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joy yourself。 You are already a piece of death yourself。 When the rest of it es; very soon; I pray God you will suffer a million times more than both of us。〃
 Largo's laugh was a short; harsh bark。 He walked over to the edge of the bunk。 He said; 〃Very well; my dear。 We must see what we can do with you; very softly and very; very slowly。〃
 He bent down and hooked his fingers in the neckline of her shirt and the join of the brassiere。 Very slowly; but with great force; he tore downward; the whole length of her。 Then he threw aside the torn halves of material and exposed the whole gleaming length of her body。 He examined it carefully and reflectively and then went to the chest of drawers and took the cigar and the bowl of ice cubes and came back and made himself fortable on the edge of the bunk。
 Then he took a puff at the cigar; knocked the ash off onto the floor; and leaned forward。
 22。 The Shadower
 In the attack center of the Manta it was very quiet。 mander Pedersen; standing behind the man at the echo…sounder; occasionally made a ment over his shoulder to Bond and Leiter; who had been given canvas…backed chairs well away from the depth and speed gauges; which had been hooded so that they could be read only by the navigating team。 These three men sat side by side on red leather; foam…cushioned; aluminum seats; handling the rudder and the forward and aft diving planes as if they were pilots in an airliner。 Now the captain left the echo…sounder and came over to Bond and Leiter。 He smiled cheerfully。 〃Thirty fathoms and the nearest cay is a mile to westwards。 Now we've got a clear course all the way to Grand Bahama。 And we're making good speed。 If we keep it up; we've got about four hours' sailing。 Be off Grand Bahama about an hour before first light。 How about some food and a bit of sleep? There won't be anything on the radar for an hour…these Berry Islands'11 fill the screen until we're clear of them。 Then'11 e the big question。 When we clear them; shall we see that one of the smallest of the cays has broken loose and is sailing fast northwards on a parallel course to ours? If we see that on the screen; it'll be the Disco。 If she's there; we'll submerge。 You'll hear the alarm bells。 But you can just roll over and have a bit more sleep。 Nothing can happen until it's certain that she's in the target area。 Then we'll have to think again。〃 The captain made for the stairway。 〃Mind if I lead the way? Watch your head on the pipes。 This is the one part of the ship where there isn't much clearance。〃
 They followed him down and along a passage to the mess hall; a well…lighted dining room finished in cream with pastel pink and green panels。 They took their places at the head of one of the Formica…top tables away from the other officers and men; who looked curiously at the two civilians。 The captain waved a hand at the walls of the room。 〃Bit of a change from the old battleship gray。 You'd be surprised how many eggheads are involved in the design of these ships。 Have to be; if you want to keep your crew happy when the ship's submerged for a month or more at a time。 The trick…cyclists said We couldn't have just one color; must have contrast everywhere or the men's eyes get sort of depressed。 This hall's used for movies; closed…circuit television; cribbage tournaments; bingo; God knows what…anything to keep the men off duty from getting bored。 And you notice there's no smell of cooking or engine smells。 Electrostatic precipitators all over the ship that filter them off。〃 A steward came with menus。 〃Now then; let's get down to it。 I'm having the baked Virginia ham with red…eye gravy; apple pie with ice cream; and iced coffee。 And steward; don't go too easy on that red…eye。〃 He turned to Bond。 〃Getting out of harbor always gives me an appetite。 You know; it isn't the sea the captain hates; it's the land。〃
 Bond ordered poached eggs with rye toast and coffee。 He was grateful for the captain's cheerful talk; but he himself had no appetite。 There was a gnawing tension inside him which would be released only when the Disco was picked up on the radar and there would be a prospect of action。 And lurking behind his concern about the whole operation was worry about the girl。 Had he been right to trust her with so much of the truth? Had she betrayed him? Had she been caught? Was she alive? He drank down a glass of iced water; and listened to the captain explaining how the ice cubes and the water were distilled from the sea。
 Finally Bond became impatient with the cheerful; even tone of the conversation。 He said; 〃Forgive me; Captain; but could I interrupt for a moment and clear my mind about what we're going to do if we're right about the Disco and if we e up with her off the Grand Bahama? I can't quite figure what the next step ought to be。 I've got my own ideas; but were you thinking we'd try and go alongside and board her; or just blow her out of the water?〃
 The captain's gray eyes were quizzical。 He said; 〃I was kind of leaving all that to you fellers。 The Navy Department says that I'm under your orders。 I'm just the chauffeur。 Supposing you tell me what you have in mind and I'll be glad to go along with anything you suggest so long as it doesn't endanger my ship〃…he smiled…〃too much; that is。 In the last resort; if the Navy Department means what it says; and from your account of this operation it does; the safety of the ship will also have to go by the board。 As I told you aloft in the attack center; I got acknowledgment of our signal and full approval for our proposed course of action。 That's all the clearance I need。 Now then; you tell me。〃
 The food came。 Bond pecked at his eggs and pushed them away。 He lit a cigarette。 He said; looking at Felix Leiter; 〃Well; I don't know what you've worked out; Felix; but this is how I see the picture we may find around four o'clock in the morning; on the assumption; that is; that the Disco has been sailing north in shoal water under cover of the Berry Islands and that she'll then make for the Grand Bahama shore somewhere off the site of the missile station。 Well now; on that assumption; I've had a good look at the charts and it seems to me that; if she's going to lay that bomb as close to the target as she can; she'll heave to and anchor about a mile offshore in about ten fathoms and get the bomb another half…mile or so closer to the target; lay it in twelve feet of water or so; switch on the time mechanism; and get the hell away。 That's how I'd go about it。 She'd be away by first light and there's plenty of yacht traffic around West End from what I can gather from the pilot。 She'd show up on the station radar; of course; but she'd be just another yacht。 Assuming the bomb's set for the twelve hours Largo's got before the time limit expires; he could be back in Nassau or twice as far away if he wanted in the time he's got。 For my money; he'll go back to Nassau with his treasure…hunting story and wait for the next lot of orders from SPECTRE。〃 Bond paused。 He avoided Leiter's eyes。 〃That is; unless he's managed to get information out of the girl。〃
 Leiter said stanchly; 〃Hell; I don't believe that girl would talk。 She's a tough cookie。 And suppos
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