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    〃Why ?'' she asked。 〃All are eager to aid…and none more eager than I。 You have suffered enough for your aloneness。〃
    Because I'm all I have; he answered。 But he could not say such a thing to her。 He was terrified by her need for him。
    When he did not reply; she glanced down for a moment; away from the fever of his gaze; then looked up again with the brightness of an idea in her eyes。 〃Summon the Ranyhyn。〃
    The Ranyhyn?
    〃They will e to you。 They e to me at your mand。 It has hardly been forty days since they last came。 They e each year on〃… she faltered; looked around at the snow with a memory of fear in her face…〃on the middle night of spring。'' Her voice fell until Covenant could hardly hear her。 〃This year the winter cold in my heart would not go away。 The Land forgot spring…forgot… Sunlight abandoned us。 I feared… feared that the Ranyhyn would never e again…that all my dreams were folly。
    〃But the stallion came。 Sweat and snow froze in his coat; and ice hung from his muzzle。 His breath steamed as he asked me to mount him。 But I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and sent him home。 He brought back such thoughts of you that I could not ride。〃
    Her eyes had left his face; and now she fell silent as if she had forgotten why she was speaking。 But when she raised her head; Covenant saw that her old face was full of tears。 〃Oh; my dear one;'' she said softly; 〃you are weak and in pain。 Summon the Ranyhyn and ride them as you deserve。〃
    〃No; Lena。'' He could not accept the kind of help the Ranyhyn would give him。 He reached out and awkwardly brushed at her tears。 His fingers felt nothing。 〃I made a bad bargain with them。 I've made nothing but bad bargains。〃
    〃Bad?〃 she asked as if he amazed her。 〃You are Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever。 How could any doing of yours be bad?〃
    Because it let me mit crimes。

    But he could not say that aloud either。 He reacted instead as if she had struck the touchstone of his fury。
    ''Listen; I don't know who you think I am these days; maybe you've still got Berek Halfhand on the brain。 But I'm not him…I'm not any kind of hero。 I'm nothing but a broken…down leper; and I'm doing this because I've had it up to here with being pushed around。 With or without your pany I'm going to start getting even regardless of any misbegotten whatever that tries to get in my way。 I'm going to do it my own way。 If you don't want to walk; you can go home。〃
    Before she had a chance to respond; he turned away from her in shame; and found Foamfollower standing sadly beside him。 〃And that's another thing;〃 he went on almost without pause。 〃I have also had it with your confounded misery。 Either tell me the truth about what's happened to you or stop sniveling。〃 He emphasized his last two words by grabbing treasure…berries from the Giant's open hands。 〃Hell and blood! I'm sick to death of this whole thing。〃 Glaring up at the Giant's face; he jammed aliantha into his mouth; chewed them with an air of helpless belligerence。
    〃Ah; my friend;〃 Foamfollower breathed。 〃This way that you have found for yourself is a cataract。 I have felt it in myself。 It will bear you to the edge in a rush and hurl you into abysses from which there is no recovery。''
    Lena's hands touched Covenant's arm again; but he threw them off。 He could not face her。 Still glaring at Foamfollower; he said; 〃You haven't told me the truth。'' Then he turned and stalked away through the snow。 In his rage; he could not forgive himself for being so unable to distinguish between hate and grief。
    Treasure…berries supplied by both Foamfollower and Lena kept him going through most of the afternoon。 But his pace remained slow and ragged。 Finally his strength gave out when Foamfollower guided him off the road and eastward into the foothills beyond the mouth of the valley。 By then; he was too exhausted to worry about the fact that the snowfall was ending。 He simply lumbered into the lee of a hill and lay down to sleep。 Later; in half…conscious moments; he discovered that the Giant was carrying him; but he was too tired to care。
    He awoke sometime after dawn with a pleasant sensation of warmth on his face and a smell of cooking in his nostrils。 When he opened his eyes; he saw Foamfollower crouched over a graveling pot a few feet away; preparing a meal。 They were in a small ravine。 The leaden skies clamped over them like a coffin lid; but the air was free of snow。 Beside him; Lena lay deep in weary slumber。
    Softly; Foamfollower said; 〃She is no longer young。 And we walked until near dawn。 Let her sleep。〃 With a short gesture around the ravine; he went on: 〃We will not be easily discovered here。 We should remain until nightfall。 It is better for us to travel at night。〃 He smiled faintly。 〃More rest will not harm you。〃
    〃I don't want to rest;〃 Covenant muttered; though he felt dull with fatigue。 〃I want to keep moving。〃
    〃Rest;〃 Foamfollower manded。 〃You will be able to travel more swiftly when your health has improved。〃
    Covenant acquiesced involuntarily。 He lacked the energy to argue。 While he waited for the meal; he inspected himself。 Inwardly; he felt steadier; some of his self…possession had returned。 The swelling of his lip had receded; and his forehead no longer seemed feverish。 The infection in his battered feet did not appear to be spreading。
    But his hands and feet were as numb as if they were being gradually gnawed off his limbs by frostbite。 The backs of his knuckles and the tops of his arches retained some sensitivity; but the essential deadness was anchored in his bones。 At first he tried to believe that the cause actually was frostbite。 But he knew better。 His sight told him clearly that it was not ice which deadened him。
    His leprosy was spreading。 Under Lord Foul's dominion…under the gray malignant winter…the Land no longer had the power to give him health。
    Dream health! He knew that it had always been a lie; that leprosy was incurable because dead nerves could not be regenerated; that the previous impossible aliveness of his fingers and toes was the one incontrovertible proof that the Land was a dream; a delusion。 Yet the absence of that health staggered him; dismayed the secret; yearning recusancy of his immedicable flesh。 Not anymore; he gaped dumbly。 Now he had been bereft of that; too。 The cruelty of it seemed to be more than he could bear。
    〃Covenant?〃 Foamfollower asked anxiously。 〃My friend?〃 Covenant gaped at the Giant as well; and another realization shook him。 Foamfollower was closed to him。 Except for the restless grief which crouched behind the Giant's eyes; Covenant could see nothing of his inner condition; could not see whether his panion was well or ill; right or wrong。 His Land…born sight or penetration had been truncated; crippled。 He might as well have been back in his own blind; impervious; superficial world。
    〃Covenant?〃 Foamfollower repeated。
    For a time; the fact surpassed Covenant's prehension。 He tested…yes; he could see the interminable corruption eating its ill way toward his wrists; toward his heart。 He could smell the potential gangrene in his feet。 He could feel the vestiges of poison in his lip; th
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