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g; with such potent herbs; that only a faint bitterness remained。 And it was hot。 His appetite for heat seemed insatiable。 He ate as if he could see long days of cold; scarce provender ahead of him。
    He had good reason。 Without help; he and his panions would not be able to find enough food for the journey to Foul's Creche。 He seemed to remember having heard somewhere that aliantha did not grow in the Spoiled Plains。 The hostility of the Ramen boded ill for him in more ways than one。
    Though he was afraid of it; he knew he would have to penetrate to the bottom of that hostility。
    He looked for an antidote to fear in food; but while he chewed and thought; he was interrupted by a strange man who strode unexpectedly into the covert。 The man entered at the far end of the canyon; and moved directly; deliberately; toward the seated men and women。 His dress vaguely resembled that of the Ramen; he used the same materials to make his thin shirt and pants; his cloak。 But he wore the cloak hanging from his shoulders in a way that affected his freedom of movement more than any Ramen would have tolerated。 And he bore no cords anywhere about him。 Instead of a Ramen garrote; he carried a short spear like a staff in one hand; and under his belt he wore a sharp wooden stave。
    Despite the directness with which he approached; he created an impression of unfortable daring; as if he had some reason to believe that the Ramen might jeer at him。 His gaze flicked fearfully about him; jumping away from rather than toward what he saw。
    He had an air of blood about him that Covenant could not explain。 He was clean; uninjured; neither spear nor spike showed recent use。 Yet something in him spoke of blood; of killing and hunger。 As the man reached the fire; Covenant realized that all the Ramen were sitting stiffly in their places…not moving; not eating; not looking at the stranger。 They knew this man in a way that gave them pain。
    After a moment; the man said aggressively; 〃Do you eat without me? I; too; need food。〃
    Manethrall Jain's eyes did not raise themselves from the ground。 〃You are wele; as you know。 Join us or take what food you require。''
    〃Am I so wele? Where are the salutes and words of greeting? Pah! You do not even gaze at me。〃
    But when Kam glared up from under his angry brows at the stranger; the man winced and looked away。
    Jain said softly; 〃You have drunk blood。〃
    〃 Yes!〃 the man barked rapidly。 '' And you are offended。 You understand nothing。 If I were not the best runner and Ranyhyn…tender in the Plains of Ra; you would slay me where I stand without a moment's concern for your promises。〃
    Darkly; Kam muttered; 〃We are not so swift to forget promises。〃
    The stranger took no notice of Kam's assertion。 〃Now I see guests among you。 The Ringthane himself。 And a Giant''…he drawled acerbically…〃if my eyes do not mistake。 Are Ravers also wele?〃
    Covenant was surprised to hear Banner speaking before either Jain or Kam could reply。 〃He is Saltheart Foamfollower。〃 The Bloodguard's alien inflection carried an odd note of intensity; as if he were municating a crucial fact。
    〃Saltheart Foamfollower!〃 the stranger jeered。 But he did not meet the Giant's gaze。 〃Then you are already certain that he is a Raver。〃
    Kam said; 〃We are uncertain。〃
    Still the man ignored him。 〃And the Ringthane…the tormentor of horses。 Does he also Rave? He holds his proper place…at the right hand of a Bloodguard。 This is a proud feast…all the crudest foes of the Ranyhyn together。 And wele!〃
    At this; Jain's tone tightened。 〃You also are wele。 Join us…or take what food you require and go。〃
    A Winhome moved hesitantly toward the stranger; carrying a leaf laden with food。 He caught it from her hands brusquely。 〃I will go。 I hear your heart deny your words。 I am not proud or wele enough to eat with such as these。'' At once; he turned sarcastically on his heel; strode back the way he had e。 Moments later; he had left the covert as abruptly as he had entered。
    Covenant stared unprehendingly after him; then looked toward the Manethralls for some explanation。 But they sat glowering at their food as if they could not meet either his eyes or each other's。 Foamfollower also showed no understanding of what had happened。 Lena had not noticed it; she was half asleep where she sat。 Covenant turned to Banner。
    The Bloodguard faced Covenant's question squarely; answered it with the same dispassionate intensity。 〃He is Pietten。〃
    〃Pietten;〃 Covenant repeated dismally。 And Foamfollower echoed thickly; 〃Pietten!〃
    〃He and the Heer Llaura were saved by the Quest for the Staff of Law at the battle of Soaring Woodhelven。 Do you remember? Llaura and the child Pietten were damaged…〃
    〃I remember;〃 Covenant answered bitterly。 〃The ur…viles did something to them。 They were used to bait the trap。 She…she…'' The memory appalled him。 Llaura had been horribly abused; and all her great courage had not sufficed to overe what had been done to her。 And the child; Pietten…the child; too; had been abused。
    Across Covenant's dismay; Foamfollower said; 〃We bore both Heer Llaura and Pietten to the Plains of Ra and Manhome。〃 Covenant remembered that the Giant had carried Pietten in his arms。 〃There; at the request of the Ringthane and…and myself…the Ramen took Llaura and Pietten into their care。〃
    Banner nodded。 〃That is the promise of which he spoke。〃
    〃Llaura?〃 asked Covenant weakly。
    〃While Pietten was yet young she died。 The harm done to her cut short her years。〃
    〃And Pietten?〃 Foamfollower pursued。 〃What did the ur…viles do to him?〃
    Manethrall Kam broke his silence to mutter; 〃He is mad。〃
    But Jain countered grimly; 〃He is the best runner and Ranyhyn…tender in the Plains of Ra…as he said。〃
    〃He serves the Ranyhyn;〃 Banner added。 〃He cares for them as entirely as any Manethrall。 But there is〃…he searched briefly for a description…〃a ferocity in his love。 He…〃
    〃He liked the taste of blood;〃 Covenant interrupted。 In his memory; he could see Pietten…hardly more than four years old…under the crimson light of the sick moon。 Pietten had smeared his hands on the bloody grass; then licked his fingers and smiled。
    Bannor agreed with a nod。
    〃He licks the wounds of the Ranyhyn to clean them!〃 Kam snapped in horror。
    〃Because of his great skill with the Ranyhyn;〃 Bannor went on; 〃and because of old promises made in the days of the Quest; the Ramen share their lives and work with him。 But he is feared for his wildness。 Therefore he lives alone。 And he abuses the Ramen as if they have outcast him。〃
 〃Yet he fights;〃 Jain breathed a moment later。 〃I have seen that spear slay three kresh in their very death hold on a Ranyhyn。〃
    〃He fights;〃 Kam murmured。 〃He is mad。〃
    Covenant took a deep breath as if he were trying to inhale courage。 〃And we're responsible…Foamfollower and I…we're the ones who gave him to you; so we're responsible。 Is that it?〃
    At the sound of his voice; Lena stirred; blinked wearily; and Foamfollower said; 〃No; my friend。〃
    But Manethrall Jain answered in a haunted voice; 〃The Ranyhyn have chosen you。 We d
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