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was as pockmarked as the backside of the moon。
 〃Well now;〃 Hunnewell murmured; 〃it does appear that someone went to a lot of trouble to remove the Ice Patrol's red; dye stain。〃 He gave a long expressionless look at the towering ice pinnacle; then turned back to Pitt。 〃Why would someone chip the stain out by hand when they could have easily erased all trace with explosives?〃
 〃I can't answer that;〃 Pitt said。 〃Maybe they were afraid of cracking the berg; or maybe they didn't have explosives; who can say? However; I'll lay a month's wage that our clever little pals did more than merely chip ice。 They most certainly found a way to enter the derelict。〃
 〃So all we do now is look for a flashing sign that says enter here。〃 Hunnewell's tone was sarcastic。 He wasn't used to being outguessed; and his expression showed that he didn't like it。
 〃A soft spot in the ice would be more appropriate。〃
 〃I suppose;〃 Hunnewell said; 〃you're suggesting a camouflaged cover over some sort of ice tunnel。〃
 〃The thought had crossed my mind。〃
 The doctor peered over the top of his glasses at Pitt。 〃Let's get on with it then。 If we stand around here theorizing much longer; my testicles will probably get an acute case of frostbite。〃
 It shouldn't have been all that difficult; not by a long shot; yet it didn't go as easily as Pitt had figured。
 The unpredictable occurred when Hunnewell lost his footing on the slope and slid helplessly toward a steep ledge that dropped into the icy sea。 He fell forward; desperately clawing at the ice; his nails scratching and bending painfully backward through the hard surface。
 He slowed momentarily; but not enough。 His fall happened so abruptly that his ankles were already scraping the edge of the thirty…foot drop before he thought of shouting for help。
 Pitt had been busily prying up a chunk of loose ice when he heard the cry。 He swung around; took in Hunnewell's deteriorating plight; had a lightning impression of how impossible rescue would be once the doctor had fallen into the freezing water; and in one swift movement tore off his flight jacket and flung himself across the slop in a flying leap; feet first; legs lifted crazily in the air。
 To Hunnewell's panic…flooded brain; Pitts move looked like an act of pure madness。 〃Oh; God; no; no;〃 he shouted。 But there was nothing he could do but watch Pitt hurtle toward him like a bobsled。 There might have been a chance; he thought; if Pitt had stayed on the berg。 Now it seemed certain that both men would die in the freezing salt water together。 Twenty…five minutes; mander Koski's words flashed through his head; twenty…five minutes was all a man had to remain alive in forty…degree water…and with all the time in the world they never could have pulled themselves back onto the sheer sides of the iceberg。
 If he'd had precious moments to think about it; Pitt would have undoubtedly agreed with Hunnewell: he surely looked like a madman; skiding over the ice with his feet high above his head。 Suddenly; with only a leg's length remaining before he collided with Hunnewell; Pitt brought his feet flashing down with a power and swiftness that; even in these desperate circumstances; made him grunt in pain as his heels crashed through the ice; dug in tenaciously and brought him to a musclejarring stop。 Then; as if triggered by instinct; in the same motion he threw a sleeve of his jacket to Hunnewell。
 The thoroughly frightened scientist needed no coaxing。 He grasped the nylon fabric with a grip that no vise could have equaled and hung on; trembling for almost a minute; waiting for his middle…aged heart to slow down to a few beats above normal。 Fearfully; he stole a glance sideways and saw what his numbed senses could not feel…the edge of the ice ledge cut across his waist at the navel。
 〃When you're up to it;〃 Pitt said; his voice calm but pierced with a noticeable trace of tenseness; try pulling yourself toward me。〃
 Hunnewell shook his head。 〃I can't;〃 he murmured hoarsely。 〃It's all I can do to hold on。〃
 〃Can you find a foothold?〃
 Hunnewell didn't answer。 He only shook his head again。
 Pitt bent over between his outstretched legs and tightened his grip on the jacket。 〃We're sitting here though the courtesy of two hard rubber heels; not steel cleats。 It won't take much for the ice to crack around them。〃 He flashed an encouraging grin at Hunnewell。
 〃Make no sudden movement。 I'm going to pull you clear of the ledge。〃
 This time Hunnewell nodded。 He felt a sick ache in his stomach; the tips of his torn fingers throbbed; his sweatsoaked face reflected the terror and pain。 One thing; and one thing only; reached through his blanket of fear: the determined look in Pitts eyes。 Hunnewell stared at the calm face; and in that moment he knew that Pitt's inner strength and confidence were gaining a toehold in his own frightened mind。
 〃Stop your blasted grinning;〃 he said faintly; 〃and start pulling。〃
 Cautiously; an inch at a time; Pitt hauled Hunnewell slowly upward。 It took him an agonizing sixty seconds before he had Hunnewell's head on a plane between his knees。 Then Pitt; one hand at a time; let go of the jacket and grabbed Hunnewell under the armpits。
 〃That was the easy part;〃 Pitt said。 〃The next exercise is up to you。〃
 His hands free; Hunnewell wiped a sleeve across his sweaty brow。 〃I can't make any guarantees。〃
 〃Your dividers; are they on you?〃
 Hunnewell's expression went blank for a moment。
 Then he nodded。 〃Inside breast pocket。〃
 〃Good;〃 Pitt murmured。 〃Now climb over me and stretch out full length。 When your feet are solidly on my shoulders; take out the dividers and jam them into the ice。〃
 〃A piton!〃 Hunnewell exclaimed; suddenly aware。
 〃Damned clever of you。 Major。〃
 Hunnewell began hauling himself over Pitts prostrate form straining like a lootive climbing the Rockies; but he made it。 Then; with Pitts hands firmly clamped on his ankles; Hunnewell pulled out the steelpointed dividers that he normally used for plotting distances on charts and rammed them deeply into the ice。
 〃Okay;〃 Hunnewell grunted。
 〃Now we'll repeat the process;〃 Pitt said。 〃Can you hold on?〃
 〃Make it quick;〃 Hunnewell answered。 〃My hands are nearly numb。〃
 Tentatively; one heel still imbedded in the ice as a safety measure; Pitt tested his weight on Hunnewell's legs。 The dividers gripped firm。 Working as swiftly and as smoothly as a cat; Pitt crept past Hunnewell; felt his hands grope over the edge of the slope where it leveled out; and wiggled up onto safe ground。 He didn't waste an instant。 Almost immediately; it seemed to Hunnewell; Pitt was throwing down a nylon line from the helicopter。 Half a minute later; the pale and exhausted oceanographer sat on the ice at Pitts feet。
 Hunnewell gave a great sigh and gazed into Pitts relieved face。 〃Do you know what I'm going to do first thing when we set foot in civilization?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Pitt said; smiling。 〃You're going to buy me the finest gourmet dinner in all Reykjavik; round up all the booze I can drink; and introduce me to a sensuous; buxom; Icelandic nymphomaniac。〃
 〃The dinner and the booze are yours…I owe you that much。 
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