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n as mander of the Coast Guard's newest supercutter the Catawaba。 He stood on the bridge like a gamecock; legs braced apart; and didn't bother to turn when he spoke to the tall mountain of a man standing beside him。
 〃Even with radar; they'll play hell finding us in this weather。〃 The tone was as crisp and penetrating as the cold Atlantic air。 〃Visibility can't be more than a mile。〃
 Slowly; deliberately; Lieutenant Amos Dover; the Catawaba's Executive Officer; flipped a cigarette butt ten feet straight into the air and watched with analytical interest as the smoking white tube was caught by the wind and carried over the ship's bridge; far out into the rolling sea。
 〃Wouldn't make any difference if they did;〃 he mumbled through lips that were turning blue from the chilly breeze。 〃The way we're pitching; the pilot of that helicopter would have to be extremely dumb or dead drunk or both to even consider touching down back there。〃 He nodded aft toward the Catawaba's landing platform; already wet from the blowing spray。
 〃Some people don't give a damn how they die;〃 Koski said severly。
 〃No one can say they weren't warned。〃 Dover not only looked like a big bear; but his voice seemed to growl from somewhere deep within his stomach; 〃I signaled the copter right after it left St。 John's; informing it of the building sea and strongly advising against a rendezvous。 All I got from the pilot was a polite thank you。〃
 It was beginning to drizzle now; and the twenty…five…knot breeze flung the rain over the ship in driving sheets that soon sent all the men who were on duty above deck scurrying for their oilskins。 Fortunately for the Catawaba and her crew; the air temperature held at 40'F; still eight degrees away from the dread of freezing; a nasty situation that would have quickly covered the entire ship with a blanket of ice。
 Koski and Dover had just slipped into their oilskins; when the loudspeaker on the bridge crackled mechanically。 〃Captain; we've just picked up the bird on radar and we're guiding it in。〃
 Koski picked up the hand transmitter and acknowledged。 Then he turned to Dover。 〃I fear;〃 he said casually; 〃a plot is brewing。〃
 〃You're wondering why all the urgency to take on passengers?〃 Dover asked。
 〃Aren't you?〃
 〃I am indeed。 I'm also wondering why the orders to stand by station and receive a civilian helicopter came direct from the mandant's Headquarters in Washington instead of our own district mand。〃
 〃Damned inconsiderate of the mandant;〃 Koski growled; 〃Dot to tell us what these people want。 One thing's certain; they're not going(; to find themselves on a pleasure cruise to Tahiti…〃 Koski suddenly stiffened and cocked an ear in the direction of the unmistakably thumping beat of a helicopter's rotor blade。 For half a minute it was invisible in the heavy overcast。 Then both men spotted it at the same time。 It was ing from the west; through the light rain; and heading in a direct line toward the ship。
 Koski recognized it immediately as a two…seater civilian version of the Ulysses Q…55; a craft capable of nearly two hundred and fifty miles an hour。
 〃He's nuts to try it;〃 Dover said dryly。
 Koski didn't ment。 He grabbed the transmitter again and exploded into it。 〃Signal the pilot of that copter; and tell him not to attempt a touchdown while we're pushing through ten…foot…high swells。 Tell him I won't be responsible for any insane actions on his part。〃
 Koski waited for a few seconds; his eyes glued to the helicopter。 〃Well?〃
 The speaker crackled in reply。 〃The pilot says he's most grateful for your concern; Captain; and he respectfully requests that you have some men on hand to secure the landing gear the instant he touches the pad。〃
 〃He's a courteous bastard;〃 Dover grunted。 〃I'll say that for him。〃
 Jutting his chin out an extra half inch; Koski took another viselike grip on the pipe stem。 〃Courteous; hell! There's every possibility that idiot will wreck a good…sized piece of my ship。〃 Then he shrugged in resignation and picked up a …bull horn; shouting into the mouthpiece。 〃Chief Thorp! Have your men ready to secure that bird the second it lands。 But for God's sake; keep them under cover until it's firmly on the pad…and have a crash crew standing'by。
 〃Right about now;〃 Dover said softly; 〃I wouldn't trade places with those guys up there for all the sex goddesses in Hollywood 〃 ' The Catawaba could not head squarely into the wind; Koski calculated; because the ttirbulenc'e dealt by the superstructure would litirl the aircraft to sure destruction。 On the other hand; if the ship ran abeam of the sea; the roll would be far too excessive for the helicopter to land firmly on the pad。 All the years of skill and judgment; coupled with the knowledge of the Catawaba's handling characteristics; made his decision almost routine。
 〃We'll take them in with the wind and sea broad on the bow。 Reduce speed and make the necessary course change。〃
 Dover nodded and disappeared into the wheelhouse。 He returned a few moments later。 〃Broad on the bow as ordered and as steady as the sea allows。〃
 Caught in the cold grip of apprehension; Koski and Dover stared at the bright yellow helicopter as it swept through the mist; headed into the wind and approached the Catawaba's stern on a thirty…degree angle above the ship's spreading wake。 Though the wind was buffeting the Ulysses badly; the pilot somehow managed to keep it in a level position。 About a hundred yards back; it began slackening speed until it finally stopped in midair; hovering like a hummingbird over the rising and falling landing pad。 For what seemed an eternity to Koski; the helicopter maintained its height while the pilot gauged the high point of the cutter's fantail each time it lifted on the crest of a passing swell。 Then abruptly; when the landing pad hit its apogee; the copter's pilot cut back his throttles; and the Ulysses dropped neatly onto the Catawaba; a bare instant before the stern lurched downward in the trouch of the next wave。
 The skids had hardly kissed the pad when five of the cutter's crewmen dashed across the tilting deck and began struggling under the strong gusts to secure the helicopter before it was blown over the side into the water。 The engine exhaust soon died away; the rotor blades idled to a stop; and a door opened on the side of the cockpit。 Then two men; their heads bowed against the driving mist; leaped to the platform。
 〃That son of a bitch;〃 Dover murmured in wonder。 〃He actually made it look easy。〃
 Koski's face tightened。 〃Their credentials had better be first…rate…and their authority better e from Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington。〃
 Dover smiled。 〃Maybe they're congressmen on an inspection tour。〃
 〃Not likely;〃 Koski said curtly。
 〃Shall I escort them to your cabin?〃
 Koski shook his head。 〃No。 Offer them my pliments and bring them to the officers' mess。〃 Then he grinned slyly。 〃Right about now; the only thing that truly interests me is a hot cup of coffee。〃
 In precisely two minutes; mander Koski was sitting at a table in the officers' messroom; his cold hands gratefully encircling a steaming mug of black coffee。 It was nearly half dr
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