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 〃What about him?〃
 〃Sarah used to kick me off the phone every time Dick would call。〃
 She hears the jab in it。 This; too; is what big sisters do。
 〃I don't think Dick Mayfield had my number。〃 She smiles; folding her fingers into mine。
 I can't help thinking of Paul; of the dovetail he made with his hands。
 〃Dick had my sister's number;〃 I say。 〃All it took was an old red Camaro with flames traced on the sides。〃
 Katie shakes her head disapprovingly。
 〃Studly Dick and the Chick Machine;〃 I tell her。 〃I said that one night when he came over; and my mother made me go to bed without dinner。〃
 Dick Mayfield; conjured from thin air。 He called me Tiny Tom。 We went riding in the Camaro once; and he told me a secret。 It doesn't matter how small you are。 All that matters is the size of the fire in your engine。
 〃Mary dated a guy who drove a '64 Mustang;〃 Katie says。 〃I asked her if they were doing anything in the backseat。 She said he was too uptight about messing up the car。〃
 Sex stories sublimated into car stories; a way to talk about everything without talking about anything at all。
 〃My first girlfriend drove a water…damaged VW;〃 I tell her。 〃You would lie down on the backseat; and this smell would e up; like sushi。 You couldn't do anything back there。〃
 She turns to me。 〃Your first girlfriend could drive?〃
 I fumble; realizing what I've given away。
 〃I was nine;〃 I say; clearing my throat。 〃She was seventeen。〃
 Katie laughs; and a silence follows。 Finally; the moment seems to have e。
 〃I told Paul;〃 I say to her。
 She looks up。
 〃I'm not working on the book anymore。〃
 For a while she doesn't respond。 Her hands rise to her shoulders; rubbing them for warmth。 I realize; after so many hints; so much contact; that she hasn't gotten over the temperature of the room。
 〃Do you want my jacket?〃 I ask。
 She nods。 〃I'm getting goose bumps。〃
 It's impossible not to look。 Her arms are covered with tiny beads。 The curves of her breasts are pale; the skin of a porcelain dancer。
 〃Here;〃 I say; taking off the jacket and placing it across her back。
 My right arm passes her far shoulder just for a second; but she reaches up; holding it in limbo。 With me half crooked around her; waiting; she leans in。 The smell of her perfume returns; carried in the bell of her hair。 This; at last; is her answer。
 Katie cocks her head; and I reach inside the jacket; into the dark space where it hangs off her shoulders; placing a hand on the far side of her waist。 My fingers stick to the rough fabric of her gown; caught by an unexpected friction; and I find that my hold on her is tight and effortless at the same time。 A strand of hair falls in front of her face; but she doesn't brush it back。 There is a smudge of lipstick just below her lip; so small that it can only be seen from a tiny distance I'm surprised to find I have reached。 Then she is too close to focus on anything at all; and there is warmth over my mouth; lips closing in。
 Chapter 27
 Just as the kiss deepens; I hear the door swing open。 I'm about to snap at the intruder; when I see it's Paul standing before us。
 〃What's going on?〃 I say; lurching back。
 Paul looks around the room; startled。 〃Vincent was taken back in for questioning;〃 he manages to say。 His shock at finding Katie in his room is mirrored by her shock at seeing him here at all。
 I hope they're putting it to Taft。 〃When?〃
 〃An hour ago; two hours。 I just spoke to Tim Stone at the Institute。〃
 An unfortable hitch follows。
 〃Did you find Curry?〃 I ask; wiping the lipstick off my mouth。
 But in the pause before he answers; we are silently rehashing our argument about the Hypnerotomachia; about the priorities I've set for myself。
 〃I came here to talk to Gil;〃 he says; cutting the conversation short。
 Katie and I watch him edge along the wall toward the desk; gather up some of his old drawings; the ones of the crypt he's been sketching for months; then disappear through the door as quickly as he came。 Papers swirl on the floor in the vortex he leaves behind; shifting in a tiny current by the door。
 As Katie pushes herself off the table; I think I can read her mind。 This book is inescapable。 Not all the decisions in the world will make it possible for me to leave it behind。 Even here at Ivy; where she thought we could shake it off; the Hypnerotomachia is everywhere: on the walls; in the air; breaking in on us when we least expect。
 But to my surprise; she's only focused on the facts Paul relayed。 〃e on;〃 she says with a burst of energy。 〃I need to find Sam。 If they arrest Taft; she'll have to change the headline。〃
 Upstairs; in the main hall; we find Paul and Gil speaking in a corner。 The room seems to have gone quiet at the spectacle of the club recluse making an appearance at such a public event。
 〃Where is she?〃 Katie asks; speaking to Sam's date。
 I'm too distracted to hear the answer。 For two years I've imagined Paul as the butt of every Ivy joke; the curiosity chained up in the cellar。 But now seniors stand at attention as if one of the old portraits has e to life。 The expression on Paul's face is needful; almost desperate; if he's aware that the whole club is watching him; he gives no sign。 I move closer to them; trying to hear; as Paul hands Gil a familiar paper; folded over。 The map of Colonna's crypt。
 When they both turn to leave; the membership watches as Gil exits the main hall。 The seniors understand it first。 One by one; on tables and railings and old oak walls; the club officers begin to rap their knuckles。 Brooks; the vice president; is first; then Carter Simmons; the club treasurer; and finally; from all sides; es this knocking; tapping; rumbling of good…bye。 Parker; still on the dance floor; begins rapping louder than all the rest; hoping one last time to stand out。 But it's too late。 Gil's exit; like his entrance when we arrived; takes place in precise time; the science of a dance step to be performed only once。 As the noise of the crowd finally dies; I follow them up。
 〃We're taking Paul to Taft's house;〃 Gil says when I find them in the Officers' Room。
 〃There's something he needs to get。 A blueprint。〃
 〃You're going now?〃
 〃Taft's at the police station;〃 he says; parroting what Paul explained。 〃Paul needs us to take him。〃
 I can see the cogs turning。 He wants to help; the same way Charlie did; he wants to disprove what I said in the hospital parking lot。
 Paul says nothing。 I can tell from his expression that this was meant to be a trip he and Gil would make alone。
 I'm about to explain to Gil that I can't; that he and Paul will have to go without me; when everything bees more plicated。 Katie appears in the doorway。
 〃What's going on?〃 she says。
 〃Nothing;〃 I say。 〃Let's go back down。〃
 〃I couldn't get Sam on the phone;〃 she says; misunderstanding。 〃She needs to know about Taft。 Is it okay if I go to the Prince office?〃
 Gil senses his opportunity。 〃That's fine。 Tom's ing with us to the Institute。 We can meet back up at the service。〃
 Katie is about to agree; when the look on my face gives us away。
 〃Why?〃 she asks。
 Gil simply says; 〃It's important。〃 For one of the few times in our friends
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