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 lights bemused him; so that he stood entranced among them。
    The tall man distracted him by helping Quirrel to her feet。 Surrounded by Wraiths; he raised her; supported her until she could stand on her own。 Then for a moment he looked unfortably back and forth between her and Triock。 He seemed to be asking himself if he could justify leaving them there; not helping them further。 Almost at once; however; he made his decision。 The distant roar of the blizzard rose and fell as if some hungry storm…animal strove to gain access to the valley。 He shivered and said; 'e。 Foul's winter is no place for flesh and blood。〃
    As the man turned to move toward the upper end of the valley; Triock said abruptly; 〃You are One of the Unfettered。〃
    〃Yes。 Yet I aid you。'' His voice vanished as soon as it appeared on the tattered wind。 〃I was once Woodhelvennin。 The hand of the Forest is upon me… And you〃…he was thrusting powerfully away through the snow as if he were talking to himself; as if he had been panionless for so long that he had forgotten how people listen…〃bear lomillialor。〃
    Triock and Quirrel pushed after him。 His gait was strong; unweary; but by following his path through the drifts; they were able to keep up with him。 The Wraiths lighted their way with crystal music until Triock felt that he was moving through a pocket of Andelain; a brief eldritch incarnation of clean light and warmth amid the Gray Slayer's preternatural malevolence。 In the dancing encouragement of the flames; he was able to disregard his great fatigue and follow the Unfettered One's song:
    Drink of loss until 'tis done:
    Til solitude has e and gone;
    And silence is munion…
    And yet
    Slowly; they worked their way up to the end of the valley。 It was blocked by a huge litter of boulders; but the Unfettered One led them along an intricate path through the rocks。 Beyond; they entered a sheer ravine which gradually closed over their heads until they were walking into a black cave lit only by the flickering of the Wraiths。 In time; the crooked length of the cave shut out all the wind and winter。 Warmth grew around Triock and Quirrel; causing their garments to drip thickly。 And ahead they saw more light。
    Then they reached the cave end; the Unfettered One's home。 Here the cave expanded to form a large chamber; and all of it was alive with light and music; as scores of Wraiths flamed and curtsied in the air。 Some of them cycled through the center of the chamber; and others hung near the black walls as if to illuminate inscriptions on the gleaming facets of the stone。 The floor was rude granite marked by lumps and projecting surfaces which the Unfettered One clearly used as chairs; tables; bed。 But the walls and ceiling were as black as obsidian; and they were covered with reflective irregular planes like the myriad fragments of a broken mirror in which the Wraith light would have dazzled the beholders if the surfaces had not been made of black stone。 As it was; the chamber was warm and evocative; it seemed a fit place for a seer to read the writing graved within the heart of the mountain。
    At the mouth of the chamber; Triock and Quirrel shed their packs and cloaks; opened their ice…stiff inner garments to the warmth。 Then they took their first clear look at their rescuer。 He was bald except for a white fringe at the back of his head; and his mouth hid in a gnarled white beard。 His eyes were so heavily couched in wrinkles that he seemed to have spent generations squinting at illegible munications; and this impression of age was both confirmed by the old pallor of his skin and denied by the upright strength of his frame。 Now Triock could see that his robe had been white at one time。 It had gained its dull granite color from long years of contact with the cave walls。
    In his home; he seemed even more disturbed by the Stonedownors。 His eyes flicked fearful and surprised glances at them…not as if he considered them evil; but rather as if he distrusted their clumsiness; as if his life lay in fragile sections on the floor and might be broken by their feet。
    〃I have little food;〃 he said as he watched the puddles which Triock and Quirrel left behind。 〃Food also…I have no time for it。〃 But then an old memory seemed to pass across his face…a recollection that the people of the Land did not treat their guests in this way。 Triock felt suddenly sure that the One had been living in this cave before he; Triock; was born。 〃I am not accustomed;〃 the man went on as if he felt he should explain himself。 〃One life does not suffice。 When I found I could not refuse succor to the Wraiths…much time was lost。 They repay me as they can; but much… much… How can I live to the end of my work? You are costly to me。 Food itself is costly。〃
    As Triock recovered himself in the cave's mouth; he remembered his message to the Lords; and his face tightened into its familiar frown。 〃The Gray Slayer is costly;〃 he replied grimly。
    His statement disconcerted the Unfettered One。 〃Yes;'' he mumbled。 Bending quickly; he picked up a large flask of water and a covered urn containing dried fruit。 〃Take all you require;〃 he said as he handed these to Triock。 〃I have…I have seen some of the Despiser's work。 Here。〃 He gestured vaguely at the walls of his cave。
    There was little fruit in the urn; but Triock and Quirrel divided it between them。 As he munched his share; Triock found he felt a great deal better。 Although the meager amount of food hardly touched his hunger; his skin seemed to be absorbing nourishment as well as warmth from the Wraith light。 And the radiance of the flames affected him in other ways also。 Gradually the numbness of frostbite faded from his fingers and toes ears; blood and health flowed back into them as if they had been treated with hurtloam。 Even the habitual sourness which galled his mouth seemed to decline。
    But his mission remained clear to him。 When he was sure that Quirrel had regained her stability; he asked her to go a short way out of the tunnel to stand guard。
    She responded tightly; 〃Will pursuit e even here?〃
    〃Who can say?〃 The Unfettered One did not appear to be listening; so Triock went on: 〃But we must have this One's aid…and I fear he will not be persuaded easily。 We must not be surprised here with the message unattempted。〃
    Quirrel nodded; approving his caution though she clearly believed that no pursuit could have followed them through the blizzard。 Without delay; she collected her cloak and weapons and moved away down the cave until she was out of sight beyond the first bend。
    The Unfettered One watched her go with a question in his face。
    〃She will stand guard while we talk;〃 Triock answered。
    〃Do we require guarding? There are no ill creatures in these mountains…in this winter。 The animals do not intrude。〃
    '' Foes pursue me;〃 said Triock。 〃 I bear my own ill…and the Land' s need。〃 But there he faltered and fell silent。 For the first time; he realized the immensity of his situation。 He was face to face with an Unfettered One and Wraiths。 In this cave; acpanied by d
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