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 Koski didn't even blink。 Without taking his eyes off Pitt; he took a pouch from under his jacket and calmly began loading his corncob。
 〃Six months ago;〃 Pitt continued; 〃a Russian traller ; bearing the name Novgorod; rode just a few mil off the Greenland coast and kept watching other activities at the U。S。 Air Force missile base on Disko Island。
 Aerial photographs showed that the Novgorod carried every electronic reception antenna in the book; and then some。 The Russians played it cool; the trawler and crew; thirty…five highly trained men; and yes; women too never strayed within Greenland's territorial limits。
 She even got to be a wele sight to our pilots; who used her as a checkpoint during poor weather。 Most Russian spy ships are relieved of duty every thirty days; but this one maintained its position for a solid three months。 The Department of Naval Intelligence began to wonder at the long delay。 Then one stormy morning; the Novgorod was gone。 It was nearly three weeks before her relief ship appeared。 This time lag pounded the mystery…the Russians; up to then; had never broken their habit of relieving a spy ship until another one appeared on station。〃
 Pitt paused to tap his cigarette in an ashtray。
 〃There are only two routes the Novgorod would have taken home to mother Russia。 One was to Leningrad via the Baltic Sea; and the other was through the Barnets Sea to Murmansk。 The British and Norwegians have assured us the Novgorod took neither。 In short; somewhere between Greenland and the European coast; the Novgorod disappeared with all hands。〃
 Koski put down his mug and stared thoughtfully at its stained bottom。 〃It strikes me a bit strange that the Coast Guard was never notified。 I know for a fact that we've received no report of a missing Russian trawler。〃
 〃It struck Washington a bit strange too。 Why would the Russians keep the Novgorod's loss a secret? The only logical answer is they didn't want any trace of their most advanced spy ship found by a Western nation。〃
 Koski's lips twisted in a sarcastic grin。 〃You're asking me to buy a Soviet spy ship locked in an iceberg?
 e now; Major; I gave up on fairy tales when I discovered there was no Oz over the rainbow or a pot of gold under it。〃
 Pitt matched Koski's grin。 〃Be that as it may; it was olie of your own patrol planes that spotted a ship matching the outline of a trawler in an iceberg at 47036'N…43017'W。〃
 〃It's true;〃 Koski said coldly; 〃the Catawaba is the closest rescue ship to that position; but why haven't my orders to check it out e direct from District mand in New York?〃
 〃Cloak and dagger stuff;〃 Pitt answered。 〃The last thing the boys in Washington wanted was a public announcement going out over the radio。 Fortunately; the pilot of the aircraft who spotted the berg waited until he landed before making a detailed location report。 The idea; of course; is to go over the trawler before the Russians have a chance to catch on。 I think you can appreciate; mander; how invaluable any secret information concerning the Soviet spy fleet is to our government。〃
 〃It would seem more practical to place investigators on the iceberg who are skilled in electronics and intelligence interpretation。〃 The subtle change in Koski's tone could hardly be called a softening; but it was there。 〃If you don't mind my saying so; a pilot and an oceanographer don't make sense。〃
 Pitt looked penetratingly at Koski; across to Dover; and back to Koski again。 〃A false front;〃 he said quietly; 〃but one with a purpose。 The Russians aren't exactly primitive when it es to espionage operations。 They couldn't help but bee suspicious of military aircraft milling about an area of open sea where few; if any; ships ever travel。 On the other hand; National Underwater and Marine Agency aircraft are monly known to conduct scientific projects in desolate waters。〃
 〃And your qualifications?〃
 〃I'm experienced at flying a helicopter in Arctic weather;〃 Pitt answered。 〃Dr。 Hunnewell is; with little doubt; the world's leading authority on ice formations。〃
 〃I see;〃 Koski said slowly。 〃Dr。 Hunnewell will study the berg before the intelligence boys crash the party。〃
 〃You have it;〃 Hunnewell acknowledged。 〃If that really is the Novgorod under the ice; it's up to me to determine the most expedient method for entering the ship's hull。 I'm sure you're aware; mander; icebergs are a tricky lot to play with。 It's like cutting a diamond; a miscalculation by the cutter; and the prize is lost。 Too much thermite in the wrong place; and the ice can crack and split apart。 Or; sudden and excessive melting might cause a change in the center of gravity; forcing the berg to topple upside…down。 So you see; it is imperative the ice mass be analyzed before the Novgorod can be entered with any degree of safety。〃
 Koski leaned back and noticeably relaxed。 His eyes locked on Pitts for a moment; and then he smiled。
 〃Lieutenant Dover!〃
 〃Kindly oblige these gentlemen and lay a course for 47'36'N…43017'W; full ahead。 And signal District mand in New York of our intent to depart station。〃
 He watched for a change of expression on Pitts face。
 There was none。
 〃No offense;〃 Pitt said equably。 〃I suggest you drop that signal to your District mand。〃
 〃I'm not suspicious or anything; Major;〃 Koski offered apologetically。 〃It's just that I'm not in the habit of cruising all over the North Atlantic without letting the Coast Guard know where their property is。〃
 〃Okay; but I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention our destination。〃 Pitt snuffed out his cigarette。 〃Also; please notify the NUMA office in Washington that Dr。 Hunnewell and I have arrived safely on board the Catawaba and will continue our flight to Reykjavik when the weather clears。〃
 Koski raised an eyebrow。 〃Reykjavik; Iceland?〃
 〃Our final destination;〃 Pitt explained。
 Koski started to say something; thought better of it; then shrugged。 〃I'd better show you to your quarters; gentlemen。〃 He turned to Dover。 〃Dr。 Hunnewell can bunk with our engineering officer。 Major Pitt can move in with you; Lieutenant。
 Pitt grinned at Dover; then stared back at Koski。
 〃The better to keep an eye on me?〃
 〃You said it; not me;〃 Koski replied; surprised at the pained expression that crossed Pitts face。
 Four hours later Pitt was dozing on a cot that had been squeezed into the iron womb Dover called his cabin。 He was tired; almost to the aching point; but too many thoughts were running through his mind to allow him entry into the paradise of deep sleep。 One week ago at this time he had been sitting with a gorgeous; sexmad redhead on the terrace of the Newporter Inn; overlooking the picturesque waterfront of Newport Beach; California。 He fondly remembered caressing the girl with one hand while holding a scotch…rocks in the other; contentedly watching the ghost…like pleasure yachts glide across the moonlit harbor。 Now he was alone and regrettably suffering on a plank…hard folding cot aboard a tossing Coast Guard cutter somewhere in the refrigerated North Atlantic Ocean。 I must be a cardcarrying masochist; he thought; to volunteer for every madcap project that Admiral Sand
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