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   〃I sort of went forward three steps and back a few; trying to keep track of how many were splitting off。 But the main group of fourteen continued on back to Crom。 When I was sure that Vendross。。。〃
   〃Does he know you?〃
   Nip made a face; tilted one hand back and forth; and then grinned again。 〃Kind of。 He never asks。 I never tell。 But he trusts my reports。〃
   〃As well he should。〃
   〃Thank 'ee kindly; MasterHarper; sor;〃 Nip retorted cheekily。 〃So I kept on; ahead a bit; to see which way they might go。〃 He shook his head; his expression sad。 〃I wouldn't want to be under that man's Hold for any reason。 What he does to those unfortunates there。。。〃 He shook his head; sighed; and then seemed to shake himself out of such reflections。 〃I'll tell you this now; Harper; in case you ever need to know。〃 The tone made Robinton regard Nip fearfully。
   〃Oh; I'm not saying you ever do need to know; but times being as they are; a little precaution is not untoward。 Lytol who was L'tol〃 … and Robinton nodded to show that he knew who was meant … 〃is trying to keep his family's CraftHall going。 Managing in spite of Fax; but I have a safe haven in the storage loft。 It could well be that a dragonrider and a harper will bring that man down when the time's ripe。〃 He paused。 〃On the good side; I've found Bargen!〃
   〃Have you now?〃 Robinton sat up straight with real pleasure at such tidings。 〃Where?〃
   Nip gave one of his little chuckles。 〃Not dumb; our young Lord Holder。 He's up at High Reaches Weyr; with one or two others who made it safely out of Fax's clutches。 Last place that one'd go。〃 〃What's Bargen doing? Is he well?〃
   〃Well; and doing a few exercises which may annoy Fax。〃
   〃Nothing that would endanger any of the innocent。。。〃 Robinton raised an anxious hand。
   Nip cocked his head; grinning。 〃Little that can be traced back to anyone in particular。 I think Bargen's grown up … a bit roughly; but it'll work to his advantage。〃
   〃Do remind him that the Harper Hall will assist him any way it can。〃
   Nip smiled ruefully。 〃When and if the Harper Hall is able; my friend; considering harpers are in nearly as bad odour as dragonriders these days。 At that; he could do little with the few men he has except wait。〃 And that ruined Robintons fleeting dream of seeing Bargen Holding High Reaches in the near future。 〃Any luck with Lord Kale?〃
   Robinton shook his head。 〃The man's too good; too roasting。 He's already had Fax as a guest; selling him runner…beasts; so why would I suggest that Lord unconfirmed Holder Fax would not continue such blameless behaviour?〃
   〃Spare us!〃 Nip waved a hand over his head in despair at such innocence。
   〃He has agreed to mount a border patrol and build beacons。〃 〃That's quite a concession;〃 said Nip with a degree of sarcasm and a grim smile。 Then he rolled his eyes thoughtfully。 〃You know; as a proper harper; I could drop a word in his ear now and then; keep him on his toes?〃
   〃Have you。。。 ever。。。 been a proper harper; Nip?〃 Robinton asked; grinning。
   〃Oh; now and then;〃 Nip said; wiggling the fingers of his right hand。 〃Not that I'd dare flaunt the blue in Fax's vicinity。〃 he finished the last of the klah and stood。 〃I need another bath。 That one only got off five layers of dirt and two of ache。 Then I'm for another of Silvina's meals。 She's quite a woman; isn't she?〃 Robinton felt his face colour。 Nip missed nothing。
   〃One of a kind; as her mother was;〃 the MasterHarper said blandly。
   Nip chuckled and; whipping the towel off its peg on the door; whistled as he made his way to the bathing room。 The MasterHarper's quarters had its own facility。
   Nip departed several mornings later; riding the most nondescript runner in the Hall's beasthold。
   〃Out of deference to my toes;〃 he explained。 He also had a fresh set of clothing … which Silvina had got out of storage; no doubt outgrown by some apprentice。 〃Not too good; but at least in one piece;〃 had been his request。
   Between them; Silvina and Robinton forced him to take a fine fur rug for use until such time as circumstances made him abandon it。
   〃There are more holdless than holded up north;〃 Nip said; fingering the rug。 〃Ah; a few nights on the ground and it'll look no better than the old one I。。。 lost。〃 And he grinned。
   Although Nip reported at intervals; in messages forwarded with others to the Fort Runner Station; the urgency to defend against Fax gradually dissipated as nothing much happened which was reported outside those four holds。
   Nothing much; Robinton thought; that Fax would wish bruited about the continent。
   How Nip managed to get his information; Robinton never knew; but the self…styled 'Lord of Five Holds' had internal problems of mysterious natures。 A mine collapsed; a very productive one。
   Several of the larger ships of the High Reaches fishing fleet disappeared in stormy weather。 Timber; stacked to season; either burned dramatically or ended up in splinters on its way down the rivers。 A blight was discovered infecting grain fields and reducing the yield。 Fax's men were forced to attend to all these minor disasters; for which no one could be seen to be at fault by omission or mission。 There were rumours of minor rebellions among the overworked holders; but the revolts were viciously suppressed by Fax's brutal guards; the 'culprits' sent to the mines and their families turfed out to fend for themselves as best they might。 There were fights among his guards; fights which usually produced several corpses; often those of his more brutal captains and stewards。
   So; gradually; over the following turns; even Groghe slackened his vigilance; though he kept on his border guards。 Tarathel died … of natural causes; Robinton discovered by asking the Telgar Hold healer outright。
   〃Oh; quite natural causes; my dear MasterHarper;〃 the man said。
   〃I attended him myself。 Bad heart; you know。 Never quite forgave himself that the Weyrleader was killed in Telgar Hold while guesting。 Didn't get on at all with R'gul。 In fact; disliked him thoroughly。 Not a proper replacement for F'lon。〃
   〃He didn't agree with F'lon。。。〃
   〃No; but he respected him。 Anyway; Tarathel's fatal mistake was trying to keep pace with younger men; like Vendross and young Larad。。。 I should say; Lord Larad; now; shouldn't I? Well; old bones can't do what young ones can。〃
   Larad was confirmed by the Conclave after an hour's deliberation。
   Larad was young; at fifteen; though a well…grown lad; so most of the time was spent picking his mentors; Vendross and Harper Falawny; a former dorm…mate of Robinton and an excellent teacher。
   There was a brief flurry when Larad's elder half…sister; Thella; insisted that the Conclave had to hear her right to the Holding。 Lord Tesner of Igen; the most senior of the Holders; was outraged at her impudence and refused her admittance。 The other Lord Holders and Masters were only too happy to second his motion。 Robinton looked for her during the following reception; wanting to see a woman who was brave enough to speak up as eldest in the Bloodline; but there was no sign of her。 
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