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ow from the wings。
 When Bond walked out of the building; carrying the neat leather cipher case; an expensive movie camera perhaps; slung over his shoulder; the man in the beige Volkswagen stopped scratching the burn…scab under his shirt; loosened; for the tenth time; the long…barrelled 。45 in the holster under his arm; started the car; and put it in gear。 He was twenty yards behind Bond's parked Bentley。 He had no idea what the big building was。 He had simply obtained Bond's home address from the receptionist at Shrublands and; as soon as he got out of the Brighton hospital; he had carefully tailed Bond。 The car was hired; under an assumed name。 When he had done what had to be done he would go straight to London Airport and take the first plane out to any country on the Continent。 Count Lippe was a sanguine individual。 The job; the private score he had to settle; presented no problem to him。 He was a ruthless; vengeful man and he had eliminated many obstreperous and perhaps dangerous people in his life。 He reasoned that; if they every came to hear of this; SPECTRE would not object。 The overheard telephone conversation on that first day at the clinic showed that his cover had been broached; however slightly; and it was just conceivable that he could be traced through his membership in the Red Lightning Tong; From there to SPECTRE was a long step; but Sub…operator G knew that once a cover began to run; it ran like an old sock。 Apart from that; this man must be paid off。 Count Lippe had to be quits with him。
 Bond was getting into his car。 He had slammed the door。 Sub…operator G watched the blue smoke curl from the twin exhausts。 He got moving。
 On the other side of the road; and a hundred yards behind the Volkswagen SPECTRE No。 6 slipped his goggles down over his eyes; stamped the 500…c。c。 Triumph into gear; and accelerated down the road。 He swerved neatly through the traffic…he had been a test rider for D。K。W。 at one time in his postwar career…and stationed himself ten yards behind the off rear wheel of the Volkswagen and just out of the driver's line of vision in the windscreen mirror。 He had no idea why Sub…operator G was following the Bentley; nor whom the Bentley belonged to; His job was to kill the driver of the Volkswagen。 He put his hand into the leather satchel he carried slung over his shoulder; took out the heavy grenade…it was twice the normal military size…and watched the traffic ahead for the right pattern to allow his getaway。
 Sub…operator G was watching for a similar pattern。 He also noted the spacing on the lampposts on the pavement in case he might be blocked and have to run off the road。 Now the cars ahead were sparse。 He stamped his foot into the floor and; driving with his left hand; drew out the Colt with his right。 Now he was up with the Bentley's rear bumper。 Now he was alongside。 The dark profile was a sitting target。 With a last quick glance ahead; he raised the gun。
 It was the cheeky iron rattle of the Volkswagen's air…cooled engine that made Bond turn his head; and it was this minute reduction of the target area that saved his jaw。 If he had then accelerated; the second bullet would have got him; but some blessed instinct made his foot stamp the brake at the same time as his head ducked so swiftly that his chin hit the horn button; nearly knocking him out。 Almost simultaneously; instead of a third shot; there came the roar of an explosion and the remains of his windshield; already shattered; cascaded around him。 The Bentley had stopped; the engine stalled。 Brakes screamed。 There were shouts and the panicky screams of horns。 Bond shook his head and cautiously raised it。 The Volkswagen; one wheel still spinning lay on its side in front and broadside to the Bentley。 Most of the roof had been blown off。 Inside; and half sprawling into the road; was a horrible; glinting mess。 Flames were licking at the blistered paintwork。 People were gathering。 Bond pulled himself together and got quickly out of his car。 He shouted; 〃Stand back。 The petrol tank'll go。〃 Almost as he said the words there came a dull boom and a cloud of black smoke。 The flames spurted; In the distance; sirens sounded。 Bond edged through the people and strode quickly back toward his headquarters; his thoughts racing。
 The inquiry made Bond lose two planes to New York。 By the time the police had put out the fire and had transported the bits of man and the bits of machinery and bomb casing to the morgue it was quite clear that they would have nothing to go on but the shoes; the number on the gun; some fibers and shreds of clothing; and the car。 The car…hire people remembered nothing but a man with dark glasses; a driver's license in the name of Johnston; and a handful of fivers。 The car had been hired three days before for one week。 Plenty of people remembered the motorcyclist; but it seemed that he had no rear number plate。 He had gone like a bat out of hell toward Baker Street。 He wore goggles。 Medium build。 Nothing else。
 Bond had not been able to help。 He had seen nothing of the Volkswagen driver。 The roof of the Volkswagen had been too low。 There had only been a hand and the glitter of a gun。
 The Secret Service asked for a copy of the police report and M instructed that this should be sent to the Thunderball war room。 He saw Bond briefly again; rather impatiently; as if it had all been Bond's fault。 Then he told Bond to forget about it…it was probably something to do with one of his past cases。 A hangover of some kind。 The police would get to the bottom of it in time。 The main thing was operation Thunderball 。 Bond had better get a move on。
 By the time Bond left the building for the second time; it had begun to rain。 One of the mechanics from the car pool at the back of the building had done what he could; knocking out the remains of the Bentley's windscreen and cleaning the bits out of the car; but when he got home at lunch time Bond was soaked to the skin。 He left the car in a nearby garage; telephoned Rolls and his insurance pany (he had got too close to a lorry carrying steel lengths; for reinforced concrete presumably。 No; he had not got the lorry's number。 Sorry; but you know how it is when these things happen all of a sudden); and then went home and had a bath and changed into his dark blue tropical worsted。 He packed carefully…one large suitcase and a hold…all for his underwater swimming gear…and went through to the kitchen。
 May was looking rather contrite。 It seemed as if she might make another speech。 Bond held up his hand。 〃Don't tell me; May。 You were right。 I can't do my work on carrot juice。 I've got to be off in an hour and I need some proper food。 Be an angel and make me your kind of scrambled eggs…four eggs。 Four rashers of that American hickory…smoked bacon if we've got any left; hot buttered toast…your kind; not whole…meal…and a big pot of coffee; double strength。 And bring in the drink tray。〃
 May looked at him; relieved but aghast。 〃Whatever happened; Mr。 James?〃
 Bond laughed at the expression on her face。 〃Nothing; May。 It just occurred to me that life's too short。 Plenty of time to watch the calories when one gets to heaven。〃
 Bond left 
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