut himself away from what was happening around him。 He fretted about Master Lobira; Lotricia and Mallan。 And; considering what the fleeing women had told Chochol; he worried about pretty Sitta; Triana and Marcine。 He was still worrying about their fates when he sought his bed; and it was a long time before he could get his mind to stop and let him sleep。
   He pleted his summer tour of the upper holds; although sometimes the folk … in expressing their sympathy for his loss … caused him more pain than they knew。 Chochol's hold was enlarged by several tents; sheltering a contingent of armed men who patrolled the high ground。
   〃More ing in all the time;〃 Chochol told Robinton in a lugubrious voice; shaking his head at the terror which drove them from their holds。 〃Someone ought to do something about that man。 They say he's got six; seven spouses; all of 'em pregnant。〃 Then he chuckled and his droll face lit up。 〃Can't seem to get himself a son。〃 Robinton laughed too。 〃We don't need more of his ilk!〃
   So he was there when Lobira and Lotricia managed to make good their escape; escorted by a small; thin man whom Robinton thought he recognized from his Hall days。 But he couldn't be sure。
   The man had no distinguishing features; being quiet and capable but self…effacing。
   〃Don't I recognize you from the Hall?〃 Robinton asked him much later when he found the man by himself; stuffing food into his carisak。 By then; Robinton had heard Lobira's account of the last Turn and a half。
   〃You may; and again you may not; Robinton。 Just forget you've ever seen me。 That's the safest thing。 I'm going back; as you see。〃 〃Why? You've brought Lobira and Lotricia safely out。〃
   〃I'm going to try for Mallan next。 I think I know where I might find him。〃
   〃Why? What happened to him?〃
   Lobira and Lotricia had had enough warning to be able to escape the Hold before Fax could arrest them。 Mallan had not been so lucky。
   〃Fax doesn't waste anything。 Even a loathsome harper can work for his living。 If you call that work。。。 or living。〃
   〃What?〃 Robinton was insistent。
   〃The mines。 The mines always need live bodies。〃
   Robinton felt a shiver of fear shoot up his spine。 Mallan's hands would be ruined; digging in rock。
   〃I'll find him; never fear; Robinton;〃 the man said; pressing the harper's hand firmly; and then he was off down the hills on the High Reaches side; disappearing into the falling dusk。
   Robinton and two men escorted the thin; weary Master and his spouse to the next hold; where he stayed to teach while they went forward as fast as they could travel fortably。 Robinton thought of Lotricia; a shadow of her once plump and generous self; and the plates of food she had brought him and Mallan; and hated Fax more than ever … if that was possible。
   Returning to Tillek Hold was almost more than he could bear。 He hadn't minded the long journeys between holds; the teaching; even the focus of his thoughts … Kasia's beautiful sea…green eyes; her laugh; her body; the peace she had given him。 But seeing the Hold again in the bright afternoon light; remembering with what hopes he had e back the previous Turn; he almost turned his runner aside。
   When he came to give Melongel his formal report; the Lord Holder put it to one side。
   〃I saw your face when you came back。。。 brother;〃 he said; 〃and it decided me。 Just being here in Tillek is making it worse; not helping。 I'm releasing you from our contract。 Master Gennell agrees that you should return to the Harper Hall where you won't always be reminded。。。 of Kasia。〃
   Numbed by the suddenness of that decision and yet grateful that it had been made for him; Robinton nodded。 Melongel rose; so did Robinton。
   〃There is always room for。。。 our brother。。。 here at Tillek Hold; any time you care to claim it;〃 the Lord Holder said formally and held out his hand。 〃I think Master Gennell wants you to bring that good Ruathan runner back with you。〃 He gave a little smile。 〃Young Groghe's to go home too。 You can keep each other pany。 He'll make a good Lord Holder when he inherits。〃
   〃He'll be wary of Fax; too。〃
   Melongel's eyebrows rose and his eyes caught Robinton's。 〃Yes; he will; and that's all to the good。〃
   Two mornings later; having allowed his runner a good rest; Robinton rode south with Groghe; retracing their original route and spending two days with Sucho; Tortole and their family。 He had Saday's bowl with him; and showed her how much he treasured it。
   The wall was up; and many of the capping slabs were athwart its expanse rather than on one side or the other。 To Robinton this meant that at least the two holders had resolved their differences。 A small satisfaction to take back with him。
   It was easier to be in the Harper Hall again; surrounded by the hopes of the new young apprentices; immersed in his studies for his Mastery; which was what Master Gennell suggested he apply himself to for the rest of the summer。
   But it was still a shock when Robinton heard the unmistakable music of his sonata pouring out of the open windows of the rehearsal hall。
   How dared they? How had they got the music? He had kept his copy; but he had never。。。 Then he remembered that he had given his mother a copy when she'd e for their espousal。 But surely she wouldn't。。。
   He tore out of his room; 
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