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    Leaning against the wind; limping barefoot over the brutalized ground; he made for the Ford as if it were the gateway to his altered purpose。
    But the distance was greater than it had appeared from the elevation of the Forest; and his movements were hampered by wind and snow and hill slopes。 Noon came before he reached the last ridge west of the Ford。
    When his gaze passed over the top of the ridge and down toward the river crossing; he was startled to see a man standing on the bank。
    The man's visage was hidden by the hood of a Stonedownor cloak; but he faced squarely toward Covenant with his arms akimbo as if he had been impatiently awaiting the Unbeliever's arrival for some time。 Caution urged Covenant to duck out of sight。 But almost at once the man gestured brusquely; barking in tones that sounded like a distortion of a voice Covenant should have been able to recognize; 〃e; Unbeliever! You have no craft for hiding or flight。 I have watched your approach for a league。〃
    Covenant hesitated; but in his hollow surety he was not afraid。 After a moment; he shrugged; and started toward the Ford。 As he moved down the hillside; he kept his eyes on the waiting man and searched for some clue to the man's identity。 At first he guessed that the man represented a part of his lost experience in the Forest and the woman's cave…a part he might never be able to prehend or evaluate。 But then his eyes made out the pattern woven into the shoulders of the Stonedownor cloak。 It was a pattern like crossed lightning。
    〃Triock!〃 he gasped under his breath。 Triock?
    He ran over the hard ground; hurried up to the man; caught him by the shoulders。 〃Triock。〃 An awkward thickness in his throat constricted his voice。 〃Triock? What are you doing here? How did you get here? What happened?〃
    As Covenant panted questions at him; the man averted his face so that the hood sheltered his features。 His hands leaped to Covenant's wrists; tore Covenant's hands off his shoulders as if their touch were noxious to him。 With unmistakable ire; he thrust Covenant away from him。 But when he spoke; his barking tone sounded almost casual。
    〃Well; ur…Lord Covenant; Unbeliever and white gold wielder。〃 He invested the titles with a sarcastic twang。 〃You have not e far in so many days。 Have you rested well in Morinmoss?〃
    Covenant stared and rubbed his wrists; Triock's anger left a burning sensation in them; like a residue of acid。 The pain gave him an instant of doubt; but he recognized Triock's profile beyond the edge of the hood。 In his confusion; he could not think of a reason for the Stonedownor's belligerence。 〃What happened?〃 he repeated uncertainly。 〃Did you get in touch with Mhoram? Did you find that Unfettered One?〃
    Triock kept his face averted。 But his fingers flexed and curled like claws; hungry for violence。
    Then a wave of sorrow effaced Covenant's confusion。 〃Did you find Lena?〃
    With the same hoarse casualness; Triock said; 〃I followed you because I do not trust your purpose…or your panions。 I see that I have not misjudged。〃
    〃Did you find Lena?〃
    〃Your vaunted aim against the Despiser is expensive in panions as well as in time。 How was the Giant persuaded from your side? Did you leave him〃…he sneered…〃among the perverse pleasures of Morinmoss?〃
    〃Lena?〃 Covenant insisted thickly。
    Triock's hands jerked to his face as if he meant to claw out his eyes。 His palms muffled his voice; made it sound more familiar。 〃With a spike in her belly。 And a man slain at her side。〃 Fierce trembling shook him。 But abruptly he dropped his hands; and his tone resumed its mordant insouciance。 〃Perhaps you will ask me to believe that they slew each other。''
    Through his empty sorrow; Covenant replied; 〃It was my fault。 She tried to save me。 Then I killed him。〃 He felt the inpleteness of this; and added; 〃He wanted my ring。〃
    〃The fool!〃 Triock barked sharply。 〃Did he believe he would be permitted to keep it?〃 But he did not give Covenant time to respond。 Quietly again; he asked; 〃And the Giant?〃
    〃We were ambushed。 He stayed behind…so that Lena and I could get away。〃
    A harsh laugh spat between Triock's teeth。 〃Faithful to the last;〃 he gibed。 The next instant; a wild sob convulsed him as if his self…control had snapped…as if a frantic grief had burst the bonds which held it down。 But immediately he returned to sarcasm。 Showing Covenant a flash of his teeth; he sneered; 〃It is well that I have e。〃
    〃Well?〃 Covenant breathed。 〃Triock; what happened to you?〃 〃Well; forsooth。'' The man sniffed as if he were fighting tears。 '' You have lost much time in that place of harm and seduction。 With each passing day; the Despiser grows mightier。 He straitly binds…'' His teeth grinned at Covenant under the shadow of his hood。 〃Thomas Covenant; your work must be no longer delayed。 I have e to take you to Ridjeck Thome。''
    Covenant gazed intensely at the man。 A moment passed while he tested his hollow core and found that it remained sure。 Then he bent all his attention toward Triock; tried to drive his truncated sight past its limits; its superficiality; so that he might catch some glimpse of Triock's inner estate。 But the winter; and Triock's distraction; foiled him。 He saw the averted face; the rigid flex and claw of the fingers; the baring of the white wet teeth; the turmoil; but he could not penetrate beyond them。 Some stark travail was upon the Stonedownor。 In sympathy and bafflement and self…defense; Covenant said; 〃Triock; you've got to tell me what happened。〃
    〃Must I?〃
 〃Do you threaten me? Will you turn the wild magic against me if I refuse?〃 Triock winced as if he were genuinely afraid; and an oddly craven grimace flicked like a spasm across his lips。 But then he shrugged sharply and turned his back; so that he was facing straight into the wind。 〃Ask; then。〃
    Threaten? Covenant asked Triock's hunched shoulders。 No; no。 I don't want it to happen again。 I've done enough harm。
    〃Did you〃…he could hardly get the words through his clogged throat…〃did you find that Unfettered One?〃
    〃Did he contact Mhoram?〃
    〃Why not?〃
    〃He did not suffice!〃
    The bitterness of the words barked along the bitter wind; and Covenant could only repeat; 〃Triock; what happened?〃
    〃The Unfettered One lacked strength to match the lomillialor。 He took it from me and could not match it。 Yeurquin and Quirrel were lost…more panions lost while you dally and falter!〃
    Both lost。
    〃I didn't… How did you find me?〃
    〃This is expensive blood; Covenant。 When will it sate you?〃
    Sate me? Triock! The question hurt him; but he endured it。 He had long ago lost the right to take umbrage at anything Triock might say。 With difficulty; he asked again; 〃How did you find me?〃
    〃I waited! Where else could you have gone?〃
    〃Triock。〃 Covenant covered himself with the void of his calm and said; 〃Triock; look at me。〃
    〃I do not wish to look at you。〃
    〃Look at me!〃
    〃I have no stomach for the sight。〃
    〃Triock!〃 Covenant placed his hand on the man's shoulder。
    Instantly; Triock spun and
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