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 with the president of her eating club that lent me what small mystique I had; holding on to such a catch。 In those days the idea of touching her hand or smelling her hair was enough to send me sweating to a cold shower。 We were each other's trophies; and we spent our days on pedestals。
 Since those early weeks I've taken her off the shelf。 She's returned the favor。 We argue because I keep my room too warm; and because she sleeps with her window open; she chides me for getting seconds of dessert…because someday; she says; even men pay for their petty transgressions。 Gil jokes that I've been domesticated; humoring me with the notion that I used to be a wild thing。 The fact is; I was made for husbandry。 I turn up my thermostat when I'm not cold; and eat dessert when I'm not hungry; because in the shadow of every admonishment from Katie is the hint that she won't tolerate these things in the future; because there will be a future。 The fantasies I used to have; powered by the electricity of potential between strangers; are weaker things now。 I like her best the way she is in this courtyard。
 Her eyes are tensed; the sign that a long day is drawing to a close。 Her hair is down; and the gusts are playing in the loops of it by her shoulder。 It wouldn't bother me just to keep watching from afar; soaking her in。 But when I step forward; decreasing our distance; she sees me and gestures to join her。
 〃What was all that about?〃 she asks。 〃Who was that in the lecture?〃
 〃Richard Curry。〃
 〃Curry?〃 She takes my hand and places it in hers。 Her bottom lip curls between her teeth。 〃Is Paul okay?〃
 〃I think so。〃
 Silence creeps in for a moment as we watch the crowd。 Men in canvas anoraks are offering their jackets to underdressed girlfriends。 Tara; the blonde from the table; has witched a stranger out of his。
 Katie motions back toward the auditorium。 〃So what'd you think?〃
 〃Of the lecture?〃
 She nods; beginning to fix her hair in a bun。
 〃A little gory。〃 The ogre gets no pliments from me。
 〃But more interesting than usual;〃 she says; extending her cup of hot chocolate。 〃Hold this?〃
 She wraps the back of her hair into a knot and strikes it through with two long pins from her pocket。 The easy dexterity of her hands; shaping something she can't see; reminds me of the way my mother used to fix my father's ties while standing behind him。
 〃What's wrong?〃 she says; reading my expression。
 〃Nothing。 Just thinking about Paul。〃
 〃He's going to finish on time?〃
 The thesis deadline。 Even now; she keeps an eye on the Hypnerotomachia。 Tomorrow night she can lay my old mistress to rest。
 〃I hope。〃
 Another silence follows; this one less wele。 Just as I try to think of something to change the subject…something about her birthday; about the gift that's waiting for her back at the room…bad luck strikes。 It arrives in the form of Charlie。 After twenty circuits around the refreshment table; he has finally decided to join us。
 〃I came in late;〃 he announces。 〃Can I get a recap?〃
 Of all the odd things about Charlie; the oddest is how he can be a fearless gladiator among men; but a blithering clod around women。
 〃A recap?〃 Katie says; entertained。
 He plunks a petit four into his mouth; then another; scanning the crowd for prospects。 〃You know。 How classes are going。 Who's dating who。 What you're doing next year。 The usual。〃
 Katie smiles。 〃Classes are fine; Charlie。 Tom and I are still dating。〃 She gives him a reproving look。 〃And I'm only going to be a junior。 I'll still be here next year。〃
 〃Ah;〃 Charlie says; because he has never remembered her age。 Producing a cookie from his gallon…size hands; he searches for the right conversational idiom between a sophomore and a senior。 〃Junior year is probably the hardest;〃 he says; opting for the worst one: advice。 〃Two junior papers。 Prereqs for your major。 And long distance with this guy;〃 he says; pointing at me with one hand; feeding with the other。 〃Not easy。〃 He rolls his tongue through his cheek; savoring the taste of everything he's got in his mouth; ruminating our future besides。 〃Can't say I'm jealous。〃
 He pauses; giving us time to digest。 In a miracle of economy; Charlie has made things worse in less than twenty words。
 〃Do you wish you'd been able to run tonight?〃 he says now。
 Katie; still hoping for a silver lining; waits for him to explain。 More accustomed to the way his mind works; I know better。
 〃The Nude Olympics;〃 he says; ignoring my signal to change the subject。 〃Don't you wish you could've run?〃
 The question is a masterstroke。 I can see it ing; but I'm powerless to defend against it。 To show his grasp of the fact that Katie is a sophomore; and possibly of the fact that she lives in Holder; Charlie is asking if my girlfriend is upset because she couldn't parade naked in front of the rest of campus tonight。 The underlying pliment; I think; is that a woman with Katie's physical assets must be dying to show them off。 Charlie seems to have no premonition of the myriad ways this could go wrong。
 Katie's face tightens; spotting his train of thought a mile down the tracks。 〃Why? Should I be?〃
 〃There just aren't a lot of sophomores I know who would pass up the chance;〃 he says。 And from his more diplomatic tone; he must sense that he's misstepped。
 〃What chance would that be?〃 Katie presses。
 I try to help him; searching for euphemisms of drunken nudity; but my mind is a flock of pigeons; fluttering away。 All my thoughts are shit and feathers。
 〃The chance to shed their clothes once in four years?〃 Charlie fumbles。
 Slowly; Katie looks both of us over。 Sizing up Charlie's steam…tunnel attire; and my back…of…the…closet outfit; she wastes no words。
 〃Well; then; I guess we're even。 Because there aren't a lot of seniors I know who would pass up the chance to change their clothes once in four years。〃
 I fight the impulse to press at the wrinkles in my shirt。
 Charlie; reading the leaves; ducks out for another pass at the table。 His job here is done。
 〃You guys are a couple of real charmers;〃 Katie says。 〃You know that?〃
 She tries to sound amused; but there's a hint of heaviness she can't hide。 She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair; trying to change things; when an Ivy woman arrives before us; arm in arm with Gil。 From the apologetic look on his face; I understand that this is the Kelly he told us to avoid。
 〃Tom; you know Kelly Danner; don't you?〃
 Before I can say that I don't; Kelly's face fills with rage。 She's focused on something in the far corner of the courtyard。
 〃Those stupid shits;〃 she curses; throwing her paper cup to the ground。 〃I knew they would try to pull something like this tonight。〃
 We all turn。 There; marching toward us from the direction of the eating clubs; es a troupe of men in tunics and togas。
 Charlie hoots; stepping toward us for a better view。
 〃Tell them to get out of here;〃 Kelly demands; to no one in particular。
 The group es into focus through the snow。 Now it's clear that this is just what Kelly feared: a choreographed stunt。 Each toga bears a series of letters across its chest; written in two distinct rows。 Though I can't make out the lower row yet; the top one is 
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