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f my rolls before the senior photographers take over the darkroom;〃 she says on the way; more for Sam's benefit than for mine。 〃You're a distraction。〃
 The artifice is wasted。 Sam's earphones are still in place; focused on her typing; she doesn't notice me leaving。
 At the door; Katie takes her hands away from the small of my back。 She seems prepared to speak; but doesn't。 Instead; she leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek; the kind I used to get in our earliest days; as a reward for jogs in the morning。 Then she holds the door for me as I leave。
 Chapter 18
 Love conquers all。
 In seventh grade; at a small souvenir stand in New York; I bought a silver bracelet with that inscription for a girl named Jenny Harlow。 I thought it was; in one stroke; a portrait of the young man she wanted to date: cosmopolitan; with its Manhattan pedigree; romantic; with its poetic…sounding motto; and classy; with its understated shine。 I left the bracelet anonymously in Jenny's locker on Valentine's Day; then waited all day for a response; thinking she was sure to know who'd left it。
 Cosmopolitan; romantic; and classy; unfortunately; didn't form a trail of breadcrumbs leading directly back to me。 An eighth grader named Julius Murphy must've had that bination of virtues in much greater supply than I did; because it was Julius who got a kiss from Jenny Harlow at the end of the day; while I was left with nothing but a dark suspicion that the family vacation to New York had been for naught。
 The whole experience; like so much of childhood; was built on misunderstanding。 It wouldn't occur to me until much later that the bracelet wasn't made in New York; any more than it was made of silver。 But that very Valentine's night; my father explained the particular misinterpretation he found most telling; which was that the poetic…sounding motto wasn't quite as romantic as Julius; Jenny; and I thought。
 〃You may have gotten the wrong impression from Chaucer;〃 he began; with the smile of paternal wisdom。 〃There's more to 'love conquers all' than just the Prioress's brooch。〃
 I sensed that this was going to be a lot like the conversation we'd had about babies and storks a few years before: well intentioned; but based on a serious misunderstanding about what I'd been learning in school。
 A long explanation followed; about Virgil's tenth eclogue and omnia vincit amor; with digressions about Sithonian snows and Ethiopian sheep; all of which mattered a lot less to me than why Jenny Harlow didn't think I was romantic; and why I'd found such a useless way of blowing twelve dollars。 If love conquered all; I decided; then love had never met Julius Murphy。
 But my father was a wise man in his way; and when he saw he wasn't getting through to me; he opened a book and showed me a picture that made his point for him。
 〃Agostino Carracci made this engraving; called Love Conquers All;〃 he said。 〃What do you see?〃
 On the right side of the picture were two naked women。 On the left side; a baby boy was beating up a much larger and more muscular satyr。
 〃I don't know;〃 I said; unsure which side of the picture I was supposed to be learning from。
 〃That;〃 my father said; pointing to the boy; 〃is Love。〃
 He let it sink in。
 〃He's not supposed to be on your side。 You fight with him; you try to undo what he does to others。 But he's too powerful。 No matter how much we suffer; Virgil says; our hardships cannot move him。〃
 I'm not sure I ever pletely understood the lesson my father was imparting。 I got the simplest bit of it; I think: by trying to make Jenny Harlow fall head over heels for me; I was arm…wrestling Love; which my own cheap bracelet had been telling me was futile。 But I sensed; even then; that my father was only using Jenny and Julius as an object lesson。 What he really wanted to offer was a piece of wisdom he'd e by the hard way; which he hoped to impress upon me while the stakes of my own failures were still small。 My mother had warned me about misguided love; my father's affair with the Hypnerotomachia always in the back of her mind; and now my father was offering his counterpoint; riddled in Virgil and Chaucer。 He knew exactly how she felt; he was saying; he may even have agreed。 But how could he stop it; what power did he have against the force he was fighting; when Love conquered all?
 I've never known which of the two of them was right。 The world is a Jenny Harlow; I think; we're all just fishermen telling stories about the one that got away。 But to this day; I'm not sure how Chaucer's Prioress interpreted Virgil; or how Virgil interpreted love。 All that stays with me is the picture my father showed me; the part he never said a word about; where the two naked women are watching Love bully the satyr。 I've always wondered why Carracci put two women in that engraving; when he only needed one。 Somewhere in that is the moral I took from the story: in the geometry of love; everything is triangular。 For every Tom and Jenny; there is a Julius; for every Katie and Tom; there is a Francesco Colonna; and the tongue of desire is forked; kissing two but loving one。 Love draws lines between us like an astronomer plotting a constellation from stars; joining points into patterns that have no basis in nature。 The butt of every triangle bees the heart of another; until the roof of reality is a tessellation of love affairs。 Taken together; they have the pattern of netting; and behind them; I think; is Love。 Love is the only perfect fisherman; the one who casts the broadest net; which no fish can escape。 His reward is to sit alone in the tavern of life; forever a boy among men; hoping someday to tell stories about the one that got away。
 The rumor was that Katie had found someone else。 I'd been replaced by a junior named Donald Morgan; a wiry tower of a man who wore a blazer when a simple dress shirt would do; and who was already priming himself to be Gil's successor as Ivy president。 I happened on the new couple one night in late February at Small World Coffee; the same place where I'd met Paul three years earlier; and a cool exchange followed。 Donald managed to say only two or three chummy; innocuous things before realizing I wasn't a potential voter in the club elections; at which point he ushered Katie out of the shop and into his old Shelby Cobra on the street。
 It was death by papercut; watching him turn the engine three times before it finally roared to life。 I couldn't tell whether it was for my benefit or his vanity; the way he idled in his space for another minute until the road was pletely empty before pulling out。 All I noticed was that Katie never looked at me; not even as they drove away; worse; she seemed to be ignoring me out of anger rather than embarrassment; as if it were my fault; not hers; that we'd e to this。 The outrage of it festered until I decided there was nothing else I could do but surrender。 Let her have Donald Morgan; I thought。 Let her make her bed at Ivy。
 Of course; Katie was right。 It was my fault。 I'd been struggling for weeks with the fourth riddle…What do a blind beetle; a night…owl; and a twist…beaked eagle share?…and I sensed that my luck had run dry。 Animals in the intellectual world
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