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    〃Is it not?〃 Pietten laughed desperately。 〃Do you think I am blind; Ringthane? I have learned much in…in my journeys。 Do you think the Ramen hold the Ranyhyn here out of love?〃
    〃They can't help it;〃 Covenant replied。 〃The Ranyhyn refuse to go。〃
    Pietten did not hear him。 〃Do you think the Bloodguard are here out of love? You are a fool! Banner is here because he has caused the deaths of so many Ranyhyn that he has bee a betrayer。 He needs to betray; as he did the Lords。 Oh; he fights…he has always fought。 He hungers to see every Ranyhyn slain in spite of his fighting so that his need will be fed。 Pah!〃
    Covenant tried to interrupt; protest; but Pietten rushed on: 〃Do you think the Giant is here out of love? You are anile…sick with trust。 Foamfollower is here because he has betrayed his people。 Every last Giant; every man; woman; and child of his kindred; lies dead and moldered in Seareach because he abandoned them! He fled rather than defend them。 His very bones are made of treachery; and he is here because he can find no one else to betray。 All his other panions are dead。〃
    Foamfollower! Covenant cried in stricken silence。 All dead? Foamfollower!
    〃And you; Ringthane…you are the worst of all。 You surpass my contempt。 You ask what I remember。〃 His spear point waved patterns of outrage at Covenant's chest。 〃I remember that the Ranyhyn reared to you。 I remember that I strove to stop you。 But you had already chosen to betray them。 You bound them with promises…promises which you knew they could not break。 Therefore the Ranyhyn cannot seek the safety of the mountains。 They are shackled by mitments which you forced from them; you! You are the true butcher; Ringthane。 I have lived my life for the chance to slay you。〃
    〃No;〃 Covenant gasped。 〃I didn't know。〃 But he heard the truth in Pietten's accusation。 Waves of crime seemed to spread from him in all directions。 〃I didn't know。〃
    Bannor? he moaned。 Foamfollower? A livid orange mist filled his sight like the radiance of brimstone。 How could he have done so much harm? He had only wanted to survive…had only wanted to extract survival from the raw stuff of suicide and madness。 The Giants!…lost like Elena。 And now the Ranyhyn were being driven down the same bloody road。 Foamfollower? Did I do this to you? He knew that he was defenseless; that he could have done nothing to ward off a spear thrust。 But he was staring into the abyss of his own actions and could not look away。
    〃We're the same;'' he breathed without knowing what he was saying。 〃Foul and I are the same。〃
    Then he became aware that hands were pulling at him。 Lena had gripped his jacket and was shaking him as hard as she could。 〃Is it true?〃 she shouted at him。 〃Are they dying because you made them promise to visit me each year?〃
    He met her eyes。 They were full of firelight; they pelled him to recognize still another of his crimes。 In spite of his peril; he could not refuse her the truth。
    〃No。〃 His throat was clogged with grief and horror。 〃That's only part… Even if they went to the mountains; they could still reach you。 I…I〃…his voice ached thickly…〃I made them promise to save me…if I ever called them。 I did it for myself。〃
    Pietten laughed。
    A cry of fury and despair tore between her lips。 With the strength of revulsion; she thrust Covenant from her; then started to run out of the hollow。
    〃Stop!'' Pietten barked after her。'' You cannot escape!〃 He turned as she ran; following her with the tip of his spear。
    In the instant that Pietten cocked his arm to throw; Covenant charged。 He got his hands on the spear; heaved his weight against Pietten; tried to tear the spear away。 Pietten recoiled a few steps under the onslaught。 They wrestled furiously。 But the grip of Covenant's half hand was too weak。 With a violent wrench; Pietten twisted the spear free。
    Covenant grappled for Pietten's arms。 Pietten knocked him back with the butt of the spear and stabbed its point at him。 Covenant threw himself to the side; managed to avoid the thrust。 But he landed heavily on one foot; with the ankle bent under his weight。
    Bones snapped。 He heard them retorting through his flesh as he crashed to the ground; heard himself scream。 Agony erupted in his leg。 But he made himself roll; trying to evade the jabs of the spear。
    As he flopped onto his back; he saw Pietten standing over him with the spear clenched like a spike in both hands。
    Then Lena slammed into the Woodhelvennin。 She launched her slight form at him with such ferocity that he fell under her; lost his grip on the spear。 It landed across Covenant。
    He grabbed it; tried to lever himself to his feet with it。 But the pain in his ankle held him down as if his foot had been nailed to the ground。 〃Lena!〃 he shouted wildly。 〃No!〃
    Pietten threw her off him with one powerful sweep of his arm。 She sprang up again and pulled a knife out of her robe。 Rage contorted her fragile face as she hacked at Pietten。
    He evaded her strokes; backed away quickly for an instant to gather his balance。 Then; fiercely; he grinned。
    〃No!〃 Covenant shrieked。
    When Lena charged again; Pietten caught her knife wrist neatly and turned the blade away from him。 Slowly; he twisted her arm; forcing her down。 She hammered at him with her free hand; but he held her。 She could not resist his strength。 She fell to her knees。
    〃The Ranyhyn!〃 she gasped to Covenant。 〃Call the Ranyhyn!〃
    〃Lena!〃 Using the spear; he lunged to his feet; fell; tried to crawl forward。
    Slowly; inexorably; Pietten bent her backward until she lay writhing on the ground。 Then he pulled his sharp wooden stave from his belt。 With one savage blow he stabbed her in the stomach; spiked her to the frozen earth。
    Horror roared in Covenant's head。 He seemed to feel himself shattering; stricken with pain; he lost consciousness momentarily。
    When he opened his eyes; he found Pietten standing in front of him。
    Pietten was licking the blood off his hand。
    Covenant tried to raise the spear; but Pietten snatched it from him。 〃Now; Ringthane!〃 he cried ecstatically。 〃Now I will slay you。 Kneel there…grovel before me。 Bring my dreams to life。 I will be fair…I will allow you a chance。 From ten paces I will hurl my spear。 You may dodge…if your ankle permits。 Do so。 I relish it。〃
    With a grin like a snarl on his face; he strode away; turned and balanced the spear on his palm。 〃Do you not choose to live?〃 he jeered。 〃Kneel; then。 Groveling bees you。〃
    Numbly; as if he did not know what he was doing; Covenant raised the two fingers of his right hand to his mouth and let out a weak whistle。
    A Ranyhyn appeared instantly over the hillcrest; and came galloping down into the hollow。 It was miserably gaunt; reduced by the long winter to such inanition that only its chestnut coat seemed to hold its skeleton together。 But it ran like indomitable pride straight toward Covenant。
    Pietten did not appear to see it ing。 He was in a personal trance; exalted by blood。 Obliviously; he drew back his arm; bent his body until his muscles strained with passion…obliviously he launched the spear like a bolt of retribut
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