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r aft of the engine room。 Except for their contents; the cloth wicks protruding from the cap openings and the holes punched through the top of the cans; the four vessels had little in mon。
 The hydroplane was close now…very close。 Pitt turned to the wheelhouse and shouted; 〃Now!〃 Then he lit the wick of the glass jar with his lighter and braced himself for the sudden surge of acceleration he prayed would e。
 Sandecker pushed the starter button。 The 420…lip Sterlings coughed once; twice; then burst into rpm's with a roar。 He swung the wheel over to starboard hard and jammed the throttles forward。 The Grimsi took off over the water like a racehorse with an arrow imbedded in its rectum。 The admiral held on grimly; clutching the wheel and expecting to collide with the hydroplane bow on。 Then suddenly as a spoke flew off the wheel and clattered against the pass; he became aware that bullets were striking the wheelhouse。 He could still see nothing; but he knew the crew of the hydroplane were firing blindly through the fog; guided only by the mands of the radar operator。
 To Pitt the tension was unbearable。 His gaze alternated from the wall of fog in front of the bow to the jar in his hand。 The flame on the wick was getting dangerously close to the tapered neck and the gasoline sloshing behind the glass。 Five seconds; no more; then he would have to heave the jar over the side。 He began counting。
 Five came and went。 Six; seven。 He cocked his arm。
 Eight。 Then the hydroplane leaped from the mist on an opposite course; passing no more than ten feet from The Grimsi's railing。 Pitt hurled the jar。
 The next instant stayed etched in Pitts memory the rest of his days。 The frightful image of a tall; yellow…haired man in a leather windbreaker gripping the bridge railing; watching in shocked fascination that deathly thing sailing through the damp air toward him。
 Then the jar burst on the bulkhead beside him and he vanished in a blast of searing bright flame。 Pitt saw no more。 The two boats had raced past each other and the hydroplane was gone。
 Pitt had no time to reflect。 Quickly he lit the wick on one of the gas cans as Sandecker swept The Grimsi on a hard…a…port; hundred…and…eighty…degree swing into the hydroplane's wake。 The worm had turned。 The hydroplane had slowed; and a pulsating yellowish…red glow could be easily seen through the gray mist。 The admiral headed straight for it。 He was standing straight as a ramrod now。 It was certain that anybody who might have been shooting at The Grimsi thirty seconds ago would not be standing on a flaming deck in the hope of drilling an old scow full of holes。 Nor was there now any possibility of the hydroplane ramming anything until the fire was out。 〃hit 'em again;〃 he yelled to Pitt through the shattered forward window of the wheelhouse。 〃Give the bastards a taste of their own medicine。〃
 Pitt didn't answer。 He barely had time to throw the flaming can before Sandecker spun the wheel and turned…across the hydroplane's bow for a third running attack。 Twice more they raced from the fog; and twice more Pitt lobbed his dented cans of searing destruction until his makeshift arsenal was used up。
 And then it hit The Grimsi; a thunderous shock wave that knocked Pitt to the deck and blew out what glass was left in the windows around Sandecker。 The hydroplane had erupted in a volcanic roar of fire and flaming debris; instantly being a blazing inferno from end to end。
 The echoes had returned from the cliffs on shore and left again when Pitt pushed himself shakily to his feet and stared incredulously at the hydroplane。 What had once been a superbly designed boat was now a shambles and burning furiously down to the water's edge。 He staggered to the wheelhouse…his sense of balance temporarily crippled by the ringing in his ears from the concussion…as Sandecker slowed The Grimsi and drifted past the fiery wreck。
 〃See any survivors?〃 Sandecker asked。 He had a thin slice on one cheek that trickled blood。
 Pitt shook his head。 〃They've had it;〃 he said callously。 〃Even if any of the crew made it to the water alive; they'd die of exposure before we could find them in this soup。〃
 Tidi entered the wheelhouse; one hand nursing a purplish bruise on her forehead; her expression one of total bewilderment。 〃What 。 。 。 what happened?〃 was all she could stamner。
 〃It wasn't the fuel tanks;〃 Sandecker said。 〃Of that much I'm certain。〃
 〃I agree;〃 Pitt said grimly。 〃They must have had explosives lying above decks that got in the way of my last homemade firebomb。〃
 〃Rather careless of them。〃 Sandecker's voice was almost cheerful。 〃The unexpected move; that's what you said; and you were right。 It never occurred to the dumb bastards that cornered mice would fight like tigers。〃
 〃At least we evened up the score a bit。〃 Pitt should have felt sick; but his conscience didn't trouble him。 Revenge…he and Sandecker had acted out of desire for self…preservation and revenge。 They had made a down payment to avenge Hunnewell and the others; but the final accounting was a long way off。 Strange; he thought; how easy it was to kill men you didn't know; whose lives you knew nothing about。 〃Your concern for life; I fear; will be your defeat;〃 Dr。 Jonsson had said。
 〃I beg you; my friend; do not hesitate when the moment arrives。〃 Pitt felt a grim satisfaction。 The moment had arrived and he hadn't hesitated。 He'd had no time even to think about the pain and death he was inflicting。 He wondered to himself if this subconscious toleration of killing a total stranger was the factor that made wars acceptable to the human race。
 Tidi's hushed voice broke his thoughts。 〃They're dead; they're all dead。〃 She began to sob; her hands pressed tightly to her face; her body shaking from side to side。 〃You murdered them; burned them to death in cold blood。〃
 〃I beg your pardon; lady;〃 Pitt said coldly。 〃Open your eyes! Take a good look around you。 These holes in the woodwork weren't caused by woodpeckers。 To quote from appropriate cliches from every western movie ever made…they drew first; or we had no choice; marshal; it was them or us。 You've got the script all wrong; dearheart。 We're the good guys。 It was their intention to coldbloodedly murder us。〃
 She looked up into the lean; determined face; saw the green eyes full of understanding; and suddenly she felt ashamed。 〃You two were warned。 I told you to gag me the next time I went hysterical and shot off my mouth。〃
 Pitt met her gaze。 〃The admiral and I have tolerated you this far。 As long as you keep us in coffee; we won't plain to the management。〃
 She reached up and kissed Pitt gently; her face wet With tears and mist。 〃Two coffees ing up。〃 She brushed her。eyes with her fingers。
 〃And go rinse your face;〃 he said; grinning。 〃Your eye makeup goo is halfway to your chin。〃
 Obediently she turned and climbed down into the galley。 Pitt looked at Sandecker and winked。 The admiral nodded back in masculine understanding and turned back to the blazing boat。
 The hydroplane was going down by the stern; sinking rapidly。 The sea crowded over the gunwales and swamped the flames; hissing in a
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