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e thought; to volunteer for every madcap project that Admiral Sandecker keeps dreaming up。 Admiral James Sandecker; Chief Director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency; would have shied at the term madcap project…damned bung twister would have been more his style。
 〃Damned sorry to drag you from sunny California; but this damned bung twister has been dumped in our lap。〃 Sandecker; a small; fire…haired; griffon…faced man; waved a seven…inch cigar in the air like a baton。 〃We're supposed to be engaged in scientific underwater research。 Why us? Why not the Navy? You'd think the Coast Guard could handle its own problems。〃 He shook his head in irritation; puffed on the cigar。 〃Anyway; we're stuck with it。〃
 Pitt finished reading and then laid a yellow folder marked confidential on the admiral's desk。 〃I didn't think it was possible for a ship to freeze up in the middle of an iceberg。〃
 〃It's extremely strange o it couldn't happen。〃
 〃Finding the right berg might prove difficult; it's already been four days since the Coast Guard's sighting。
 That overgrown ice cube could have drifted halfway to the Azores by now。〃
 Dr。 Hunnewell has charted the current and drift rate to within a thirty…square…mile area。 If your vision is good; you shouldn't have any trouble spotting the berg; particularly since the Coast Guard dropped a red dye marker on it。〃
 〃Spotting it is one thing;〃 Pitt said thoughtfully; r; 〃landing a helicopter on it is another。 Wouldn't it be more convenient and less dangerous to arrive by…〃
 〃No!〃 Sandecker interrupted。 〃No ships。 If that thing under the ice is as important as I think it is; I don't want anyone except you and;Hunnewell within fifty miles of it。〃
 〃This may e as a surprise; Admiral; but I've never set a copter down on an iceberg before。〃
 〃It's very possible no one else has either。 That's why I requested you as my Special Projects Director。〃
 Sandecker smiled mischievously。 〃You have the annoying knack of successfully…shall we say…delivering the goods。〃
 〃This time;〃 Pitt asked slyly; 〃do I have the opportunity of volunteering?〃
 〃I wouldn't have it any other way。〃
 Pitt shrugged helplessly。 〃I don't know why I always give in so easily to you; Admiral。 I'm beginning to think you have me pegged as a first…class pigeon。〃
 A broad grin rode across Sandecker's face。 〃You said it; not me。〃
 The latch clicked and the cabin door swung open。
 Pitt lazily opened one eye in time to see Dr。 Hunnewell e in。 The overweight doctor did a tightrope act trying to maneuver between Pitts cot and Dover's clothes locker before he finally reached a small chair by a writing desk。 Audibly; he sighed in chorus with the but Dr。 Hunnewell' chair's creaking protest as he cased his bulk past the seats。
 〃How in God's name does a titan like Dover get into this thing?〃 he incredulously asked no one in particular。
 〃You're late;〃 Pitt yawned。 〃I expected you hours ago。
 〃I couldn't go sneaking around corners or slithering through ventilators as if I was on my way to a spy convention。 I had to wait for an excuse to talk to you。〃
 〃Yes。 mander Koski's pliments。 Dinner is served。〃
 〃Why all the subterfuge?〃 Pitt asked with a cagey grin。 〃We have nothing to hide。〃
 〃Nothing to hide! Nothing to hide! You lie there like an innocent virgin waiting for her first munion and easy say we have nothing to hide?〃 Hunnewell shook his head hopelessly。 〃We'll both be in front of a firing squad when the Coast Guard learns we flimflammed them out of the use of one of their new cutters。〃
 〃Helicopters have a nasty habit; they won't fly with air in their fuel tanks;〃 Pitt said sarcastically。 〃We had to have a base of operations and a place to refuel。
 〃The Catawaba was the only ship in the area with the necessary facilities。 Besides; you sent that phony message from the Coast Guard mandant…you're on the hook for that one。〃
 〃That incredible yarn about the missing Russian trawler。 You can't deny that's yours from beginning to end。〃
 Pitt placed his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling。 〃I rather thought everyone enjoyed it。〃
 〃I have to hand it to you。 That was the slickest con job it's been my misfortune ever to witness。〃
 〃I know。 There are times when I hate myself。〃
 〃Have you considered what may happen when mander Koski sees through our devious little plan?〃 Pitt stood up and stretched。 〃We simply do what any good con man would do。〃
 〃And that is?〃 Hunnewell prompted dubiously。
 Pitt smiled。 〃We siply worry about it when the time es。〃
 Chapter 2
 Of all the oceans; only the Atlantic is totally unpredictable。 The Pacific; the Indian; even the Arctic each have their personal idiosyncrasies; but all have one trait in mon: they seldom fail to provide a hint of their ing moods。 Not so the Atlantic; especially north of the 15th parallel of latitude。 In a matter of a few hours a glassy calm sea might be transformed into a foamwhipped cauldron instigated by a Force 12 hurricane; or there are times when the Atlantic's fickle nature works in reverse。 Heavy winds; heavy seas during the night may give every indication of an impending storm; yet when the dawn es; there is nothing to see but an azure n=or beneath an empty sky。 And so it was for the men on the Catawaba as the new sun found them cruising fortably over a peaceful seascape。
 Pitt woke slowly; his eyes ing into focus on the rear of a pair of extra…large white shorts; amply filled by Dover; who was bending over a small basin brushing his teeth。
 〃You've never looked lovelier;〃 Pitt said。
 Dover turned around; the toothbrush poised over his bottom left molars。 〃Huh?〃
 〃I said; good morning!〃
 Dover merely nodded; mumbled something incoherent through the toothpaste; and turned back to the basin。
 Pitt sat up and listened。 The hum of engines was still there; and the only other mechanical sound came from the rush of warm air through the ventilator。 The motion of the ship seemed so smooth; it was almost imperceptible。
 〃I don't wish to appear a rude host; Major;〃 Dover said; smiling; 〃but I suggest you blossom from that sack。 We should be within range of your search area in another hour and a half。〃
 Pitt threw off the blankets and stood up。 〃First things first。 How is your establishment classed when it es to breakfast?〃
 〃A two…star Michelin rating;〃 Dover said cheerfully。 〃I'll even treat。〃
 Pitt had a fast wash; decided against a shave; and quickly slipped into his flight clothes。 He followed Dover into the passageway; wondering how a man as large as the lieutenant could wander around the ship without running his head into low bulkheads at least ten times a day。
 They had just finished a breakfast that Pitt figured would have cost at least five dollars in any of the better hotels when a seaman came up and said that mander Koski wanted to see them in the bridge control room。 Dover followed him; with Pitt lagging a few steps behind carrying a cup of coffee。 The mander and Hunnewell were crouched over a chart table as they entered the room。
 Koski looked up。 The outthrust jaw no longer set like the bow of an icebreaker; and the intense blue eyes see
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