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 Creator himself may act to meet this need。〃
    Her waifish eyes probed him; trying to locate the source of his serenity。 〃I lack your faith in this Creator。 Even if such a being lives; the Law which preserves the Earth precludes… Do not the legends say that if the Creator were to break the arch of Time to place his hand upon the Earth; then the arch and all things in it would e to an end; and the Despiser would be set free?〃
    〃That is said;〃 Mhoram affirmed。 〃I do not doubt it。 Yet the doom of any creation is upon the head of its Creator。 Our work is enough for us。 We need not weary ourselves with the burdens of gods。〃
    Amatin sighed。 〃You speak with conviction; High Lord。 If I were to say such things; they would sound glib。〃
    〃Then do not say them。 I speak only of what gives me courage。 You are a different person and will have a different courage。 Only remember that you are a Lord; a servant of the Land…remember the love that brought you to this work; and do not falter。〃
    〃Yes; High Lord;〃 she replied; looking intensely into him。 〃Yet I do not trust this power which makes Desecration possible。 I will not hazard it。〃
    Her gaze turned him back to the krill。 Its white gem flamed at him like the light of a paradox; a promise of life and death。 Slowly; he reached out and touched its hilt。 But his exaltation had faded; and the krill's heat made him withdraw his hand。
    He smiled crookedly。 〃Yes;〃 he breathed as if he were speaking to the blade; 〃it is a hazard。 I am very afraid。'' Carefully; he took a cloth from within his robe; carefully; he wrapped the krill and set it aside until it could be taken to a place where the Lorewardens could study it。 Then he glanced up and saw that Amatin was trying to smile also。
    〃e; sister Amatin;〃 he said to her bravery; 〃we have delayed our work too long。〃
    Together; they made their way to the battle; and with Lord Loerya they called fire from their staffs to throw back the hordes of the Despiser。
    The three were joined late in the afternoon by a bandaged and hobbling Trevor。 But by that time; Revelstone had survived the worst frenzy of Satansfist's assault。 The Lords had given the Warward the support it needed。 Under Quaan's stubborn mand; the warriors held back the onslaught。 Wherever the Lords worked; the casualties among the defenders dropped almost to nothing; and the losses of the attackers increased vastly。 In this kind of battle; the ur…viles could not focus their power effectively。 As a result; the Lords were able to wreak a prodigious ruin among the Cavewights and other creatures。 Before the shrouded day had limped into night; samadhi Raver called back his forces。
    But this time he did not allow the Keep to rest。 His attacks began again shortly after dark。 Under the cover of cold winter blackness; ur…viles rushed forward to throw liquid vehemence at the battlements; and behind them tight panies of creatures charged; carrying shields and ladders。 Gone now was the haphazard fury of the assault; the unconcerted wild attempt to breach the whole Keep at once。 In its place were precision and purpose。 Growling with hunger; the hordes shaped themselves to the task of wearing down Revelstone as swiftly and efficiently as possible。
    In the days that followed; there was no let to the fighting。 Satansfist controlled his assaults so that his losses did not significantly outrun the constant arrival of his reinforcements; but he exerted pressure remorselessly; allowing the warriors no respite in which to recover。 Despite Quaan's best efforts to rotate his Eoman and Howard; so that each could rest in turn; the Warward grew more and more weary…and weary warriors were more easily slain。 And those who fell could not be replaced。
    But the Warward did not have to carry the burden of this battle alone。 Gravelingases and Hirebrands and Lore wardens fought as well。 People who had no other urgent work…homeless farmers and Cattleherds; artists; even older children…took over supporting tasks; they supplied arrows and other weapons; stood sentry duty; ran messages。 Thus many Eoman were freed for either bat or rest。 And the Lords rushed into action whenever Quaan requested their aid。 They were potent and pelling; in their separate ways; they fought with the hard strength of people who knew themselves capable of Desecration and did not intend to be driven to that extreme。
    Thus Lord's Keep endured。 Eoman after Eoman fell in battle every day; food stores shrank; the Healers' supplies of herbs and poultices dwindled。 Strain carved the faces of the people; cut away fortable flesh until their skulls seemed to be covered by nothing but pressure and apprehension。 But Revelstone protected its inhabitants; and they endured。
    At first; the Lords concentrated their attention on the needs of the battle。 Instinctively; they shied away from their dangerous knowledge。 They spent their energy in work and fighting; rather than in studying last resorts。 But when the continuous adumbrations of assault had echoed through the Keep for six days; High Lord Mhoram found that he had begun to dread the moment when Satansfist would change his tactics…when the Raver and his master were ready to use the Stone and the Staff again。 And during the seventh night; Mhoram's sleep was troubled by dim dreams like shadows of his former visionary nightmares。 Time and again; he felt that he could almost hear somewhere in the depths of his soul the sound of an Unfettered One screaming。 He awoke in an inchoate sweat; and hastened upland to see if anything had happened to the Unfettered One of Glimmermere。
    The One was safe and well; as were Loerya's daughters。 But this did not relieve Mhoram。 It left a chill in the marrow of his bones like an echo of winter。 He felt sure that someone; somewhere; had been slain in torment。 Straightening himself against the shiver of dread; he called the other Lords to a Council; where for the first time he raised the question of how their new knowledge could be used against the Despiser。
    His question sparked unspoken trepidations in them all。 Amatin stared widely at the High Lord; Trevor winced; Loerya studied her hands…and Mhoram felt the acuteness of their reaction as if they were saying; Do you think then that we should repeat the work of Kevin Landwaster? But he knew they did not intend that accusation。 He waited for them; and at last Loerya found her voice。 〃When you defended the Close…you worked against another's wrong。 How will you control this power if you initiate it?〃
    Mhoram had no answer。
    Shortly; Trevor forced himself to add; 〃We have nothing through which we could channel such might。 It is in my heart that our staffs would not suffice…they would not be strong to control power of that extent。 We lack the Staff of Law; and I know of no other tool equal to this demand。〃
    〃And;〃 Amatin said sharply; 〃this knowledge in which you dare to put your faith did not suffice for High Lord Kevin son of Loric。 It only increased the cost of his despair。 I have…I have given my life to his Lore; and I speak truly。 Such power is a snare and a delusion。 It cannot be controlled。 It strikes the hand that wields it。 Better to die in the 
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