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's the strongman of the local ambulance squad; the go…to guy for tough cases; and he'll find a twenty…fifth hour in any day to give people he's never met a fighting chance to beat what he calls the Thief。
 Charlie unloads a pair of pin…striped gray laser guns; then the set of Velcro straps with dark plastic domes in the middle。 While he keeps fiddling with the packs; I start to unzip my jacket。 The collar of my shirt is already sticking to my neck。
 〃Careful;〃 he says; extending an arm out before I can sling my coat across the largest pipe。 〃Remember what happened to Gil's old jacket?〃
 I'd pletely forgotten。 A steam pipe melted the nylon shell and set the filler on fire。 We had to stomp out the flames on the ground。
 〃We'll leave the coats here and pick them up on the way out;〃 he says; grabbing the jacket from my hand and rolling it up with his in an expandable duffel bag。 He suspends it from a ceiling fixture by one of its straps。
 〃So the rats don't get at it;〃 he says; unloading a few more objects from the pack。
 After handing me a flashlight and a two…way hand radio; he pulls out two large water bottles; beading from the heat; and places them in the outer netting of his pack。
 〃Remember;〃 he says。 〃If we get split up again; don't head downstream。 If you see water running; go against the current。 You don't want to end up in a drain or down a chute if the flow increases。 This isn't the Ohio; like you got back at home。 The water level down here rises fast。〃
 This is my punishment for getting lost the last time he and I were teammates。 I tug at my shirt for ventilation。 〃Chuck; the Ohio doesn't go anywhere near Columbus。〃
 He hands me one of the receivers and waits for me to fasten it around my chest; ignoring me。
 〃So what's the plan?〃 I ask。 〃Which way are we going?〃
 He smiles。 〃That's where you e in。〃
 Charlie pats my head。 〃Because you're the sherpa。〃
 He says it as if sherpas are a magical race of midget navigators; like hobbits。
 〃What do you want me to do?〃
 〃Paul knows the tunnels better than we do。 We need a strategy。〃
 I mull it over。 〃What's the nearest entrance to the tunnels on their side?〃
 〃There's one in back of Clio。〃
 Cliosophic is an old debating society's building。 I try to see each position clearly; but the heat is clogging my thoughts。 〃Which would lead straight down to where we're standing。 A straight shot south。 Right?〃
 He thinks it over; wrestling with the geography。 〃Right;〃 he says。
 〃And he never takes the straight shot。〃
 I imagine Paul; always two steps ahead。
 〃Then that's what he'll do。 A straight shot。 Beat a path down from Clio and hit us before we're ready。〃
 Charlie considers。 〃Yeah;〃 he says finally; focusing off into the distance。 The edges of his lips begin to form a smile。
 〃So we'll circle around him;〃 I suggest。 〃Catch him from behind。〃
 There's a glint in Charlie's eyes。 He pats me on the back hard enough that I nearly fall under the weight of my pack。 〃Let's go。〃
 We start moving down the corridor; when a hiss es from the mouth of the two…way radio。
 I pull the handset from my belt and press the button。
 〃Gil? 。 。 。 I can't hear you。 。 。 。〃
 But there's no response。
 〃It's a bug;〃 Charlie says。 〃They're too far away to send a signal。〃
 I repeat myself into the microphone and wait。 〃You said these things had a two…mile range;〃 I tell him。 〃We're not even a mile from them。〃
 〃A two…mile range through the air;〃 Charlie says。 〃Through concrete and dirt; not even close。〃
 But the radios are for emergency use。 I'm sure it was Gil's voice I heard。
 We continue in silence for a hundred yards or so; dodging puddles of sludge and little mounds of scat。 Suddenly Charlie grabs the neck of my shirt and pulls me back。
 〃What the hell?〃 I snap; almost losing my balance。
 He runs the beam of his flashlight across a wooden plank bridging a deep trough in the tunnel。 We've both crossed it in previous games。
 〃What's wrong?〃
 He gingerly presses a foot down on the board。
 〃It's fine;〃 Charlie says; visibly relieved。 〃No water damage。〃
 I wipe my forehead; finding it soaked with sweat。
 〃Okay;〃 he says。 〃Let's go。〃
 Charlie walks across the plank in two great strides。 It's all I can do to keep my balance before landing safely on the other side。
 〃Here。〃 Charlie hands me one of the water bottles。 〃Drink it。〃
 I take a quick drink; then follow him deeper into the tunnels。 We're in an undertaker's paradise; the same coffinlike view in every direction; dark walls tapering faintly toward a hazy point of convergence in the darkness。
 〃Does this whole part of the tunnels look like a catab?〃 I ask。 The hand radio seems to be buzzing patches of static between my thoughts。
 〃Like a what?〃
 〃A catab。 A tomb。〃
 〃Not really。 The newer parts are in a huge corrugated pipe;〃 he says; moving his hands in an undulating pattern; like a wave; to suggest the surface。 〃It's like walking on ribs。 Makes you think you were swallowed by a whale。 Sort of like 。 。 。〃
 He snaps his fingers; searching for a parison。 Something biblical。 Something Melvillian; from English 151w。
 〃Like Pinocchio。〃
 Charlie looks back at me; fishing for a laugh。
 〃It shouldn't be much farther;〃 he says; when he doesn't get one。 Turning back; he pats the receiver on his chest。 〃Don't worry。 We'll turn the corner; pop them a few times; and go home。〃
 Just then; the radio crackles again。 This time there's no doubt: it's Gil's voice。
 Endgame; Charlie。
 I stop short。 〃What does that mean?〃
 Charlie frowns。 He waits for the message to repeat; but there's no other sound。
 〃I'm not falling for that;〃 he says。
 〃Falling for what?〃
 〃Endgame。 It means the game's over。〃
 〃No shit; Charlie。 Why?〃
 〃Because something's wrong。〃
 But he raises a finger; silencing me。 In the distance I can hear voices。
 〃That's them;〃 I say。
 He lifts his rifle。 〃e on。〃
 Charlie's strides quickly get longer; and I have no choice but to follow。 Only now; trying to keep up; do I appreciate how expertly he runs through the darkness。 It's all I can do to hold him in the ray of my flashlight。
 As we near a junction; he stops me。 〃Don't turn the corner。 Kill your flashlight。 They'll see us ing。〃
 I wave him on; into the opening。 The radio blasts again。
 Endgame; Charlie。 We're in the north…south corridor under Edwards Hall。
 Gil's voice is much clearer now; much closer。
 I begin toward the intersection; but Charlie pushes me back。 Two flashlight beams jerk in the opposite direction。 Squinting in the darkness; I can make out silhouettes。 They turn; hearing our approach。 One of the beams falls into our sight line。
 〃Damn!〃 Charlie barks; shielding his eyes。 He points his rifle blindly toward the light and begins to press at its trigger。 I can hear the mechanical bleating of a chest receiver。
 〃Stop it!〃 Gil hisses。
 〃What's the problem?〃 Charlie calls out as we approach。
 Paul is behind Gil; motionless。 The two of them are standing in a trickle of light ing through the gaps in a manhole cover overhead。
 Gil places a finger over his lips; then points up toward the manhole。 I make o
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