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Lena。 Then his chief bitterness lay in the fact that he himself could not acpany Covenant could not go along to watch over Lena。 He had his own work to do; work which he acknowledged and approved。 Through the yearning clench of his jaws; he told himself that he would have to rely on Saltheart Foamfollower。
    With a brusque movement; he pushed the gray snow out of his eyes and looked toward the Giant。 Foamfollower met his gaze; came over to him; and said; 〃Be easy at heart; my friend。 You know that I am not an inconsiderable ally。 I will do all I can for both。〃
    〃Take great care;〃 Triock breathed through his teeth。 〃The eyes which saw our work upon Kevin's Watch are yet open。 We did not close them in this battle。〃
    Foamfollower studied this thought for a moment; then said; 〃If that is true; then it is you who must take the greatest care。 You bear your High Wood into the hazard of the South Plains。〃
    Triock shrugged。 〃High Wood or white gold…we must all tread cunningly。 I can send none of my people with you。〃
    With a nod of approval; the Giant said; 〃I would refuse if they were offered。 You will need every sword。 The mountains where you will seek this Unfettered One are many leagues distant; and you will be required to fight much of your way。〃
    The clench of Triock's teeth made his voice rasp harshly。 〃I take none but Quirrel and Yeurquin with me。〃
    Foamfollower started to protest; but Triock cut him off。 〃I need the speed of few panions。 And Mithil Stonedown stands now in its gravest peril。 For the first time; we have given open battle to the marauders。 With the power we revealed on Kevin's Watch; and the strength of our victory here; we have declared beyond question that we are not mere vagabond warriors; seeking refuge in lifeless homes。 We have defended our Stonedown…we are an unbeaten people。 Therefore the enemy will return against us with a host to dwarf this last band。 No; Rockbrother;〃 he concluded grimly; 〃every war…ready hand must remain to hold what we have won…lest our foes break upon the Stonedown like a wave and leave not one home standing。〃
    After a moment; Foamfollower sighed。 〃I hear you。 Ah; Triock… these are grave times indeed。 I will rest easier when my friend Mhoram son Of Variol has received word of what we do。〃
    〃You believe I will succeed?〃
    〃Who can if you cannot? You are hardy and knowledgeable; familiar with plains and mountains…and marauders。 You have accepted the need; though your feet yearn to follow other paths。 Those who pursue their heart's desire risk more subtle failures and treacheries。 In some ways; it is well to leave your soul wish in other hands。〃 He spoke musingly; as if in his thoughts he were paring Triock's position with his own。 〃You can acplish this message purely。〃
    〃I reap one other blessing also;〃 Triock returned through a mouthful of involuntary gall。 〃The burden of mercy falls on your shoulders。 Perhaps you will bear it more easily。〃
    Foamfollower sighed again; then smiled gently。 〃Ah; my friend; I know nothing of mercy。 My own need for it is too great。〃
    The sight of Foamfollower's smiling regret made Triock wish that he could protest against what the Giant said。 But he understood only too well the plex loss and rue which weighed on Foamfollower。 Instead; he returned the best smile he could manage and saluted Foamfollower from the bottom of his heart。 Then he turned away to make his own preparations for travel。
    In a short time; he packed blankets; an extra cloak; a small stoneware pot of graveling; supplies of dried meat; cheese; and fruit; and a knife to replace the one he had given Covenant; in a knapsack。 He took only a few moments to whet his sword; and to secure his lomillialor rod in the tunic belt under his cloak。 Yet when he returned to the open center of the Stonedown; he found Covenant; Foamfollower; and Lena ready to depart。 Lena carried her own few belongings in a pack like his; Foamfollower had all the supplies for the three of them in his leather sack; which he slung easily over his shoulder; and Covenant's wounded face held a look of intentness or frustration; as if only the hurt on his mouth kept him from plaining impatiently。 In that look; Triock caught a glimpse of how fragile Covenant's avowed hatred was。 It did not appear to be a sustaining Passion。 Triock shivered。 A foreboding distrust told him that Thomas Covenant's resolve or passion would not suffice。
    But he clenched the thought to himself as he returned Foamfollower's final salute。 There was nothing he could say。 And a moment later; the Giant arid his two panions had disappeared northward between the houses。
    Their footmarks filled with snow and faded from sight until Mithil Stonedown seemed to retain no record of their passing。
    Gruffly; Triock said to Yeurquin and Quirrel; 〃We also must depart We must leave this valley while the snow holds。〃
    His two friends nodded without question。 Their faces were empty of expression; they looked like people from whom bat had drained all other considerations…carried their short javelins as if the killing of enemies were their sole interest。 From them; Triock drew a kind of serenity。 He was no High Wood wielder to them; no bearer of burdens which would have bent the back of a Lord。 He was only a man; fighting as best he could for the Land; without pretensions to wisdom or prophecy。 This was a proper role for a Cattleherd in times of war; and he weled it。
    Girded by the readiness of his panions; he went to the other elders and spent a short time discussing with them Mithil Stonedown's precautions against future attacks。 Then he left his home to them and went out into the snow again as if it were the duty of his life。
    Flanked by Quirrel and Yeurquin; he left the village by the northward road; and crossed without stealth the stone bridge to the western side of the valley。 He wanted to make good time while the snow cover lasted; so he stayed on the easiest route until he neared the end of the horn of mountains which formed the Mithil valley's western wall。 At that point; he moved off the road and started up into the foothills that clung around the tip of the horn。
    He intended to skirt the peaks west and south almost as far as Doom's Retreat; then swing northwest toward the isolated wedge of mountains which defended the South Plains from Garroting Deep。 He could not take the straight march westward。 In the open Plains; he would certainly encounter marauders; and when he did; he would have to flee wherever they chased him。 So he chose the rugged terrain of the foothills。 The higher ground would give him both a vantage from which to watch for enemies and a cover in which to hide from them。
    Yet; as he plodded upward through the snow; he feared the choice he had made。 In the foothills; he would need twenty days to reach those mountains beyond Doom's Retreat; twenty days would be lost before he could begin to search for the Unfettered One。 In that time; Covenant and his panions might travel all the way to Landsdrop or beyond。 Then any message which the High Lord might receive would be too late; Covenant would be beyond any hand but the Gray Slayer's。
    With that d
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