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Merelan。 The children were by then all weeping and running away。
   〃Easy; Rochers; she's a mother; singing baby songs;〃 Meren said; holding the man away。
   〃She's singing; ent she? Singing es first; don't it? Singing to lure kids away! She's evil。 Just like all harperfolk。 Teachin' things no one needs to know to live proper。〃
   〃Rochers; leave be;〃 the Station Master said; exercising considerable force to pull the man away; shooting embarrassed and apologetic glances at Merelan。
   〃e; Rochers; we need to finish dealing;〃 said one of the traders。 〃e on; we'd nearly shook hands。。。〃
   〃Harper harlot!〃 Rochers shouted; trying to free a fist to wave at
   Merelan; who was clinging to Robinton as much as he was clinging to her。
   〃She's not a harper; Rochers。 She's a mother; amusing the kids;〃 the Station Master said; loudly enough to try to drown out what the man was saying。
   〃She had 'em dancing!〃 Spittle was beginning to form in the corners of his mouth as the men pulled him back to the wagons。
   〃Get into Dalma's wagon; Merelan;〃 Meren said quickly。 〃We'll clear him out。〃
   Merelan plied; picking Robie up in her arms and trying to calm his frightened sobs。 She slipped behind a tree and through the wooded verge until she could duck into Dalma's wagon; one of the last in the Station clearing。 She was shaking when she got inside it; and she nearly shrieked with fear when someone pushed open the little door。 But it was only Dalma; her face white with anxiety。 She embraced Merelan and tried to soothe Robinton all at the same time。
   〃Crazy; woods crazy;〃 she murmured reassuringly。 〃Who'd've thought he'd even notice you over there; playing so nicely。〃
   〃What did he mean?〃 Merelan asked; trying to control her sobs。
   She'd never been so frightened in all her life。 Especially since she had joined the Harper Hall; which was held with respect everywhere she'd gone as a MasterSinger。 〃What could he mean? He called me a harper harlot。 And how can singing be bad? Evil?〃
   〃Now; now。〃 Dalma held Merelan tightly against her; stroking her hair and patting her shoulder; or patting Robie; though he had recovered within the safety of the wagon and in Dalma's forting presence。 〃We run into some real odd folk now and then。 Some of 'em have never met a harper; and some don't hold with singing or dancing or drinking。 Sev says it's because they can't make wine or beer; so it has to be evil。 They don't want their children to know more than they did or you'd better believe it〃 … and Dalma gave a sour little laugh … 〃they couldn't keep them from leaving those awful jungles。〃
   〃But it was the way he said 'harper'。。。〃 Merelan swallowed at the tone of hatred in which the word had been uttered。
   〃Now; now; it's all over with。 Sev and the others'll see those woodsie ones leave。〃
   〃And that dear little girl。。。〃
   〃Merelan; forget her。 Please。〃
   Although she nodded in pliance; Merelan wondered if she would ever forget the wistful hunger in that child's face: a hunger for music; or maybe just for other children playing。 But she stayed in the wagon until Sev came to say that the woodsie ones had left and to apologize for exposing her to such a distressing incident。
   There were no further upsets; although she did learn that not every hold where traders stopped had the benefit of harper education。
   It was true that there were really not enough harpers to do more than stop in once or twice a year; but Merelan was still shocked at the realization that there was a significant number of cots and small holdings where no one could read or count above twenty。
   She didn't dare discuss that observation with Petiron; but she knew she would discuss it with Gennell when she got back。
   Though it was all too likely he was well aware of the lack。
   Usually the trade caravan made a special occasion for those they visited; and Petiron was no longer merely resigned to performing in the evenings: he enjoyed it。 So many good voices; so many instrumentalists … not as expert as those he was accustomed to playing with; but good enough and; more importantly; willing enough to add to the evening's entertainment。 He also acquired variants of ballads and airs that were traditional with the small holders but unknown to him。 He jotted those down。 Some of them were quite sophisticated; and he wondered which was original: the Harper Hall's versions or those which had been passed down through generations in the holds。
   One of the most nostalgic ballads … about the Crossing … could indeed be turned into an instrumental piece; starting with the basic melody; haunting enough; and then embellishments added。 To transcribe this; Petiron acquired enough of the reed…based writing material which was a local product。 It had a tendency to absorb so much ink that his scores were a bit blotchy; but he could amend that when he got back to the Harper Hall。 He had always prided himself on his musical memory。
   They reached Pietie Hold halfway through the morning of the twenty…first day of travel; even with a full two…day halt at Merelan's home hold。 She had a chance to see her family; to exchange news and see all the new babies and congratulate the recent pairings … and to show off Robinton。
   Petiron was warmly received by the aunt and uncle who had reared Merelan when her own parents died in one of the fierce autumnal storms which battered the western coastline。 He was truly amazed at the number of really fine; if untrained; voices that her hold had produced。
   〃Not one of them that can't carry a tune;〃 he told her after the first evening。 〃Which aunt did you say gave you your first training?〃 〃Segoina;〃 she said; smiling at his astonishment。
   〃That contralto?〃
   She nodded; and he whistled appreciatively。
   〃She insisted that I be sent to the Harper Hall;〃 Merelan said with considerable humility。 〃She ought to have gone; but she'd already espoused Dugall and wouldn't leave him。〃
   〃And wasted that glorious voice on a hold。。。〃 Petiron rather contemptuously indicated the sprawling redstone dwellings which prised the hold。
   〃Segoina has never wasted her talent;〃 Merelan said somewhat stiffly。
   〃I didn't mean it that way; Mere; and you know it;〃 Petiron replied hastily。 He had seen the genuine respect and love that existed between the two women。 〃But she'd have been a MasterSinger。。。〃
   〃Not everyone would find that as productive as we do; Petiron;〃 she said gently; but so firmly that Petiron saw he would offend her with further ment。 Indeed; she thought wryly; remembering Rochers; the woodsie; not every Pernese approved of harpers。
   When they were settling into Pierie Hold; his misgivings about this assignment returned。 There were only three rooms for their quarters: the baby would have to sleep in with them; at the foot of the bed which took up nearly all the room; though there were storage partments cut into the rear wall of the cliff。 The larger room was clearly for daily affairs including kitchen work; with an outer wall hearth。 The third was more of a cubicle than a room and served the purpose of toilet and bath; though M
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