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nt…he must prove himself。〃
    〃I hear you; Manethrall;〃 said Foamfollower quietly。 〃I will respect your distrust as best I can。〃
    Kam met the Giant's look; then glanced over at Bannor。 The Blood…guard shrugged impassively。 Kam nodded and led the way farther down the cleft。
    Before following; Covenant regained his grip on Lena's hand。 She did not raise her head; and in the gloom he could see nothing of her eyes but the bruises under them。 〃Be brave;〃 he said as gently as he could。 〃Maybe it won't all be this bad。〃 She made no response; but when he drew her forward she did not resist。 He kept her at his side; and soon they stepped together out the far end of the passage。
    The cleft opened into a hidden valley which seemed spacious after the constriction of its approach。 Over a flat floor of packed dirt the sheer walls rose ruggedly to a narrow swath of evening sky。 The valley itself was long and deep; its crooked length formed a vague S; ending in another crevice in the hills。 Battered rock pillars and piles stood against the walls in several places; and in the corners and crannies around these immense stones; sheltered from any snowfall through the open roof; were Ramen tents…the nomadic homes of individual families。 They seemed pitifully few in the canyon。
    Manethrall Kam had announced himself with a shout as he entered the valley; and when Covenant and Lena caught up with him; dozens of Ramen were already moving toward them from the tents。 Covenant was struck by how much they all shared Kam's haunted air。 In sharp contrast to the Ranyhyn; they were not ill…fed。 The Ramen were renowned for their skill as hunters; and clearly they were better able to provide more meat for themselves than grass for the horses。 Nevertheless they were suffering。 Every one of them who was not either a child or infirm wore the apparel of a Cord; though even Covenant's untrained and superficial eyes could see how unready some were for the work and risk of being Cords。 This fact confirmed his earlier guess that the Ramen population had been dangerously reduced; by winter or war。 And they all had Kam's driven; sleepless aspect; as if they could not rest because their dreams were fraught with horror。
    Now Covenant knew intuitively what it was。 All of them; even the children; were haunted by the bloody visage of Ranyhyn extermination。 They were afraid that the meaning; the reason; of their entire race would soon be eradicated utterly from the Land。 The Ramen had always lived for the Ranyhyn; and now they believed they would only survive long enough to see the last Ranyhyn slaughtered。 As long as the great horses refused to leave the Plains; the Ramen were helpless to prevent that end。
    Only their stubborn; fighting pride kept them from despair。
    They met Covenant; Lena; and the Giant with silence and hollow stares。 Lena hardly seemed to notice them; but Foamfollower gave them a bow in the Ramen style; and Covenant took his example; though the salute exposed his ring for all to see。
    Several Cords murmured at the sight of the white gold; and one of the Manethralls said grimly; 〃It is true; then。 He has returned。〃 When Kam told them what the wounded Ranyhyn had done; some recoiled in pained amazement; and others muttered angrily under their breath。 Yet they all bowed to Covenant; the Ranyhyn had reared to him; and the Ramen could not refuse him wele。
    Then the Winhomes; the Ramen who were too young or too old or too crippled to be Cords; moved away; and the three Manethralls Kam had mentioned earlier came forward to be introduced。 When they had given their names; Manethrall Jain; the grim woman who had just spoken; asked Kam; 〃Was it necessary to admit the Giant?〃
    〃He's my friend;〃 Covenant said at once。 〃And Bannor knows he can be trusted; even if the Bloodguard are too thickheaded to say such things out loud。 I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Saltheart Foamfollower。〃
    〃You honor me too much;〃 Foamfollower said wryly。
    The Manethralls weighed Covenant's words as if his speech had more than one meaning。 But Bannor said; 〃Saltheart Foamfollower shared the Quest for the Staff of Law with High Lord Prothall; ur…Lord Covenant; and Manethrall Lithe。 At that time; he was worthy of trust。 But I have seen many trusts fall into Corruption。 Perhaps nothing of the old Giantish faith remains。〃
    〃You don't believe that;〃 Covenant snapped。
    Bannor raised one eyebrow。 〃Have you seen The Grieve; ur…Lord? Has Saltheart Foamfollower told you what occurred in the Seareach home of the Giants?〃
    〃Then you have been too quick with your trust。〃
    Covenant tightened his grip on himself。 〃Why don't you tell me about it?〃
    〃That is not my place。 I do not offer to guide you to Ridjeck Thome。
    Covenant started to protest; but Foamfollower placed a restraining hand on his shoulder。 In spite of the conflicting emotions which knotted the Giant's forehead; smoldered dangerously in his cavernous eye…sockets; his voice was steady as he said; 〃Is it the Ramen custom to keep their guests standing cold and hungry after a long journey?〃
    Kam spat on the ground; but Manethrall Jain replied tautly; 〃No; that is not our custom。 Behold。〃 She nodded toward the head of the canyon; where the Winhomes were busy around a large fire under the overhang of one of the pillars。 〃The food will be prepared soon。 It is kresh meat; but you may eat it in safety…it has been cooked many times。〃 Then she took Lena's arm and said; 〃e。 You have suffered at the sight of the Ranyhyn。 Thus you share our pain。 We will do what we can to restore you。〃 As she spoke; she guided Lena toward the fire。
    Covenant was seething with frustration and dread; but he could not refuse the warmth of the campfire; his flesh needed it too badly。 His fingertips and knuckles had a frostbitten look in addition to their sick numbness; and he knew that if he did not tend his feet soon he would be in danger of blood poisoning and gangrene。 The effort of self…mand hurt him; yet he followed Lena and Jain to the fire。 As quietly as he could; he asked one of the Winhomes for hot water in which to bathe his feet。
    Despite his numbness; the soaking of his feet gave him relief。 The hot water helped the fire's warmth thaw out his bones。 And his feet were not as badly damaged as he had feared they would be。 Both were swollen with infection; but the harm was no worse than it had been several days ago。 For some reason; his flesh was resisting the illness。 He was glad to discover that he was in no immediate danger of losing his feet。
    A short time later; the food was ready。 Kam's seven Cords sat cross…legged around the fire with the four Manethralls; Banner; Foamfollower; Lena; and Covenant; and the Winhomes set dry; brittle banana leaves in front of them as plates。 Covenant found himself positioned between Lena and Bannor。 A lame man muttering dimly to himself served the three of them stew and hot winter potatoes。 Covenant did not relish the idea of eating kresh…he expected to find the meat rank and stringy…but it had been cooked so long; with such potent herbs; that only a faint bitterness remained。 And it was hot。 His appetite for h
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