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    At the sound of his voice; Lena stirred; blinked wearily; and Foamfollower said; 〃No; my friend。〃
    But Manethrall Jain answered in a haunted voice; 〃The Ranyhyn have chosen you。 We do not ask you to save them。〃
    And Kam added; 〃You may call that pride if you wish。 The Ranyhyn are worthy of all pride。〃
    〃And the responsibility is mine;'' Foamfollower said in a tone of pain that made Covenant's hearing ache。 〃The blame is mine。 For after the battle of Soaring Woodhelven…when all the Quest knew that some nameless harm had been done to the child…it was I who denied to him the hurtloam which might have healed him。〃
    This also Covenant remembered。 Stricken by remorse for all the Cavewights he had slain; Foamfollower had used the last of the hurtloam to ease one of the wounded creatures rather than to treat Pietten。 In protest against the Giant's self…judgment; Covenant said; 〃You didn't deny it。
    〃I did not give it。〃 Foamfollower's response was as final as an ax。
    〃Oh; hell!〃 Covenant glared around the group; searching for some way in which to grasp the situation。 But he did not find it。
    He had unintentionally roused Lena。 She pulled herself erect; and asked; 〃Beloved; what is amiss?〃
    Covenant took her hand in his numb fingers。 〃Don't worry about it。 I'm just trying to figure out what's going on here。〃
    〃My Queen;〃 Foamfollower interposed。 He wiped his mouth; set aside the leaves which had held his meal; then climbed to his feet。 Towering over the circle of Ramen; he stepped forward to stand beside the fire。 〃My Queen; our difficulty is that the Ramen misdoubt me。 They have spoken their respect for you; Lena Atiaran…daughter; and their acceptance of ur…Lord Thomas Covenant; Unbeliever and Ringthane。 But me they distrust。〃
    Lena looked up at him。 〃Then they are fools;'' she said with dignity。
    〃No。〃 Foamfollower smiled wanly。 〃It is true that I have been a guest at Manhome; and a panion of Manethrall Lithe on the Quest for the Staff of Law。 And it is true that Banner of the Bloodguard has known me。 We fought together at the battle of Soaring Woodhelven。 But they are not fools。 They suffer a doom of Giants; and their distrust must be respected。〃
    He turned to the four Manethralls。 〃Yet; though I acknowledge your doubt; it is hard for me to bear。 My heart urges me to leave this place where I am not trusted。 You could not easily stop me。 But I do not go。 My thoughts urge me to turn to my friend Thomas Covenant。 Perhaps he would pel you to accept me。 But I do not ask this of him。 I must bring your acceptance upon myself。 I will strive to meet your doubt…so that the enemies of the Despiser; Soulcrusher and Fangthane; may not be divided against themselves。 Ask anything that you require。〃
    The Manethralls looked sharply at each other; and Covenant felt the atmosphere over the gathering tighten。 The Giant's face was ominously calm; as if he recognized a personal crisis and understood how to meet it。 But Covenant did not understand。 The hostility of the Ramen continued to amaze him。 He ached to jump to the Giant's defense。
    He refrained because he saw why Foamfollower wanted to prove himself…and because he had a fascinated; fearful desire to see how the Giant would do it。
    After a wordless consultation with the other Manethralls; Jain got to her feet and confronted Foamfollower across the fire。 Unbidden; Bannor joined her。 They regarded the Giant gravely for a long moment。 Then Jain said; 〃Saltheart Foamfollower; the Render is cunning in malice。 To discover him in all his secret treacheries requires an equal cunning。 The Ramen have no such cunning。 How is it possible for us to test you?〃
    〃Inquire of my past;〃 Foamfollower responded evenly。 〃I was absent from Giant…wrought Coercri when the Ravers put their hands upon my kindred。 Since that time; I have roved the Land; striking…slaying marauders。 I have fought at the side of the Stonedownors in defense of their homes。 I…〃
    〃They had creatures which destroyed stone!〃 Lena cut in with sudden vehemence。 〃Their great; cruel arms tore our homes to rubble。 Without the Giant's strength; we could not have preserved one rock upright。〃
    〃Lena。〃 Covenant wanted to applaud; cheer her affirmation; but he stopped her gently; squeezed her arm until she turned her angry gaze toward him。 〃He doesn't need our help;'' he said as if he were afraid her ire might break the frail bones of her face。 〃He can answer for himself。〃
    Slowly; her anger turned to pain。 〃Why do they torment us? We seek to save the Ranyhyn also。 The Ranyhyn trust us。〃
    Covenant steadied her as best he could。 〃They've suffered。 They've got to answer for themselves too。〃
    〃I also shared somewhat in the returning of Thomas Covenant to the Land;〃 Foamfollower continued。 〃He would not sit here now; purposing to aid the Land; had I not given of my strength。〃
    〃That does not suffice;〃 said Jain sternly。 〃The Render would not hesitate to kill his own for the sake of a larger goal。 Perhaps you served the Stonedownors and the summoning so that this white gold might fall into Fangthane's hands。〃
    〃And you have not given an account of The Grieve。'' Bannor's voice was soft; withdrawn; as if the question he raised were perilous。
    But Foamfollower turned such issues aside with a jerk of his massive head。 〃Then discount my past…discount the scars of risk which cover my flesh。 It is possible that I am a tool of the Despiser。 Inquire of what you see。 Behold me。 Do you truly believe that a Raver might disguise himself within me?〃
    〃How can we answer?〃 Jain muttered。 〃We have never seen you hale。〃
    But Foamfollower was facing Bannor now; addressing his question to the Bloodguard。
    Evenly; objectively; Bannor replied; 〃Giant; you do not appear well。  Many things are obscured in this winter…but you do not appear well。 There is a lust in you that I do not prehend。 It has the look of Corruption。〃
    The Manethralls nodded in sharp agreement。
    〃Bannor!〃 Foamfollower breathed intently。 His stiff calm broke momentarily; and a pang of anguish twisted his countenance。 〃Do not damn me with such short words。 It may be that I too much resemble Pietten。 I have struck blows that I cannot call back or prevent。 And you have seen…there is the blood of Giants upon my head。〃
    The blood of Giants? Covenant moaned。 Foamfollower!
    The next instant; Foamfollower regained mastery of himself。 〃But you have known me; Bannor。 You can see that it is not my intent to serve the Despiser。 I could not…!〃 The words ripped themselves savagely past his lips。
    '' I have known you;〃 Bannor agreed simply。 〃 In what way do I know you now?〃
    The Giant's hands twitched as if they were eager for a violent answer; but he kept his steadiness。 Without dropping Banner's gaze; he knelt by the fire。 Even then he was taller than Bannor or Manethrall Jain。 His muscles tensed as he leaned forward; and the orange firelight echoed dangerously out of the dark caves of his eyes。
    〃You have seen the caamora; Bannor;〃 he said tightly; 〃the Giantish ritual fire of grief。 You have seen its pain。 I am not prepared…this is not my time for such
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