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plessly down the steep side of the valley。
    Triock tucked his head and knees together and rolled as best he could。 The snow protected him from the impacts of the fall; but it also gave way under him; prevented him from stopping or slowing himself。 He could do nothing but hug himself and fall。 Dislodged by the collapse of the ledge; more snow slid into the valley with him; adding its weight to his momentum as if it were hurling him at the bottom。 In wild vertigo; he lost all sense of how far he had fallen or how far he was from the bottom。 When he hit level ground; the force of the jolt slammed his breath away; left him stunned while snow piled over him。
    For a time; he lay smothered under the snow; but as the dizziness relaxed in his head; he began to recover。 He thrust himself to his hands and knees。 Gasping; he fought the darkness which swarmed his sight like clouds of bats rushing at his face。 〃Quirrel!〃 he croaked。 〃Yeurquin!〃
    With an effort; he made out Quirrel's legs protruding from the snow a short distance away。 Beyond her; Yeurquin lay on his back。 A bloody gash on his temple marred the blank pallor of his face。 Neither of them moved。
    Abruptly; Triock heard the scrabbling of claws。 A savage howl like an anthem of victory snatched his gaze away from Quirrel and Yeurquin; made him look up toward the slope of the valley。
    The kresh were charging furiously down toward him。 They had chosen a shallower and less snowbound part of the ridge side; and were racing with rapacious abandon toward their fallen prey。 Their leader was hardly a dozen yards from Triock。
    He moved instantly。 His fighting experience took over; and he reacted without thought or hesitation。 Snatching at his sword; he heaved erect; presented himself as a standing target to the first wolf。 Fangs bared; red eyes blazing; it leaped for his throat。 He ducked under it; twisted; and wrenched his sword into its belly。
    It sailed past him and crashed into the snow; lay still as if it were impaled on the red trail of its blood。 But its momentum had torn his sword from his cold hand。
    He had no chance to retrieve his weapon。 Already the next wolf was gathering to spring at him。
    He dove out from under its leap; rolled heels over head; snapped to his feet holding his lomillialor rod in his hands。
    The rod was not made to be a weapon; its shapers in the Loresraat had wrought that piece of High Wood for other purposes。 But its power could be made to burn; and Triock had no other defense。 Crying the invocation in a curious tongue understood only by the lillianrill; he swung the High Wood over his head and chopped it down on the skull of the nearest wolf。
    At the impact; the rod burst into flame like a pitch…soaked brand; and all the wolf's fur caught fire as swiftly as tinder。
    The flame of the rod lapsed immediately; but Triock shouted to it and hacked at a kresh bounding at his chest。 Again the power flared。 The wolf fell dead in screaming flames。
    Another and another Triock slew。 But each blast; each unwonted exertion of the High Wood's might; drained his strength。 With four kresh sizzling in the snow around him; his breath came in ragged heaves; gaps of exhaustion veered across his sight; and fatigue clogged his limbs like iron fetters。
    The five remaining wolves circled him viciously。
    He could not face them all at once。 Their yellow fur bristled in violent smears across his sight; their red and horrid eyes flashed at him above their wet chops and imminent fangs。 For an instant; his fighting instincts faltered。
    Then a weight of pact fury struck him from behind; slammed him facedown in the trampled snow。 The force of the blow stunned him; and the weight on his back pinned him。 He could do nothing but hunch his shoulders against the rending poised over the back of his neck。  But the weight did not move。 It lay as inert as death across his shoulder blades。
    His fingers still clutched the lomillialor。
    With a convulsive heave; he rolled to one side; tipped the heavy fur off him。 It smeared him with blood…blood that ran; still pulsing; from the javelin which pierced it just behind its foreleg。
    Another javelined kresh lay a few paces away。
    The last three wolves dodged and feinted around Quirrel。 She stood over Yeurquin; whirling her sword and cursing。
    Triock lurched to his feet。
    At the same time; Yeurquin moved; struggled to get his legs under him。 Despite the wound on his temple; his hands pulled instinctively at his sword。
    The sight of him made the wolves hesitate。
    In that instant; Triock snatched a javelin from the nearest corpse and hurled it with the strength of triumph into the ribs of another kresh。
    Yeurquin was unsteady on his feet; but with one lumbering hack of his sword; he managed to disable a wolf。 It lurched away from him on three legs; but he caught up with it and cleft its skull。
    The last kresh was already in full flight。 It did not run yipping; with its tail between its legs; like a thrashed cur; it shot straight toward the narrow outlet of the valley as if it knew where allies were and intended to summon them。
    〃Quirrel!〃 Triock gasped。
    She moved instantly。 Ripping her javelin free of the nearest wolf; she balanced the short shaft across her palm; took three quick steps; and lofted it after the running kresh。 The javelin arched so high that Triock feared it would fall short; then plunged sharply downward and caught the wolf in the back。 The beast collapsed in a rolling heap; flopped several times across the snow; throwing blood in all directions; quivered; and lay still。
    Triock realized dimly that he was breathing in rough sobs。 He was so spent that he could hardly retain his grip on the lomillialor。 When Quirrel came over to him; he put his arms around her; as much to gain strength from her as to express his gratitude and radeship。 She returned the clasp briefly; as if his gesture embarrassed her。 Then they moved toward Yeurquin。
    Mutely; they inspected and tended Yeurquin's wound。 Under other circumstances; Triock would not have considered the hurt dangerous; it Was clean and shallow; and the bone was unharmed。 But Yeurquin still needed time to rest and heal…and Triock had no time。 The plight of his message was now more urgent than ever。
    He said nothing about this。 While Quirrel cooked a meal; he retrieved their weapons; then buried all the kresh and the blood of battle under mounds of gray snow。 This would not disguise what had happened from any close inspection; but Triock hoped that a chance enemy passing along the rim of the valley would not be attracted to look closer。
    When he was done; he ate slowly; gathering his strength; and his eyes jumped around the valley as if he expected ur…viles or worse to rise up suddenly from the ground against him。 But then his mouth locked into its habitual dour lines。 He made no concessions to Yeurquin's injury; he told his panions flatly that he had decided to leave the foothills and risk cutting straight west toward the mountains where he hoped to find the Unfettered One。 For such a risk; the only possibility of success lay in speed。
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