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ights as he passed。
    With the riders who had been thrown beyond the wall; Mhoram found himself faced by a massing wedge of ur…viles。
    The Cavewights cut him off from the Warward。 And the falling of the horses gave samadhi's creatures a chance to strike back。 Before Quaan could organize any kind of assault on the Cavewights; his warriors were fighting for their lives where they stood。
    Wheeling Drinny; Mhoram saw that he would get no help from the riders。 But if he went back to them; fought the wall himself; the ur…viles would have time to plete their wedge; they would have the riders at their mercy。
    At once; he sent the warriors with him to attack the Cavewights。 Then he flung himself like a bolt of Lords…fire at the ur…viles。
    He was only one man against several hundred of the black; roynish creatures。 But he had unlocked the secret of High Lord Kevin's Lore; he had learned the link between power and passion; he was mightier than he had ever been before。 Using all the force his staff could bear; he shattered the formation like a battering ram; broke and scattered ur…viles like rubble。 With Drinny pounding; kicking; slashing under him; he held his staff in both hands; whirled it about him; sent vivid blasts blaring like the blue fury of the cloud…damned heavens; shouting in a rapture of rage like an earthquake。 And the ur…viles staggered as if the sky had fallen on them; collapsed as if the ground had bucked under their feet。 He fired his way through them like a titan; and did not stop until he had reached the bottom of a low hollow in the hills。
    There he spun; and discovered that he had pletely lost the War…ward。 The riders had been thrown back; in the face of insuperable odds; Quaan had probably taken them to join the unmounted warriors so that they could bine their strength in an effort to save the High Lord。
    On the opposite rim of the hollow; Satansfist stood glaring down at Mhoram。 He held his Stone cocked to strike; and the mad lust of the Raver was in his Giantish face。 But he turned away without attacking; disappeared beyond the rim as if he had decided that the Waynhim were a more serious threat than High Lord Mhoram。
    〃Satansfist!〃 Mhoram yelled。 〃Samadhi Sheol! Return and fight me! Are you craven; that you dare not risk a challenge?〃
    As he shouted; he hit Drinny with his heels; launched the Ranyhyn in pursuit of Satansfist。 But in the instant that his attention was turned upward; the surviving ur…viles rallied。 Instead of retreating to form a wedge; they flung themselves at him。 He could not swing his staff; ravenous black hands clutched at him; clawed his arms; caught hold of his robe。
    Drinny fought back; but he succeeded only in pulling himself out from under the High Lord。 Mhoram lost his seat and went down under a pile of rabid black bodies。
    Blood…red Demondim blades flared at him。 But before any of the eldritch knives could bite his flesh; he mustered an eruption of force which blasted the ur…viles away。 Instantly; he was on his feet again; wielding his staff; crushing every creature that came near him…searching fervidly for his mount。
    The Ranyhyn was already gone; driven out of the hollow。
    Suddenly; Mhoram was alone。 The last ur…viles fled; leaving him with the dead and dying。 In their place came a fatal silence that chilled his blood。 Either the fighting had ended; or the livid wind carried all sounds away; he could hear nothing but the low cruel voice of Lord Foul's winter; and his own hoarse respiration。
    The abrupt absence of clamor and turmoil kept him still also。 He wanted to shout for Quaan but could not raise his voice through the horror in his throat…wanted to whistle for Drinny; but could not bring himself to break the awful quietude。 He was too astonished with dread。
    The next instant; he realized that the Raver had trapped him。 He sprang into a run; moving away from the Warward; toward the Waynhim; hoping that this choice would take the trap by surprise。
    It was too plete to be surprised。 Before he had gone a dozen yards; creatures burst into view around the entire rim of the hollow。 Hundreds of them let him see them; they stood leering down at him; pawing the ground hungrily; slavering at the anticipated taste of his blood and bones。 The wind bore their throaty lust down to him as if they gave tongue to the animating spirit of the winter。
    He was alone against them。
    He retreated to the center of the hollow; hunted swiftly around the rim for some gap or weakness in the surrounding horde。 He found none。 And though he sent his perceptions ranging as far as he could through the air; he discovered no sign of the Warward; if the warriors were still alive; still fighting; they were blocked from his senses by the solid force of the trap。
    As he grasped the utterness of his plight; he turned inward; retreated into himself as if he were fleeing。 There he looked the end of all his hopes and all his Landservice in the face; and found that its scarred; terrible visage no longer appalled him。 He was a fighter; a man born to fight for the Land。 As long as something for which he could fight remained; he was impervious to terror。 And something did remain; while he lived; at least one flame of love for the Land still burned。 He could fight for that。
    His crooked lips stretched into an extreme and perilous grin; hot; serene triumph shone in his eyes。 〃e; then!〃 he shouted。 〃If your master is too much a coward to risk himself against me; then e for me yourselves! I do not wish to harm you; but if you dare me; I will give you death!〃
    Something in his voice halted them momentarily。 They hesitated;  moiling uneasily。 But almost at once the grip of their malice locked like jaws。 At the harsh shout of a mand; they started down toward him from all sides like an avalanche。
    He did not wait for them。 He swung in the direction Satansfist had taken; intending to pursue the Raver as far as his strength would carry him。 But some instinct or intuition tugged him at the last instant; deflected him to one side。 He turned and met that part of the avalanche head…on。
    Now the only thing which limited his might was his staff itself。 That wood had been shaped by people who had not understood Kevin's Lore; it was not formed to bear the force he now sent blazing through it。 But he had no margin for caution。 He made the staff surpass itself; sent it bucking and crackling with power to rage against his assailants。 His flame grew incandescent; furnace…hot; in brilliance and coruscation it sliced through his foes like a scythe of sun…fire。
    In moments; their sheer numbers filled all his horizons; blocked everything but their dark assault out of his awareness。 He saw nothing else; felt nothing but huge waves of misshapen fiends that sought to deluge him; knew nothing but their ravening lust for blood and his blue; fiery passion。 Though they threw themselves at him in scores and hundreds; he met them; cut them down; blasted them back。 Wading through their corpses as if they were the very sea of death; he fought them with fury in his veins; indomitability in his bones; extravagant triumph in his eyes。
    Yet they outwe
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