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lly debated all the possibilities; all the; er; angles; as our American friends would say…it is inconceivable that a large four…engined plane could have been hidden anywhere within the confines of the Colony。 The only airstrip cable of taking such a plane…am I right; Harling?… is here in Nassau。 So far as a landing on the sea is concerned; a; er; ditching I think they call it; we have been in radio contact with the Administrators on all the larger outer islands and the replies are all negative。 The radar people at the meteorological station 。 。 。〃
 Bond had interrupted at this point。 〃Might I ask if the radar screen is manned round the clock? My impression is that the airport is very busy during the day; but that there is very little traffic at night。 Would it be possible that the radar is not so closely watched at night?〃
 The missioner of Police; a pleasant; very military…looking man in his forties; the silver buttons and insignia on whose dark blue uniform glittered as they can only when spit and polish is a main activity and there are plenty of batmen around; said judiciously; 〃I think the mander has a point there; sir。 The airport mandant admits that things do slacken off a bit when there's nothing scheduled。 He hasn't got all that amount of staff and of course most of them are locals; sir。 Good men; but hardly up to London Airport standards。 And the radar at the met。 station is only a G。C。A。 set with a low horizon and range…mostly used for shipping。〃
 〃Quite; quite。〃 The Deputy Governor didn't want to be dragged into a discussion about radar sets or the merits of Nassavian labor。 〃There's certainly a point there。 No doubt mander Bond will be making his own inquiries。 Now there was a request from the Secretary of State〃…the title rolled sonorously forth…〃for details and ments on recent arrivals in the island; suspicious characters; and so forth。 Mr。 Pitman?〃
 The Chief of Immigration and Customs was a sleek Nassavian with quick brown eyes and an ingratiating manner。 He smiled pleasantly。 Nothing out of the ordinary; sir。 The usual mixture of tourists and businessmen and local people ing home。 We were asked to have details for the past two weeks; sir。〃 He touched the brief case on his lap。 〃I have all the immigration forms here; sir。 Perhaps mander Bond would care to go through them with me。〃 The brown eyes flicked toward Bond and away。 〃All the big hotels have house detectives。 I could probably get him further details on any particular name。 All Passports were checked in the normal manner。 There were no irregularities and none of these people was on our Wanted List。〃
 Bond said; 〃Might I ask a question?〃
 The Deputy Governor nodded enthusiastically。 〃Of course。 Of course。 Anything you like。 We're all here to help。〃
 〃I'm looking for a group of men。 Probably ten or more。 They probably stick together a good deal。 Might be as many as twenty or thirty。 I guess they would be Europeans。 They probably have a ship or a plane。 They may have been here for months or only a few days。 I gather you have plenty of conventions ing to Nassau…salesmen; tourist associations; religious groups; heaven knows what all。 Apparently they take a block of rooms in some hotel and hold meetings and so forth for a week or so。 Is there anything like that going on at the moment?〃
 〃Mr。 Pitman?〃
 〃Well; of course we do have plenty of those sort of gatherings。 Very wele to the Tourist Board。〃 The Chief of Immigration smiled conspiratorially at Bond as if he had just given away a closely guarded secret。 〃But in the last two weeks we've only had a Moral Rearmament Group at the Emerald Wave and the Tiptop Biscuit people at the Royal Bahamian。 They've gone now。 Quite the usual convention pattern。 All very respectable。〃
 〃That's just it; Mr。 Pitman。 The people I'm looking for; the people who may have arranged to steal this plane; will certainly take pains to look respectable and behave in a respectable fashion。 We're not looking for a bunch of flashy crooks。 We think these must be very big people indeed。 Now; is there anything like that on the island; a group of people like that?〃
 〃Well〃…the Chief of Immigration smiled broadly…〃of course we've got our annual treasure hunt going on。〃
 The Deputy Governor barked a quick; deprecating laugh。 〃Now; steady on; Mr。 Pitman。 Surely we don't want them to get mixed up in all this; or heaven knows where we shall end。 I can't believe mander Bond wants to bother his head over a lot of rich beachbers。〃
 The missioner of Police said doubtfully; 〃The only thing is; sir…they do have a yacht; and a small plane for the matter of that。 And I did hear that a lot of shareholders in the swindle had e in lately。 Those points do tally with what the mander was asking about。 I admit it's ridiculous; but this man Largo's respectable enough for mander Bond's requirements and his men have never once given us trouble。 Unusual to have not even one case of drunkenness in a ship's crew in nearly six months。〃
 And Bond had leaped at the flimsy thread and had pursued it for another two hours… in the Customs building and in the missioner's office… and; as a result; he had gone walking in the town to see if he could get a look at Largo or any of his party or pick up any other shreds of gossip。 As a result he had got a good look at Domino Vitali。
 And now?
 The taxi had arrived at the airport。 Bond told the driver to wait and walked into the long low entrance hall just as the arrival of Larkin's flight was being announced over the Tannoy。 He knew there would be the usual delay for customs and immigration。 He went to the souvenir shop and bought a copy of the New York Times 。 In its usual discreet headlines it was still leading with the loss of the Vindicator。 Perhaps it knew also about the loss of the atom bombs; because Arthur Krock; on the editorial page; had a heavyweight column about the security aspects of the NATO alliance。 Bond was halfway through this when a quiet voice in his ear said; 〃007? Meet No。 000。〃
 Bond swung round。 It was! It was Felix Leiter!
 Leiter; his C。I。A。 panion on some of the most thrilling cases in Bond's career; grinned and thrust the steel hook that was his right hand under Bond's arm。 〃Take it easy; friend。 Dick Tracy will tell all when we get out of here。 Bags are out front。 Let's go。〃
 Bond said; 〃Well God damn it! You old so…and…so! Did you know it was going to be me?〃
 〃Sure。 C。I。A。 knows all。〃
 At the entrance Leiter had his luggage; which was considerable; put aboard Bond's taxi; and told the driver to take it to the Royal Bahamian。 A man standing beside an undistinguished…looking black Ford Consul sedan left the car and came up。 〃Mr。 Larkin? I'm from the Hertz pany。 This is the car you ordered。 We hope she's what you want。 You did specify something conventional。〃
 Leiter glanced casually at the car。 〃Looks all right。 I just want a car that'll go。 None of those ritzy jobs with only room for a small blonde with a sponge bag。 I'm here to do property work… not jazz it up。
 〃May I see your New York license; sir? Right。 Then if you'll just sign here 。 。 。 and I'll make a note of the nu
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