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 A tiny worm of underwater light was creeping out toward the jolly…boat。 It was a two…man underwater chariot identical with those used by the Italians during the war and bought; with improvements; from Ansaldo; the firm that had originally invented the one…man submarine。 It was towing an underwater sled; a sharp prowed tray with negative buoyancy used for the recovery and transport of heavy objects under the sea。 The worm of light merged with the luminescence from the searchlight and; minutes later; re…emerged on its way back to the ship。 It would have been natural for Largo to have gone down to the hold to witness the arrival of the two atomic weapons。 Typically; he did nothing of the sort。 In due course the little headlight reappeared; going back over its previous course。 Now the sled would be loaded with the huge tarpaulin; camouflaged to merge in with just this piece of underwater terrain; with its white sand and patches of coral outcrop; that would be spread so as to cover every inch of the wrecked plane and pegged all round with corkscrew iron stanchions that would not be shifted by the heaviest surface storm or groundswell。 In his imagination; Largo saw every move of the eight men who would now be working far below the surface on the reality for which there had been so much training; so many dummy exercises。 He marveled at the effort; the incredible ingenuity; that had gone into Plan Omega。 Now all the months of preparation; of sweat and tears; were being repaid。
 There came a bright blink of light on the surface of the water not far from the jolly…boat…then another and another。 The men were surfacing。 As they did so; the moon caught the glass of their masks。 They swam to the boat…Largo verified that all eight were there…and clumsily heaved up the short ladder and over the side。
 The mechanic and Branch; the German killer; helped them off with their gear; the underwater light was switched off and hauled inboard and; instead of the rattle of the generator; there came the muffled roar of the twin Johnstons。 The boat sped back to the yacht and to the waiting arms of the derricks。 The couplings were made firm and verified and; with a shrill electric whine; the boat; plete with passengers; was swung up and inboard。
 The captain came and stood at Largo's side。 He was a big; sullen; rawboned man who had been cashiered from the Canadian Navy for drunkenness and insubordination。 He had been a slave to Largo ever since Largo had called him to the stateroom one day and broken a chair over his head on account of a questioned mand。 That was the kind of discipline he understood。 Now he said; 〃The hold's clear。 Okay to sail?〃
 〃Are both the teams satisfied?〃
 〃They say so。 Not a hitch。〃
 〃First see they all get one full jigger of whisky。 Then tell them to rest。 They will be going out again in just about an hour。 Ask Kotze to have a word with me。 Be ready to sail in five minutes。〃
 The eyes of the physicist; Kotze; were bright under the moon。 Largo noticed that he was trembling slightly as if with fever。 He tried to instill calm into the man。 He said cheerfully; 〃Well; my friend。 Are you pleased with your toys? The toy shop has sent you everything you want?〃
 Kotze's lips trembled。 He was on the verge of excited tears。 He said; his voice high; 〃It is tremendous! You have no idea。 Weapons such as I had never dreamed of。 And of a simplicity…a safety! Even a child could handle these things without danger。〃
 〃The cradles were big enough for them? You have room to do your work?〃
 〃Yes; yes。〃 Kotze almost flapped his hands with enthusiasm。 〃There are no problems; none at all。 The fuses will be off in no time。 It will be a simple matter to replace them with the time mechanism。 Maslov is already at work correcting the threads。 I am using lead screws。 They are more easy to machine。〃
 〃And the two plugs…these ignitors you were telling me about? They are safe? Where did the divers find them?〃
 〃They were in a leaden box under the pilot's seat。 I have verified them。 Perfectly simple when the time es。 They will of course be kept apart in the hiding place。 The rubber bags are splendid。 Just what was needed。 I have verified that they seal pletely watertight。
 〃No danger from radiation?〃
 〃Not now。 Everything is in the leaden cases。〃 Kotze shrugged。 〃I may have picked up a little while I was working on the monsters but I wore the harness。 I will watch for signs。 I know what to do。〃
 〃You are a brave man; Kotze。 I won't go near the damned things until I have to。 I value my sex life too much。 So you are satisfied with everything? You have no problems? Nothing has been left on the plane?〃
 Kotze had got himself under control。 He had been bursting with the news; with his relief that the technical problems were within his power。 Now he felt empty; tired。 He had voided himself of the tensions that had been with him for weeks。 After all this planning; all these dangers; supposing his knowledge had not been enough! Supposing the bloody English had invented some new safety device; some secret control; of which he knew nothing! But when the time came; when he unwrapped the protective webbing and got to work with his jeweler's tools; then triumph and gratitude had flooded into him。 No; now there were no problems。 Everything was all right。 Now there was only routine。 Kotze said dully; 〃No。 There are no problems。 Everything is there。 I will go and get the job finished。〃
 Largo watched the thin figure shamble off along the deck。 Scientists were queer fish。 They saw nothing but science。 Kotze couldn't visualize the risks that still had to be run。 For him the turning of a few screws was the end of the job。 For the rest of the time he would be a useless supercargo。 It would be easier to get rid of him。 But that couldn't be done yet。 He would have to be kept on just in case the weapons had to be used。 But he was a depressing little man and a near hysteric。 Largo didn't like such people near him。 They lowered his spirits。 They smelled of bad luck。 Kotze would have to be found some job in the engine room where he would be kept busy and; above all; out of sight。
 Largo went into the cockpit bridge。 The captain was sitting at the wheel; a light aluminum affair consisting only of the bottom half of a circle。 Largo said; 〃Okay。 Let's go。〃 The captain reached out his hand to the bank of buttons at his side and pressed the one that said Start Both 。〃 There came a low; hollow rumble from amidships。
 A light blinked on the panel to show that both engines were firing properly。 The captain pulled the electromagnetic gear shift to 〃 Slow Ahead Both 〃 and the yacht began to move。 The captain made it 〃 Full Ahead Both 〃 and the yacht trembled and settled a little in the stern。 The captain watched the revolution counter; his hand on a squat lever at his side。 At twenty knots the counter showed 5000。 The captain inched back the lever that depressed the great steel scoop below the hull。 The revolutions remained the same; but the finger of the speedometer crawled on round the dial until it said forty knots。 Now the yacht was half flying; half planing across th
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