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a maximum of five hundred gallons of Diesel。 Took that amount on on the afternoon of June 2nd。 She also carries about forty gallons of lubricating oil and a hundred gallons of drinking water…all carried amidships just forrard of the engine room。 That what you want?〃
 This made nonsense of Largo's talk of lateral tanks and the difficult ballast problem and so forth。 Of course he could have wanted to keep some secret treasure…hunting gear out of sight of the visitors; but at least there was something on board he wanted to hide; and; for all his show of openness; it was now established that Mr。 Largo might be a rich treasure hunter; but he was also an unreliable witness。 Now Bond's mind was made up。 It was the hull of the ship he wanted to have a look at。 Leiter's mention of the Olterra had been a long shot; but it just might pay off。
 Bond passed on a guarded version of his thoughts to the missioner。 He told him where the Disco would be lying that night。 Was there on the force a totally reliable man who could give him a hand with his underwater recce; and was there a sound aqualung; fully charged; available?
 Harling gently asked if this was wise。 He didn't exactly know the laws of trespass; but these seemed to be good citizens and they were certainly good spenders。 Largo was very popular with everyone。 Any kind of scandal; particularly if the police were involved; would create the hell of a stink in the Colony。
 Bond said firmly; 〃I'm sorry; missioner。 I quite see your point。 But these risks have to be run and I've got a job to do。 Surely the Secretary of State's instructions are sufficient authority;〃 Bond fired his broadside。 〃I could get specific orders from him; or from the Prime Minister for the matter of that; in about an hour if you feel it's necessary。〃
 The missioner shook his head。 He smiled。 〃No need to use the big guns; mander。 Of course you shall have what you want。 I was just giving you the local reaction。 I'm sure the Governor would have given you the same warning。 This is a small puddle here。 We're not used to the crash treatment from Whitehall。 No doubt we'll get used to it if this flap last long enough。 Now then。 Yes; we've got plenty of what you want。 We've got twenty men in the Harbor Salvage Unit。 Have to。 You'd be surprised how often a small boat gets wrecked in the fairway; just where some cruise ship's going to anchor。 And of course there's the occasional body。 I'll have Constable Santos assigned to you。 Splendid chap。 Native of Eleuthera; where he used to win all the swimming prizes。 He'll have the gear you want where you want it。 Now just give me the details。 。 。 。〃
 Back in his hotel; Bond took a shower; swallowed a double bourbon old…fashioned; and threw himself down on his bed。 He felt absolutely beat…the plane trip; the heat; the nagging sense that he was making a fool of himself in front of the missioner; in front of Leiter; in front of himself; added to the dangers; and probably futile ones at that; of this ugly night swim; had built up tensions that could only be eased by sleep and solitude。 He went out like a light…to dream of Domino being pursued by a shark with dazzling white teeth that suddenly became Largo; Largo who turned on him with those huge hands。 They were ing closer; they reached slowly for him; they had him by the shoulder。 。 。 。 But then the bell rang for the end of the round; and went on ringing。
 Bond reached out a drugged hand for the receiver。 It was Leiter。 He wanted that martini with the jumbo olive。 It was nine o'clock。 What the hell was Bond doing? Did he want someone to help with the zipper?
 The Pineapple Room was paneled in bamboo carefully varnished against termites。 Wrought…iron pineapples on the tables and against the wall contained segments of thick red candle; and more light was provided by illuminated aquaria let into the walls and by ceiling lights enclosed in pink glass starfish。 The Vinylite banquettes were in ivory white and the barman and the two waiters wore scarlet satin calypso shirts with their black trousers。
 Bond joined Leiter at a corner table。 They both wore white dinner jackets with their dress trousers。 Bond had pointed up his rich; property…seeking status with a wine…red cummerbund。 Leiter laughed。 〃I nearly tied a gold…plated bicycle chain round my waist in case of trouble; but I remembered just in time that I'm a peaceful lawyer。 I suppose it's right that you should get the girls on this assignment。 I suppose I just stand by and arrange the marriage settlement and later the alimony。 Waiter!〃
 Leiter ordered two dry martinis。 〃Just watch;〃 he said sourly。 The martinis arrived。 Leiter took one look at them and told the waiter to send over the barman。 When the barman came; looking resentful; Leiter said; 〃My friend; I asked for a martini and not a soused olive。〃 He picked the olive out of the glass with the cocktail stick。 The glass; that had been three…quarters full; was now half full。 Leiter said mildly; 〃This was being done to me while the only drink you knew was milk。 I'd learned the basic economics of your business by the time you'd graduated to Coca…Cola。 One bottle of Gordon's gin contains sixteen true measures…double measures; that is; the only ones I drink。 Cut the gin with three ounces of water and that makes it up to twenty…two。 Have a jigger glass with a big steal in the bottom and a bottle of these fat olives and you've got around twenty…eight measures。 Bottle of gin here costs only two dollars retail; let's say around a dollar sixty wholesale。 You charge eighty cents for a martini; a dollar sixty for two。 Same price as a whole bottle of gin。 And with your twenty…eight measures to the bottle; you've still got twenty…six left。 That's a clear profit on one bottle of gin of around twenty…one dollars。 Give you a dollar for the olives and the drop of vermouth and you've still got twenty dollars in your pocket。 Now; my friend; that's too much profit; and if I could be bothered to take this martini to the management and then to the Tourist Board; you'd be in trouble。 Be a good chap and mix us two large dry martinis without olives and with some slices of lemon peel separate。 Okay? Right; then we're friends again。〃
 The barman's face had run through indignation; respect; and then the sullenness of guilt and fear。 Reprieved; but clutching at his scraps of professional dignity; he snapped his fingers for the waiter to take away the glasses。 〃Okay; suh。 Whatever you says。 But we've pot plenty overheads here and the majority of customers they doan plain。〃
 Leiter said; 〃Well; here's one who's dry behind the ears。 A good barman should learn to be able to recognize the serious drinker from the status…seeker who wants just to be seen in your fine bar。〃
 〃Yassuh。〃 The barman moved away with Negro dignity。
 Bond said; 〃You got those figures right; Felix? I always knew one got clipped; but I thought only about a hundred per cent…not four or five。〃
 〃Young man; since I graduated from Government Service to Pinkertons; the scales have dropped from my eyes。 The cheating that goes on in hotels and restaurants is more sinful than all the rest of the sin in the world。 Anyone i
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