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 〃He was willing to die for it;〃 I say; half to myself。
 〃He was willing to kill for it;〃 Paul says。 〃Francesco had five close humanist friends in his confraternity of brothers。 One was Terragni; the architect。 Two were a pair of real brothers; Matteo and Cesare。 The final two were Rodrigo and Donato; and they died for betraying him。 He would've done anything to protect what he believed in。〃
 The tiny space of the carrel seems to warp for a second; angles colliding like fragments of time intersecting。 I see my father again; writing the manuscript of The Belladonna Document on the old typewriter in his office。 He knew exactly what that letter meant; he just didn't know its context。 Now Paul has found its place。 Though there's a sudden satisfaction to that; there's also a growing sadness I feel as Paul continues his story。 The more I hear about Francesco Colonna; the desperate man who couldn't trust even his friends; the more I think of Paul; slaving over the Hypnerotomachia the same way Colonna did; on either end of a single thread in time; a writer and a reader。 Vincent Taft may have tried to poison Paul against us; telling him that friends were fickle; but the more I see what Paul has done for this book…how he has lived in it for years now; the way I only lived in it for months…the better I understand。 It was Francesco Colonna; as much as any living man; who made him doubt。
 Chapter 23
 〃In the months before Francesco leaves for Florence;〃 Paul says; 〃he takes the one precaution he thinks is foolproof。 He decides to write a book。 A book that will disclose the location of the crypt; but only to a fellow scholar…not to a layman; and above all; not to the fanatics。 He's convinced that no one could solve it except a true lover of knowledge…one who would fear Savonarola as much as Francesco does; and who would never allow the treasures to be burned。 And he dreams of a time when humanism will reign again; and the collection will be safe。
 〃So he finishes the book and asks Terragni to have it delivered anonymously; by courier; to Aldus。 By pretending to be its patron; he says he will urge Aldus to keep the book under wraps。 He won't identify himself as the author; so that no one will suspect what's in it。
 〃Then; as Carnival nears; Francesco enlists the architect and the two brothers; the only three remaining members of his Roman Academy circle; and travels to Florence。 They are men of principle; but Francesco understands how difficult their task is; so he insists that every man take an oath to die; if necessary; at the Piazza della Signoria。
 〃On the night before the bonfire; he asks all three friends to join him for a meal and a prayer。 They tell stories of their adventures together; their travels; the things they've done in their lifetimes。 That entire evening; though; Francesco says he can see a dark shadow gathering over their heads。 He doesn't sleep that night。 The next morning; he goes to meet Savonarola。
 〃From that point forward; all of the text is written by the architect。 Francesco says Terragni is the only man he can trust with such a task。 Knowing he'll need someone to oversee his interests should anything happen in Florence; he gives Terragni a huge vote of confidence。 He gives the architect his final cipher and asks him to add a postscript; coded into the final chapters; to describe what bees of the friends from the Roman Academy。 He gives Terragni the responsibility of supervising the Hypnerotomachia after it reaches Aldus; to be sure it makes it into print。 Francesco says he has had a vision of his own death; and knows he can't acplish everything he wants by himself。 He takes Terragni with him to record the meeting with Savonarola。
 〃By then; Savonarola is waiting for them at his cell in the monastery。 The meeting was arranged ahead of time; so both sides are prepared。 Francesco; trying to be diplomatic; says he admires Savonarola and shares the same goals; the same hatred of sin。 He quotes Aristotle on virtue。
 〃Savonarola counters by quoting Aquinas; almost an identical passage。 He asks Francesco why he prefers a pagan source over a Christian one。 Francesco praises Aquinas; but says that Aquinas borrowed from Aristotle。 Savonarola loses patience。 He delivers a line from the Gospel of Paul: I am going to destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of any who understand。 Do you not see how God has shown up human wisdom as folly?
 〃Francesco listens with terror。 He asks Savonarola why he won't embrace art and scholarship; why he is bent on destroying them。 He tells Savonarola that they should be united against sin; that faith is the source of truth and beauty; that they can't be enemies。 But Savonarola shakes his head。 He says truth and beauty are only servants of faith。 When they are anything else; pride and profit lead men into sin。
 〃 'And so;' he says to Francesco; 'I will not be dissuaded。 There is more evil in those books and canvases than in all the rest that will be burned。 For while playing cards and dice may distract the foolish; your 〃wisdom〃 is the temptation of the powerful and the mighty。 The greatest families of this city vie to be your patrons。 Your philosophers preach to the poets; whose works are widely read。 You contaminate the painters with your ideas; and their paintings hang in the palaces of princes; while their frescoes crowd the walls and ceilings of every church。 You reach dukes and kings; because they surround themselves with your followers; demanding guidance from the astrologers and engineers who are indebted to you; hiring your scholars to translate their books。 No;' he says; 'I will not let pride and profit govern Florence any longer。 The truth and beauty you love are false idols; vanities; and they will lead men into wickedness。'
 〃Francesco is about to leave; knowing his cause will never be reconciled with Savonarola's; but in a last second of anger; he turns and tells Savonarola what he intends to do。 'If you will not accede to my demands;' Francesco says; 'then I will show all the world that you are a madman; not a prophet。 I will carry each book and painting from your pyramid until the fire destroys me; so that my blood will be on your hands。 And the world will turn against you。'
 〃He prepares to leave again; when Savonarola says something Francesco never expects。 'My mind cannot be changed;' he says; 'but if you are willing to die for these convictions; then I offer you my respect; and I look on you as a son。 Any cause that is true in God's eyes will be reborn; and any martyr who is true to a holy cause will rise from his own ashes and be transported to heaven。 I do not wish to see a man of your convictions perish; but the men you represent; who own the objects you intend to save; are moved only by greed and vanity。 They will never be reconciled to God's will; except by force。 It is sometimes God's design to sacrifice the innocent to test the faithful; and perhaps it is just so now。'
 〃Francesco is about to contradict him; to argue that knowledge and beauty shouldn't be sacrificed to save corrupt men's souls; when he thinks of his own men; Donato and Rodrigo; and sees the truth of what Savonarola says。 He realizes that v
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