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; half a dozen others。 Then I realized there were four different labyrinths in the Hypnerotomachia…one in a temple; one in the water; one in a garden; and one underground。 As soon as I thought I was beginning to understand one level of plexity; it quadrupled。 Poliphilo even gets lost at the beginning of the book and says; My only recourse was to beg the pity of Cretan Ariadne; who gave the thread to Theseus to escape from the difficult labyrinth。 It's like the book understood what it was doing to me。
 〃Finally I realized the only thing I knew that definitely worked was the acrostic with the first letter of every chapter。 So I did what the book told me to do。 I begged the pity of Cretan Ariadne; the one person who might be able to solve the maze。〃
 〃You went back to Gelbman。〃
 He nodded。 〃I ate crow。 I was desperate。 In July; Gelbman let me stay with him in Providence after Vincent insisted I was making progress with the method。 He spent the weekend showing me more sophisticated decoding techniques; and that's when things started to pick up。〃
 I remember looking out the window beyond Paul's shoulder as he spoke; sensing that the landscape was changing。 We were sitting in our bedroom in Dod; alone on a Friday night; Charlie and Gil were somewhere below our feet; playing paintball in the steam tunnels with a group of friends from Ivy and the EMT squad。 The following day I would have a paper to work on; a test to study for。 A week later I would meet Katie for the first time。 But for that moment; Paul's hold on my attention was plete。
 〃The most plicated concept he taught me;〃 he continued; 〃was how to decode a book based on algorithms or ciphers from the text itself。 In those cases; the key is built right in。 You solve for the cipher; like an equation or a set of instructions; then you use the cipher to unlock the text。 The book actually interprets itself。〃
 I smiled。 〃Sounds like an idea that could bankrupt the English department。〃
 〃I was skeptical too;〃 Paul said。 〃But it turns out there's a long tradition of it。 Intellectuals during the Enlightenment used to write entire tracts like that as a game。 The texts looked like regular stories; epistolary novels; that kind of thing。 But if you knew the right techniques…maybe catching typos that turned out to be intentional; or solving puzzles in the illustrations…you could find the key。 Something like 'Use only primes and perfect squares; and letters every tenth word shares; exclude the words of Lord Kinkaid; and any questions from the maid。' You would follow the directions; and there would be a message at the end。 Most of the time it was a limerick or a dirty joke。 But one of these guys actually wrote his will like that。 Whoever could decipher it would inherit his estate。〃
 Paul pulled a single sheet of paper from between the pages of a book。 On it was written; in two distinct blocks; the text of a passage written in code; and below it the shorter decoded message。 How one became the other; I couldn't see。
 〃After a while; I started thinking it could work。 Maybe the acrostic with the Hypnerotomachia's chapter letters was just a hint。 Maybe it was there to tell you what sort of interpretation would work on the rest of the book。 A lot of humanists were interested in kabala; and the idea of playing games with language and symbols was popular in the Renaissance。 Maybe Francesco had used some kind of cipher for the Hypnerotomachia。
 〃The problem was; I had no idea where to look for the algorithm。 I started inventing ciphers of my own; just to see if one might work。 I was fighting with it; day after day。 I would e across something; spend a week rummaging through the Rare Books Room for an answer…only to find out it didn't make sense; or it was a trap; or a dead end。
 〃Then; at the end of August; I spent three weeks on a single passage。 It's at the point in the story where Poliphilo is examining a set of temple ruins; and he finds a hieroglyphic message carved on an obelisk。 To the divine and always august Julius Caesar; governor of the world is the opening phrase。 I'll never forget it…it almost drove me crazy。 The same few pages; day after day。 But that's when I found it。〃
 He opened a binder on his desk。 Inside was a reproduction of every page of the Hypnerotomachia。 Turning to an appendix he'd created at the end; he showed me a sheet of paper on which he'd clipped the first letter of each chapter into what looked like a ransom note; spelling the famous message about Fra Francesco Colonna。 Poliam Frater Franciscus Columna Peramavit。
 〃My starting assumption was simple。 The acrostic couldn't just be a parlor trick; a cheap way to identify the author。 It had to have a larger purpose: first letters wouldn't just be important for decoding that initial message; they would be important for deciphering the entire book。
 〃So I tried it。 The passage I'd been looking at happens to begin with a special hieroglyph in one of the drawings…an eye。〃 He flipped several pages; finally arriving at it。
 〃Since it was the first symbol in that woodcut; I decided it must be important。 The problem was; I couldn't do anything with it。 Poliphilo's definition of the symbol…that the eye means God; or divinity…led me nowhere。
 〃That's when I got lucky。 One morning I was doing some work at the student center; and I hadn't slept much; so I decided to buy a soda。 Only; the machine kept spitting my dollar back。 I was so tired; I couldn't figure out why; until I finally looked down and realized I was putting it in the wrong way。 The back side was up。 I was just about to turn it over and try again; when I saw it。 Right in front of me; on the back of the bill。〃
 〃The eye;〃 I said。 〃Right above the pyramid。〃
 〃Exactly。 It's part of the great seal。 And that's when it hit me。 In the Renaissance there was a famous humanist who used the eye as his symbol。 He even printed it on coins and medals。〃
 He waited; as if I might know the answer。
 〃Alberti。〃 Paul pointed to a small volume on the far shelf。 The spine read De re aedificatoria。 〃That's what Colonna meant by it。 He was about to borrow an idea from Alberti's book; and he wanted you to notice it。 If you could just figure out what it was; the rest would fall into place。
 〃In his treatise; Alberti creates Latin equivalents for architectural words derived from Greek。 Francesco does the same replacement all over the Hypnerotomachia…except in one place。 I'd noticed it the first time I translated the section; because I started hitting Vitruvian terms I hadn't seen in a long time。 But I never thought they were significant。
 〃The trick; I realized; was that you had to find all the Greek architectural terms in that passage and replace them with their Latin equivalents; the same way they appear in the rest of the text。 If you did that; and used the acrostic rule…reading the first letter of each word in a row; the same way you do with the first letter of each chapter…the puzzle unlocks。 You find a message in Latin。 The only problem is; if you make just one mistake converting the Greek to Latin; the whole message breaks down。 Replace entasi with ventris diametrum instead of just venter; and the extra 'D' at the beginning of diametrum changes ever
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