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 The only benefit of the new climate; the one of fantastic theories and sensational headlines; was that it soon became impossible to suggest that Gil and Charlie and I had done anything wrong at all。 We weren't flamboyant enough to play a role in what had happened; bizarre as everyone thought it was; not when the local news could fill its coverage with pictures of Rasputin Taft and the lunatic Curry who killed him。 The police and the university both acknowledged that they had no intention of pursuing any action against us; and I suppose it made a difference to our parents that we would graduate without disgrace。 None of it mattered much to Gil; since that sort of thing never did; and I couldn't get around to giving much of a damn myself。
 Still; I think it took a load off Charlie's mind。 He lived increasingly in the shadow of what had happened。 Gil called it a persecution plex; the way he expected misfortune at every turn; but I think Charlie had simply convinced himself that he could've saved Paul。 Whatever it was; there was going to be a reckoning for his failures…if not at Princeton; then in the future。 It wasn't so much persecution Charlie feared; it was judgment。
 The only hint of pleasure in my final days of college came from Katie。 At first she brought food to Gil and me; while Charlie was still in the hospital。 In the wake of the fire; she and other Ivy sophomores had begun a co…op; buying their own food and making their own meals。 Afraid that we weren't eating; she always cooked for three。 Later; she would take me on walks; insisting that the sun had restorative powers; that there were traces of lithium in cosmic rays you could only catch at dawn。 She even took pictures of us; as if she saw something in those days worth remembering。 The photographer in her was convinced that the solution lay somehow in the right exposure to light。
 Without Ivy in her life; Katie seemed even closer to what I wanted her to be; and even less like the side of Gil I never understood。 Her spirits were always up; and her hair was always down。 The night before graduation; she invited me back to her room after a movie; claiming she wanted me to say good…bye to her roommates。 I knew she meant something else; but that night I told her I couldn't do it。 There would be too many pictures of the certainties she carried with her; family and old friends and the dog at the foot of her bed in New Hampshire。 A final night in a room surrounded by all her fixed stars would only remind me of how much my own life was in flux。
 We watched in those final weeks as the investigation into the fire at Ivy drew to a close。 At last; on the Friday before mencement; as though the announcement had been timed to give closure to the academic year; the local authorities acknowledged that Richard Curry; 〃in a way coincident with firsthand accounts; precipitated a fire within the Ivy Club; causing the death of both men inside the building。〃 In support of this; they advanced two shards of a human jaw; which matched Curry's dental records。 The explosion of the gas main had left little else。
 Yet the investigation remained open and nothing specific was ever said of Paul。 I knew why。 Just three days after the explosion; an investigator had confessed to Gil that they held out hope of Paul's survival: the remains they'd found were merely scraps; and what few of them were identifiable were Curry's。 For the following days; then; we waited hopefully for Paul's return。 But when he never did return; never staggered from the woods or turned up in a familiar place; having forgotten himself for a time; the investigators seemed to realize it was better to be silent than to ply us with false hope。
 Graduation came warm and green; without a whisper of wind; as though such a thing as Easter weekend could never have been。 There was even a butterfly in the air; fluttering like a displaced emblem; as I sat in the yard of Nassau Hall; surrounded by classmates in our robes and tassels; waiting to be pronounced。 Up there; in the tower; I imagined a bell tolling silently without a clapper: Paul; celebrating our fortune; just behind the creases of the world。
 There were phantoms everywhere in that daylight。 Women in evening gowns; from the Ivy ball; dancing in the sky like nativity angels; announcing a new season。 Nude Olympians streaking in the courtyards; unashamed of their nakedness; in a specter of the season just passed。 The salutatorian quipped in Latin; jokes I didn't understand; and for an instant I imagined that it was Taft up there who addressed us; Taft; and behind him Francesco Colonna; and behind them a chorus of wizened philosophers who all delivered a solemn refrain; like drunken apostles singing the 〃Battle Hymn of the Republic。〃
 The three of us returned to the room one last time after the ceremony。 Charlie was heading back to Philadelphia for a summer of ambulance work before medical school in the fall。 He had chosen the University of Pennsylvania; he told us finally; after wavering for so long。 He wanted to stay near home。 Gil was collecting the knickknacks from his bedroom with a touch of eagerness I half expected。 He confessed to having a ticket out of New York that evening。 Going to Europe for a while; he said。 To Italy; of all places。 He needed some time to figure things out。
 We collected our last day's mail together; Charlie and I; once Gil was gone。 Inside the box were four small envelopes; identical in size。 They contained registration slips for the alumni directory; one to each of us。 I placed mine in my pocket; and took Paul's; as well; realizing he hadn't been stricken from our class list。 I wondered for a moment if they'd drawn up a diploma for him; too; which now sat somewhere uncollected。 But on the fourth envelope; the one addressed to Gil; his name had been crossed off; and mine had been written in his hand。 I opened it and read。 The form had been pleted; with an address penned out for a hotel in Italy。 Dear Tom; it said; across the inside lip of the envelope。 I left Paul's here for you。 I thought you would want it。 Tell Charlie I'm sorry for leaving in a rush。 I know you understand。 If in Italy; please call。 …G。
 I hugged Charlie before we parted。 A week later; he called me at home to ask if I planned to attend our class reunion the following year。 It was the sort of pretext only Charlie would invent for a phone call; and we spoke for several hours。 Finally; he asked if I would give him Gil's address in Italy。 He said he'd found a postcard Gil would enjoy; which he tried to describe to me。 I realized; underneath what he was saying; that Gil hadn't given him a forwarding address。 Things between them had never really recovered。
 I wasn't in Italy; that summer or afterward。 Gil and I met three times in the four years that followed; each time at a class reunion。 There was less and less to be said between us。 The facts of his life gradually assembled with the graceful preordination of words in a litany。 He returned to Manhattan after all; like his father; he became a banker。 Unlike me; he seemed to age well。 At twenty…six; he announced his engagement to a beautiful woman one year our junior; who reminded me of a star from an old movie。 Seei
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