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 〃You are exceedingly well informed;〃 Kelly said wryly。 〃But that hardly constitutes proof。〃
 Pitt was on tricky ground。 So far he had been able to skirt around the National Intelligence Agency's involvement in Hermit Limited。 And Kelly had yet to be baited into offering any further information。 It's time; he amusedly told himself; to tell the truth。
 〃Proof?〃 Okay; will you accept the words of a dying man;〃 Straight from the horse's mouth。 The man in question is Dr。 Hunnewell himself。〃
 〃I don't believe it。〃
 〃His last words before he died in my arms were: 'God save thee。' 〃
 〃What are you talking about?〃 Rondheim shouted。
 〃What are you trying to do?〃
 〃I meant to thank you for that; Oskar;〃 Pitt said coldly。 〃Hunnewell knew who his murderer was…the man who gave the order for his death。 He tried to quote from 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner。〃 It was all there; wasn't it? You quoted it yourself: 'Why look'st thou so? With my crossbow I shot the Albatross。' Your trademark; Oskar; the red albatross。 That's what Hunnewell meant。 'For all averr'd I had kill'd the bird That made the breeze to blow。' You killed the man who helped you probe the sea floor。〃 Pitt was feeling cocky now; the warmth from the brandy was spreading fortingly through his body。 〃I can't match your memory for quoting the verse verbatim; but if my memory serves me correctly; the Ancient Mariner and his ship of ghosts were met by a hermit near the end…another tie…in。 Yes; it was all in the verse。 Hunnewell pointed the finger of guilt with his dying breath and you; Oskar; stood up and unwittingly pleaded guilty。〃
 〃You sent your arrow in the right direction; Major Pitt。〃 Kelly idly stared at the smoke from his cigar。 〃But you aimed at the wrong man。 I gave the order for Dr。 Hunnewell's death。 Oskar merely carried it through。〃
 〃For what purpose?〃
 〃Dr。 Hunnewell was beginning to have second thoughts about Hermit Limited's methods of operation…quite old…fashioned thoughts really: thou shall not kill and all that。 He threatened to expose our entire organization unless we closed down our assassination department。 A condition that was impossible to accept if we were to have any chance for ultimate success。 Therefore; Dr。 Hunnewell had to be discharged from the firm。〃
 〃Another business principle; of course。〃
 Kelly smiled。 is that。〃
 〃An I had to be swept under the carpet because I was a witness。〃 Pitt said as if answering a question。
 Kelly simply nodded。
 〃But the undersea probe?〃 Pitt asked。 〃With Hunnewell and Fyrie…the goose who laid the golden egg is dead; who is left with the knowledge to build a secondgeneration model?〃
 The confident look was back in Kelly's eyes。 〃No one;〃 he answered softly。 〃But then no one is required。
 You see; our puters have now been programmed with the necessary information。 With proper analysis of the data; we should have a working model of the probe within ninety days。〃
 For a brief moment; Pitt stood silent; caught unprepared by the unexpected disclosure。 Then he quickly shook off his surprise at Kelly's statement。 The brandy was beginning to get to him now; but his mind was still running with the smoothness of a generator。
 〃Then Hunnewell no longer served a useful purpose。 Your data…proces!zing brains discovered the secret of producing celtinium…279。〃
 〃I pliment you。 Major Pitt。 You possess a penetrating discernment。〃 Kelly glanced impatiently at his watch and nodded to Rondheim。 Then he turned and said; 〃I'm sorry; but I'm afraid the time has e; gentlemen。 The party is over。〃
 〃What do you intend on doing with us; James?〃
 Sam's eyes burned into Kelly's until the billionaire turned and avoided the stare。 〃It's obvious you told us your secrets as a courtesy to our curiosity。 It's also obvious you can never let us walk from this house with those secrets in our heads。〃
 〃It's true。〃 Kelly looked at the men standing opposite the fireplace。 〃None of you can be permitted to tell what you heard here tonight。〃
 〃But why?〃 old Sam asked philosophically。 〃Why expose us to your clandestine operation and thereby seal our death warrants?〃
 Kelly tiredly rubbed his eyes and leaned back in a large overstuffed leather chair。 〃The moment of truth; the denouement。〃 He sadly searched the faces across the room。 They were pale with shock and disbelief。
 〃It is now eleven o'clock。 In exactly forty…two hours and ten minutes; Hermit Limited will open its doors for business。 Twenty…four hours later we will be running the affairs of our first client; or country; if you prefer。 In order to make this historical event as inauspicious as possible; we need a diversion。 A disaster that will attract headlines and cause anxious concern among the leaders of world governments while our plan is carried off practically unnoticed。〃
 〃And we are your diversion;〃 said the tall white haired man with the solemn eyes。
 After a long wordless stare; Kelly simply said; 〃Yes。
 〃The innocent victims of a disaster spawned by puters to make headlines。 God; it's barbaric!〃
 〃Yes;〃 Kelly repeated; 〃but necessary。 In your own ways; to your own countries; you are important men。
 You represent the industry; government and science of five different nations。 Your bined loss will be considered a worldwide tragedy。〃
 〃This must be some sort of insane joke;〃 Tamareztov shouted。 〃You cannot simply shoot two dozen men and their wives down like animals。〃
 〃Your wives will be returned to your lodgings safe and unharmed; and unknowing。〃 Kelly set his glass on the mantel。 〃We have no intention of shooting anyone。
 We intend to rely on Mother Nature to do the job; with a little help; of course。 After all; shootings can be traced; accidents merely regretted。〃
 Rondheim motioned the black coveralled men with the guns to move in closer。 〃If you please; gentlemen; roll up one of your sleeves。〃
 As if on cue; Kirsti left the room and quickly returned carrying a small tray set with bottles and hypodermic syringes。 She set the tray down and began filling the syringes。
 〃I'll be damned if you'll stick a needle in my arm;〃 one of the men in Pitts group exploded。 〃Shoot me now and get it over…〃 His eyes went glassy as a guard's rifle butt caught him behind the ear and he slumped to the floor。
 〃Let us have no further arguments;〃 Rondheim said grimly。 He turned to Pitt。 〃e into the next room; Major。 In your instance; I shall deal with you on a personal basis。〃 He waved the gun he had taken from Kirsti toward a doorway。
 Rondheim; followed by two of his guards; escorted Pitt along a wide hall; down a circular flight of stairs into another hall; then shoved roughly through the second of several doorways lining both sides of the serond passageway。 Pitt; letting himself go loose; stumbled awkwardly; fell to the floor; then scanned the room。
 It was an immense room; painted stark white; a large pad lay in the middle of the floor; surrounded by an array of body…building equipment; brightly lit by long rows of fluorescent light fixtures。 The room was a gymnasium; better and more expensively equipped than any Pitt had ever seen。 The walls were decorated with at least fifty pos
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