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t huddled over the fire…stones with Lena resting drowsily against him; or in the dank; suffering twilight that finally brought his waiting to an end。 When Foamfollower led the way eastward out of the ravine; Covenant felt that he understood nothing but the wind which blew through him like scorn for the impotence of sunlight and warmth。 And after that he had no more time to think about it。 All his attention was occupied with the work of stumbling numbly through the benighted hills。
    Traveling was difficult for him。 His body's struggle to recover from injury and inanition drained his strength; the bitter cold drained his strength。 He could not see where to place his feet; could not avoid tripping; falling; bruising himself on insensate dirt and rock。 Yet he kept going; pushed himself after Foamfollower until the sweat froze on his forehead and his clothing grew crusted with stains of ice。 His resolve held him。 In time; he even became dimly grateful that his feet were numb; so that he could not feel the damage he was doing to himself。
    He had no sense of duration or progress; he measured out the time in rest halts; in aliantha unexpectedly handed to him out of the darkness by Foamfollower。 Such things sustained him。 But eventually he stopped rubbing the ice from his nose and lips; from his forehead and his fanatical beard; he allowed the gray cold to hang like a mask on his features; as if he were being a creature of winter。 And he stumbled on in the Giant's wake。
    When Foamfollower stopped at last; shortly before dawn; Covenant simply dropped to the snow and fell asleep。
    Later; the Giant woke him for breakfast; and he found Lena sleeping beside him; curled against the cold。 Her lips were faintly tinged with blue; and she shivered from time to time; unable to get warm。 Her years showed clearly now in the lines of her face and in the frail; open…mouthed rise and fall of her breathing。 Covenant roused her carefully; made her eat hot food until her lips lost their cold hue and the veins in her temples became less prominent。 Then; despite her protests; he put her down in blankets and lay beside her until she went back to sleep。
    Sometime later; he roused himself to finish his own breakfast。 Calculating backward; he guessed that the Giant had been without rest for at least the last three days and nights。 So he said abruptly; 〃I'll let you know when I can't stay awake anymore;〃 took the graveling pot; and moved off to find a sheltered place where he could keep watch。 There he sat and watched daylight ooze into the air like seepage through the scab of an old wound。
    He awoke late in the afternoon to find Foamfollower sitting beside him; and Lena preparing a meal a short distance away。 He jerked erect; cursing inwardly。 But his panions did not appear to have suffered from his dereliction。 Foamfollower met his gaze with a smile and said; 〃Do not be alarmed。 We have been safe enough…though I was greatly weary and slept until midday。 There is a deer run north of us; and some of the tracks are fresh。 Deer would not remain here in the presence of marauder spoor。''
    Covenant nodded。 His breath steamed heavily in the cold。 〃Foamfollower;〃 he muttered; 〃I am incredibly tired of being so bloody mortal。〃
    But that night he found the going easier。 In spite of the encroaching numbness of his hands and feet; some of his strength had returned。 And as Foamfollower led him and Lena eastward; the mountains moved away from them on the south; easing the ruggedness of the hills。 As a result; he was better able to keep up the pace。
    Yet the relaxation of the terrain caused another problem。 Since they were less protected from the wind; they often had to walk straight into the teeth of Lord Foul's winter。 In that wind; Covenant's inmost clothing seemed to turn to ice; and he moved as if he were scraping his chest raw like a penitent。
    Still; he had enough stamina left at the end of the night's march to take the first watch。 The Giant had chosen to camp in a small hollow sheltered on the east by a low hill; and after they had eaten; Foamfollower and Lena lay down to sleep while Covenant took a position under a dead; gnarled juniper just below the crown of the knoll。 From there; he looked down at his panions; resting as if they trusted him pletely。 He was determined not to fail them again。
    Yet he knew; could not help knowing; that he was poorly equipped for such duty。 The wintry truncation of his senses nagged at him as if it implied disaster…as if his inability to see; smell; hear peril would necessarily give rise to peril。 And he was not mistaken。 Though he was awake; almost alert…though the day had begun; filling the air with its gray; cold sludge… though the attack came from the east; upwind from him…he felt nothing until too late。
    He had just finished a circuit of the hilltop; scanning the terrain around the hollow; and had returned to sit in the thin shelter of the juniper; when at last he became aware of danger。 Something imminent ran along the wind; the atmosphere over the hollow became suddenly intense。 The next instant; dark figures rose up out of the snow around Foamfollower and Lena。 As he tried to shout a warning; the figures attacked。
    He sprang to his feet; raced down into the hollow。 Below him; Foamfollower surged to his knees; throwing dark brown people aside。 With a low cry of anger; Lena struggled against the weight of the attackers who pinned her in her blankets。 But before Covenant could get to her; someone hit him from behind; knocked him headlong into the snow。
    He rolled; got his feet under him; but immediately arms caught him around the chest above the elbows。 His own arms were trapped。 He fought; threw himself from side to side; but his captor was far too strong; he could not break the grip。 Then a flat; alien voice said into his ear; 〃Remain still or I will break your back。〃
    His helplessness infuriated him。' Then break it;'' he panted under his breath as he struggled。 〃Just let her go。〃 Lena was resisting frantically; yelping in frustration and outrage as she failed to free herself。
    〃Foamfollower!〃 Covenant shouted hoarsely。
    But he saw in shocked amazement that the Giant was not fighting。 His attackers stood back from him; and he sat motionless; regarding Covenant's captor gravely。
    Covenant went limp with chagrin。
    Roughly; the attackers pulled Lena from her blankets。 They had already lashed her wrists with cords。 She still struggled; but now her only aim seemed to be to break loose so that she could run to Covenant。
    Then Foamfollower spoke。 Levelly; dangerously; he said; 〃Release him。'' When the arms holding Covenant did not loosen; the Giant went on: 〃Stone and Sea! You will regret it if you have harmed him。 Do you not know me?〃
    〃The Giants are dead;〃 the voice in Covenant's ear said dispassionately。 〃Only Giant…Ravers remain。〃
    〃Let me go!〃 Lena hissed。 〃Oh; look at him; you fools! Melenkurion abatha! Is he a Raver?〃 But Covenant could not tell whether she referred to Foamfollower or himself。
    His captor ignored her。 〃We have seen…I have seen The Grieve。 I have made that journey to behold the work of Ravers。〃
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