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for such rituals。 But I will not withdraw until you acknowledge me; Bannor of the Bloodguard。〃
    He did not release Banner's eyes as he thrust both his fists into the hottest coals of the campfire。
    The Cords gasped at the sight; and the other Manethralls jumped up to join Jain。 Covenant followed as if the Giant had snatched him erect。
    Foamfollower was rigid with agony。 Though the flames did not consume his flesh; they tortured him horrendously。 The muscles of his forehead bulged and worked as if they were tearing his skull apart; the thews of his neck stood out like cables; sweat oozed like blood down his fire…hot cheeks; his lips drew back into a white snarl across his teeth。 But his gaze did not waver。 In anguish he kept up the demand of his pain。
    Bannor stared back with a look of magisterial indifference on his alien mien。
    The Cords were appalled。 They gaped sickly at Foamfollower's hands。 And the Manethralls painfully; fearfully; watched Bannor and the Giant; measuring the test of will between them。 But Lena gave a low cry and hid her face in Covenant's shoulder。
    Covenant; too; could not bear to see Foamfollower's hurt。 He turned on Banner and gasped into the Bloodguard's ear; 〃Give it up! Admit you know him。 Hellfire! Banner…you bloody egomaniac! You're so proud… after the Bloodguard failed you can't stand to admit there might be any faithfulness left anywhere。 It's you or nothing。 But he's a Giant; Bannor!'' Bannor did not move; but a muscle quivered along his jaw。 〃Wasn't Elena enough for you?〃 Covenant hissed。 〃Are you trying to make another Kevin out of him?〃
    For an instant; Banner's white eyebrows gathered into a stark frown。 Then he said flatly; 〃Pardon me; Saltheart Foamfollower。 I trust you。〃
    Foamfollower withdrew his hands。 They were rigid with pain; and he hugged them to his chest; panting hoarsely。
    Bannor turned to Covenant。 Something in his pose made Covenant flinch as if he expected the Bloodguard to strike him。 〃You also caused the fall of High Lord Elena;〃 Bannor said brittlely。 〃You pelled us to reveal the unspoken name。 Yet you did not bear the burden of that name yourself。 Therefore the Law of Death was broken; and Elena fell。 I did not reproach you then; and do not now。 But I say to you: beware; ur…Lord Covenant! You hold too many dooms in your unwell hands。〃
    〃I know that;〃 muttered Covenant。 He was shaking so badly that he had to keep both arms around Lena to support himself。 〃I know that。 It's the only thing I know for sure。'' He could not look at Foamfollower; he was afraid of the Giant's pain; afraid that the Giant might resent his intervention。 Instead; he held onto Lena while his reaction to the strain surged into anger。
    ''But I've had enough of this。'' His voice was too violent; but he did not care。 He needed some outlet for his passion。 〃I'm not interested in asking for help anymore。 Now I'm going to tell you what to do。 Manethrall Lithe promised that the Ramen would do whatever I wanted。 You care about promises…you keep this one。 I want food; all we can carry。 I want guides to take us to Landsdrop as fast as possible。 I want scouts to help us get across the Spoiled Plains。'' Words tumbled through his teeth faster than he could control them。 〃If Foamfollower's been crippled… By hell; you're going to make it up to him!〃
    〃Ask for the moon;〃 Manethrall Kam muttered。
    〃Don't tempt me!〃 Hot shouts thronged in his throat like fire; he whirled to fling flames at the Manethralls。 But their haunted eyes stopped him。 They did not deserve his rage。 Like Bannor and Foamfollower; they were the victims of the Despiser…the victims of the things he; Thomas Covenant; had not done; had been unwilling or unable to do; for the Land。 Again; he could feel the ground on which he stood tremoring。
    With an effort; he turned back to Bannor; met the Bloodguard's aging gaze。 〃What happened to Elena wasn't your fault at all;〃 he mumbled。 〃She and I…did it together。 Or I did it to her。〃 Then he pushed himself to go to Foamfollower。
    But as he moved; Lena caught his arm; swung him around。 He had been bracing himself on her without paying any attention to her; now she made him look at her。 〃Elena…my daughter…what has happened to her?〃 Horror crackled in her eyes。 The next instant; she was clawing at his chest with desperate fingers。 〃What has happened to her?〃
    Covenant stared at her。 He had half forgotten; he had not wanted to remember that she knew nothing of Elena's end。
    〃He said she fell!〃 she cried at him。 〃What have you done to her?〃
    He held her at arm's length; backed away from her。 Suddenly everything was too much for him。 Lena; Foamfollower; Bannor; the Ramen…he could not keep a grip on it all at once。 He turned his head toward Foamfollower; ignored Lena; and looked dumbly to the Giant for help。 But Foamfollower did not even see Covenant's stricken; silent plea。 He was still wrapped in his own pain; struggling to flex his wracked fingers。 Covenant lowered his head and turned back toward Lena as if she were a wall against which he had to batter himself。
    〃She's dead;〃 he said thickly。 〃It's my fault…she wouldn't have been in that mess if it hadn't been for me。 I didn't save her because I didn't know how。〃
    He heard shouts behind him; but they made no impression on him。 He was watching Lena。 Slowly the import of his words penetrated her。 〃Dead;〃 she echoed emptily。 〃Fault。〃 As Covenant watched her; the light of consciousness in her eyes seemed to falter and go out。
    〃Lena;〃 he groaned。 〃Lena!〃
    Her gaze did not recognize him。 She stared blankly through him as if her soul had lapsed within her。
    The shouting behind him mounted。 A voice nearby gasped out; 〃We are betrayed! Ur…viles and Cavewights…! The sentries were slain。〃
    The urgency in the voice reached him。 He turned dully。 A young Cord almost chattering with fear stood before the Manethralls and Bannor。 Behind her; in the entrance to the covert; fighting had already begun。 Covenant could hear the shouts and groans of frantic hand…to…hand bat echoing out of the rift。
    The next instant; a tight pack of Cavewights burst into the canyon; whirling huge broadswords in their powerful; spatulate hands。 With a shrill roar; they charged the Ramen。
    Before Covenant could react; Bannor caught hold of him and Lena;  began to drag them both toward the other end of the valley。 〃Flee;'' he said distinctly as he impelled them forward。 〃The Giant and I will prevent pursuit。 We will overtake you…as soon as may be。 Flee north; then east。''
    The cliffs narrowed until Covenant and Lena stood in the mouth of another cleft through the hills。 Banner thrust them in the direction of the dark crevice。 '' Make haste。 Keep to the left。'' Then he was gone; running toward the battle。
    Half unconsciously; Covenant checked to be sure that he still had Triock's knife under his belt。 Part of him yearned to run after Banner; to throw himself like Banner into the absolution of the fray…to seek forgiveness。
    Clutching hard at Lena's arm; he drew her with him into the cleft。
    After the first bend; even the trailing light of 
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