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    To his own surprise; he heard himself muttering: He drugged me。 By hell! that crazy man drugged me。 The assertion made no sense。 How had he arrived at such a conclusion? Triock was an honest man; frank and magnanimous in grief…a man who clove to mercy and peace despite their cost to himself。
    He drugged me。
    Where had that conviction e from? Covenant fumbled with numb fingers through his unconsciousness; while an unshakable sense of peril clutched his heart。 Darkness and harm crowded toward him。 Behind his sleep…behind the glaucous music…he seemed to see Triock's campfire still burning。
    How did he light that fire?
    How did he find me?
    The urgent gleams were trying to tell him things he could not hear。 Triock was a danger。 Triock had drugged him。 He must get up and flee…flee somewhere…flee into the Forest。
    He struggled into a sitting position; wrenched his eyes open。 He faced the low campfire in the last dead light of evening。 Winter blew about him as if it were salivating gall。 He could smell the approach of snow; already a few fetid flakes were visible at the edges of the firelight。 Triock sat cross…legged opposite him; stared at him out of the smoldering abomination of his eyes。
    In the air before Covenant danced faint glaucous gleams; fragments of inaudible song。 They were shrill with insistence: flee! flee!
    〃What is it?〃 He tried to beat off the clinging hands of slumber。 〃What are they doing?〃
    〃Send it away;'' Triock answered in a voice full of fear and loathing。 〃Rid yourself of it。 He cannot claim you now。〃
    〃What is it?〃 Covenant lurched to his feet and stood trembling; hardly able to contain the panic in his muscles。 〃What's happening?〃
    〃It is the voice of a Forestal。'' Triock spoke simply; but every angle of his inflection expressed execration。 He jumped erect and balanced himself as if he meant to give chase when Covenant began to run。 〃Garroting Deep has sent Caer…Caveral to Morinmoss。 But he cannot claim you。 I can〃…his voice shook…〃I cannot permit it。〃
    〃Claim? Permit?〃 The peril gripping Covenant's heart tightened until he gasped。 Something in him that he could not remember urged him to trust the gleams。 〃You drugged me!〃
    〃So that you would not escape!〃 White; rigid fear clenched Triock; and he stammered through drawn lips; 〃He urges you to destroy me。 He cannot reach far from Morinmoss; but he urges…the white gold…! Ah!〃 Abruptly; his voice sharpened into a shriek。 〃Do not toy with me! I cannot…! Destroy me and have done! I cannot endure it!〃
    The cries cut through Covenant's own dread。 His distress receded; and he found himself grieving for the Stonedownor。 Across the urging of the gleams; he breathed thickly; 〃Destroy you? Don't you know that you're safe from me? Don't you understand that I haven't got one godforsaken idea how to use this…this white gold? I couldn't hurt you if that were my heart's sole desire。〃
    〃What?〃 Triock howled。 〃Still? Have I feared you for nothing?〃
    〃For nothing;〃 groaned Covenant。
    Triock gaped bleakly out from under his hood; then threw back his head and began to laugh。 Mordant glee barked through his teeth; making the music shiver as if its abhorrence were no less than his。 〃Powerless!〃 he laughed。 〃By the mirth of my master! Powerless!〃
    Chuckling savagely; he started toward Covenant。
    At once; the silent song rushed gleaming between them。 But Triock advanced against the lights。 〃Begone!〃 he growled。 〃You also will pay for your part in this。'' With a deft movement; he caught one spangle in each fist。 Their wailing shimmered in the air as he crushed them between his fingers。
    Ringing like broken crystal; the rest of the music vanished。
    Covenant reeled as if an unseen support had been snatched away。 He flung up his hands against Triock's approach; stumbled backward。 But the man did not touch him。 Instead; he stamped one foot on the hard ground。 The earth bucked under Covenant; stretched him at Triock's feet。
    Then Triock threw off his hood。 His visage was littered with broken possibilities; wrecked faiths and loves; but behind his features his skull shone with pale malice。 The backs of his eyes were as black as night; and his teeth gaped as if they were hungry for the taste of flesh。 Leering down at Covenant; he smirked; 〃No; groveler。 I will not strike you again。 The time for masquerading has ended。 My master may frown upon me if I harm you now。〃
    〃Master?〃 Covenant croaked。
    〃I am turiya Raver; also called Herem…and Kinslaughterer…and Triock。〃 He laughed again grotesquely。 〃This guise has served me well; though 'Triock' is not pleased。 Behold me; groveler! I need no longer let his form and thoughts disguise me。 You are powerless。 Ah; I savor that jest! So now I permit you to know me as I am。 It was I who slew the Giants of Seareach…I who slew the Unfettered One as he sought to warn that fool Mhoram…I who have captured the white gold! Brothers! I will sit upon the master's right hand and rule the universe!〃
    As he gloated; he reached into his cloak and drew out the lomillialor rod。 Brandishing it in Covenant's face; he barked; 〃Do you see it? High Wood! I spit on it。 The test of truth is not a match for me。〃 Then he gripped it between his hands as if he meant to break it; and shouted quick cruel words over it。 It caught fire; blazed for an instant in red agony; and fell into cinders。
    Gleefully; the Raver snarled at Covenant; 〃Thus I signal your doom; as I was manded。 Breathe swiftly; groveler。 There are only moments left to you。〃
    Covenant's muscles trembled as if the ground still pitched under him; but he braced himself; struggled to his feet。 He felt stunned with horror; helpless。 Yet in the back of his mind he strained to find an escape。 〃The ring;〃 he panted。 〃Why don't you just take the ring?〃
    A black response leaped in Triock's eyes。 〃Would you give it to me?〃
    〃No!〃 He thought desperately that if he could goad Triock into some act of power; Caer…Caveral's glaucous song might return to aid him。
    〃Then I will tell you; groveler; that I do not take your ring because the mand of my master is too strong。 He does not choose that I should have such power。 In other times; he did not bind us so straitly; and we were free to work his will in our several ways。 But he claims…and…I obey。〃
    〃Try to take it!〃 Covenant panted。 〃Be the ruler of the universe yourself。 Why should he have it?〃
    For an instant; he thought he saw something like regret in Triock's face。 But the Raver only snarled; 〃Because the Law of Death has been broken; and he is not alone。 There are eyes of pulsion upon me even now…eyes which may not be defied。〃 His leer of hunger returned。 〃Perhaps you will see them before you are slain…before my brother and I tear your living heart from you and eat it in your last sight。〃
    He laughed harshly; and as if in answer the darkness around the campfire grew thicker。 The night blackened like an accumulation of spite; then drew taut and formed discrete figures that came forward。 Covenant heard their feet rustling over the cold ground。 He whirled; and found himself surrounded by ur…viles。
    When their eyele
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