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   When Robinton started to cross the hall to the stairs; F'lon neatly hauled him in another direction。
   〃This way;〃 he said; and then pushed Robinton towards the side room which served as a private interview chamber。 〃And here he is;〃 F'lon announced triumphantly; pausing at the threshold to let Robinton enter on his own。
   〃Ah; Robinton;〃 Juvana said; rising to greet him and bring him towards her mother and father who were seated on the high…backed couch。
   Swallowing fiercely; Robinton managed a nervous smile at Holder Bourdon; a grizzled man with deeply tanned skin。 His green eyes; slightly darker than Kasia's; were tilted just like hers。 His spouse; a sweet…faced woman with fading brown hair; gave Robinton a lovely smile and jumped up eagerly。
   〃Oh; Journeyman; you cannot know how pleased we are!〃 she exclaimed; ing forward and seizing Robinton's free hand。
   Bourdon had been about to speak; but now he closed his mouth; made a gesture of helplessness and let her go on。 〃We've been so worried that she would mourn Merdine for ever 。。。〃 Her face clouded briefly; then her marvellous smile came out again。 〃And when she wrote to tell us〃 … she turned to her spouse for confirmation and Bourdon gave a patient nod … 〃we were overjoyed; but never did we expect to be able to attend her espousal so far away from Mardela。 And at a very busy season。〃 Bourdon nodded again。
   〃My pleasure; I assure you; to assist my good friend in every way;〃 F'lon said; bowing。
   Holder Bourdon cleared his throat。 〃Kasia says you're fortable at sea; too?〃
   〃Well; I don't get sea…sick;〃 Robinton admitted。
   〃And not too proud to help gut and salt either; she says。〃 〃e; sit; Robinton;〃 Juvana said; gesturing for him to take the other double couch。 〃I can't imagine that you'd mind leaving Court Hall today。。。〃 She gave him a sly sideways glance。 〃Your mother has already met my parents and is upstairs; keeping Kasia from a case of nerves。〃
   〃Kasia's nervous?〃 Robinton only just managed to keep his voice from betraying his own nervousness。
   Juvana chuckled。 〃It's her privilege。 My; but you look every bit as gorgeous as she does。 Clostan?〃
   〃Hmmm;〃 Robinton admitted; shooting a glance at F'lon; who blinked and then rolled his eyes over his friend's prevarication。
   〃And what's this?〃 Juvana asked; touching the wrapped bowl Robinton still held。 〃An espousal gift already?〃
   Eager for something to discuss; Robinton showed the bowl and explained how pleased he was that Saday had taken him at his word。
   〃Oh; the wall people;〃 Brashia said; and Robinton groaned; wishing he could make a better impression on Kasia's family。 〃Kasia told us how clever you were then。〃
   Bourdon chuckled。 〃Got a quick head on your shoulders。 No harm in that; lad。〃
   A kitchener arived with a tray of refreshments; klah and wine with little cakes and biscuits。 Robinton leaped to his feet to help her settle the tray。 Then; as Juvana asked what her parents wished to drink at this hour; he busied himself passing cups and glasses and the plates of food; regaining some poise in that simple act。
   〃You're busy at this season in Mardela?〃 he asked Bourdon politely。
   〃Packfish are running。 D'you know them?〃
   〃We've the northern variety; the bordos;〃 Robinton said; as if he discussed fish varieties every day。
   Bourdon nodded with approval。 〃Good eating; the bordos。〃 〃Will your mother be singing today?〃 Brashia asked shyly。 〃We all know about MasterSinger Merelan in Mardela; but few of us have had a chance to hear her sing; living where we do。〃
   〃She plans to;〃 Robinton replied; once again grateful to have such a mother … if only she were there with him now; to smooth his way。
   〃Special music?〃 Brashia asked; tilting her head in the same charming way Kasia had。
   〃Some of Robinton's own songs;〃 said Juvana; ignoring Robinton's dire look。 〃He's far too modest。 Melongel's of the opinion that our Robinton is as good a poser as his mother is a singer。〃 〃Now; that's taking it a bit far; Juvana;〃 Robinton protested。
   〃I don't think so;〃 Juvana replied; unmoved。 〃Nor does Kasia。〃 〃She's partisan;〃 F'lon said; leaning against the door frame and idly twirling his wineglass; his eyes dancing with mischief。 〃But I'll allow that Rob has spawned some fine tunes。〃
   〃So we'll hear some?〃 Brashia twisted round on the couch to look in Robinton's direction。
   〃You probably won't hear anything but Rob's songs;〃 F'lon went on。 〃Most of today's best songs are his。〃
   〃Every new one and half the revised Teaching Ballads our Robinton posed。〃
   If F'lon and Juvana thought they were helping him in this initial meeting with Kasia's parents; they were wide of their mark。
   〃I thought it was your father who posed so much music;〃 Bourdon said; slightly confused。
   〃They both do;〃 Juvana said; just as F'lon remarked; 〃You can sing Rob's stuff。〃
   〃Haven't you other Gather guests to collect?〃 Robinton asked as mildly as he could。
   〃Oh; no; I reserved the day entirely to help you;〃 F'lon said with a flourish。
   〃You might like to see the Gather; then?〃 Robinton suggested; an edge to his voice。
   Juvana laughed。 〃We'll stop; Rob。 It's not fair to tease you; today of all days。〃
   〃I'm glad to hear you say that; Lady Holder。〃
   〃Oh; now e; Rob;〃 she said; touching his arm。 〃I'm nearly your sister; you know。〃
   Robinton's mind froze for a moment。
   〃Don't tell me that fact has escaped your clever mind?〃 F'lon asked; delighted by his friend's confusion。 〃Which makes Lord Melongel your brother。 Doesn't it? Well done; Harper。〃
   He felt Juvana's hand press gently around his forearm and; feeling extremely stupid; he turned to look at her。
   〃It does; you know;〃 she said gently。 Then she grinned at the others。 〃I never thought I should be able to render a harper speechless。〃
   〃But that's not why I want Kasia。。。〃
   〃Of course it isn't;〃 Juvana said。
   〃Such a dear boy;〃 said Brashia; beaming at him。
   〃Like the cut of his sail;〃 Bourdon put in。
   〃Close your mouth; Rob;〃 F'lon suggested from the doorway。
   〃F'lon; stop propping up the door and go and fetch the harp Robinton made for Kasia;〃 Juvana said; flicking her fingers at the dragonrider。 〃You know where it is。 And tell Kasia that it's gone very well indeed。〃 As soon as F'lon left; she smiled placidly at Robinton。 〃He can be dreadful; can't he? I do believe that drugonriders are far worse than harpers for teasing; aren't they?〃
   Robinton was still floundering over the idea of being related to the Lord Holder of Tillek。 〃Honestly; I had no idea。〃
   〃Of course you didn't;〃 Juvana said easily。 〃Now; Clostan would be instantly suspect of such connivery … but not you。〃
   〃Kasia said you've been loaned a sloop for your espousal days;〃 Bourdon said。 〃Sail much?〃
   〃Only from Fort Harbour to Ista; and then the seven…day fishing run with Captain Gostol。 He's loaning us the ship。〃
   〃Is he?〃
   〃Yes; had us out tacking up and down the harbour the other day。〃 Robinton grinned。 〃To see if Kasia knew what s
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