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    They climbed across two steep bluffs which gave them a panoramic view of the Plains。 The hard open ground lay ruined below them; scorched with winter and gray snow until it looked maimed and lifeless。 But Manethrall Kam moved rapidly onward; ignoring the sight。 He took his panions past the bluffs down into a valley cunningly hidden among rough knolls and hilltops。 This valley was largely sheltered from the wind; and faint; cultivated patches of unripe amanibhavam grew on its sides。 Now Covenant remembered what he had heard about amanibhavam during his previous visit to the Plains of Ra。 This grass; which held such a rare power of healing for horses; was poisonous to humans。
    Aside from the grass; the valley contained nothing but three dead copses leaning at various points against the steepest of the slopes。 Manethrall Kam walked directly toward the thickest one。 As he approached; four Cords stepped out of the wood to meet him。 They had a tense; frail air about them which made Covenant notice how young they were; even the two older girls seemed to have had their Cording thrust unready upon them。 They saluted Kam nervously; and when he had returned their bow; they moved aside to let him enter the copse。
    Covenant followed Banner into the wood and found that at its back was a narrow rift in the hillside。 The rift did not close; but its upper reaches were so crooked that Covenant could not see out the top。 Under his feet; a layer of damp; dead leaves muffled his steps; he passed in silence like a shadow between the cold stone walls。 A smell of musty age filled his nostrils; as if the packed leaves had been rotting in the rift for generations; and despite their wetness; he felt dim warmth radiating from them。 No one spoke。 Gripping Lena's chill fingers in his numb hand; he moved behind Banner as the cleft bent irregularly from side to side on its way through the rock。
    Then Manethrall Kam stopped。 When Covenant caught up with him; he said softly; 〃We now enter the secret places of a Ramen covert。 Be warned; Ringthane。 If we are not taught to trust you and your panions; you will not leave this place。 In all the Plains of Ra and the surrounding hills; this is the last covert。
    〃At one time; the Ramen held several such hidden places of refuge。 In them the Manethralls tended the grievous wounds of the Ranyhyn and trained Cords in the secret rites of their Maneing。 But one by one in turn each covert〃…Kam fixed Covenant with a demon…ridden gaze…〃has been betrayed。 Though we have preserved them with our utterest skill; fresh…ur…viles…Cavewights…ill flesh in every shape…all have found our hidden coverts and ravaged them。〃 He studied the Ringthane as if he were searching for some sign which would brand Covenant as the betrayer。 〃We will hold you here…we will kill your panions…rather than permit treachery to this place。〃
    Without allowing Covenant time to reply; he turned on his heel and stalked around another bend in the cleft。
    Covenant followed; scowling stormily。 Beyond the bend; he found himself in a large chamber。 The air was dim; but he could see well enough to discern several Ranyhyn standing against the walls。 They were eating scant bundles of grass; and in this closed space the sharp aroma of the amanibhavam made his head ring。 All of them were injured…some so severely that they could hardly stand。 One had lost the side of its face in a fight; another still bled from a cruel fretwork of claw…marks in its flanks; and two others had broken legs which hung limply; with excruciating bone…splinters tearing the skin。
    As he stared gauntly at them; they became aware of him。 A restless movement passed through them; and their heads came up painfully; turning soft; miserable eyes toward him。 For a long moment; they looked at him as if they should have been afraid but were too badly hurt for fear。 Then; in agony; even the horses with broken legs tried to rear。
    〃Stop it。 Stop。〃 Covenant hardly knew that he was moaning aloud。 His hands flinched in front of his face; trying to ward off an abominable vision。 〃I can't stand it。〃
    Firmly; Banner took his arm and drew him past the chamber into another passage through the rock。
    After a few steps; his legs failed him。 But Banner gripped him; bore him up。 Clutching with useless fingers at the Bloodguard's shoulders; he pulled himself around until he was facing Bannor。 〃Why?〃 he panted into Bannor's flat visage。 〃Why did they do that?〃
    Banner's face and voice revealed nothing。 〃You are the Ringthane。 They have made promises to you。〃
    〃Promises。'' Covenant rubbed a hand over his eyes。 The promises of the Ranyhyn limped across his memory。 〃Hell and blood。'' With an effort; he pushed away from Banner。 Bracing himself against the wall of the crevice; he clenched his trembling fists as if he were trying to squeeze steadiness out of them。 His fingers ached for the Despiser's throat。 〃They should be killed!〃 he raged thickly。 〃They should be put out of their misery! How can you be so cruel?〃
    Manethrall Kam spat; 〃Is that how it is done in your world; Ringthane?〃
    But Bannor replied evenly; 〃They are the Ranyhyn。 Do not presume to offer them kindness。 How can any human decide the choices of death and pain for them?〃
    At this; Foamfollower reached out and touched Banner's shoulder in a gesture of respect。
    Covenant's jaw muscles jumped as he bit his shouts into silence。 He followed the Giant's gesture; turned; and looked grayly up at Foamfollower。 Both the Giant and Bannor had witnessed his bargain with the Ranyhyn forty…seven years ago; when the great horses had first reared to him; Bannor and Foamfollower and Mhoram and Quaan might be the last remaining survivors of the Quest for the Staff of Law。 But they were enough。 They could accuse him。 The Ramen could accuse him。 He still did not know all the things of which they could accuse him。
    His wedding band hung loosely on his ring finger; he had lost weight; and the white gold dangled as if it were meaningless。 He needed its power。 Without power; he was afraid to guess at the things which were being kept from him。
    Abruptly; he stepped up to Kam; jabbed the Manethrall's chest with one stiff finger。 〃By hell;'' he muttered into Kam's glare; 〃if you're only doing this out of pride; I hope you rot for it。 You could have taken them south into the mountains…you could have saved them from this。 Pride isn't a good enough excuse。〃
    Again the ghoul…begotten hurt darkened Kam's gaze。 〃It is not pride;〃 he said softly。 〃The Ranyhyn do not choose to go。〃
    Without wanting to; Covenant believed him。 He could not doubt what he saw in the Manethrall。 He drew back; straightened his shoulders; took a deep breath。 〃Then you'd better help me。 Trust me whether you want to or not。 I hate Foul just as much as you do。〃
    〃That may be;〃 Kam replied; recovering his severity。 〃We will not contradict the Ranyhyn concerning you。 I saw…I would not have believed if I had not seen。 To rear! Hurt as they are! You need not fear us。 But your panions are another matter。 The woman''…he made an effort to speak calmly…〃I do not distrust。 Her love for the Manes is in her face。 But this Giant…he
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