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    〃Tell me!〃 Covenant hissed。 〃Bloody hell; Foamfollower! I want to know it all! I need…everything; every damned despicable thing that
    Without warning; Triock interrupted him。 〃The Giants have returned to their Home beyond the Sunbirth Sea。〃
    Covenant whirled toward Triock。 The lie in his words was so palpable that it left Covenant gasping; and around him the Stonedownors gaped at Triock。 But Triock met Covenant's aghast stare without flinching。 The cut along his jaw emphasized his determination。 In a hard; steady voice that cut through Covenant's superficial ire to the rage growing within him; Triock said; 〃We have sworn the Oath of Peace。 Do not ask us to feed your hate。 The Land will not be served by such passions。〃
    〃It's all I've got!〃 Covenant answered thickly。 〃Don't you understand? I don't have anything else。 Nothing! All by itself; it has got to be enough。〃
    Gravely; almost sorrowfully; Triock said; 〃Such a foe cannot be fought with hate。 I know。 I have felt it in my heart。〃
    〃Hellfire; Triock! Don't preach at me。 I'm sick to death of being victimized。 I'm sick of walking meekly or at least quietly and just putting my head on the block。 I am going to fight this。〃
    〃Why?〃 Triock asked in a restrained voice。 〃What will you fight for?〃
    〃Are you deaf as well as blind?〃 Covenant wrapped his arms around his chest to steady himself。 〃I hate Foul。 I've had all I can stand of…〃
    〃No。 I am neither deaf nor blind。 I see and hear that you intend to fight。 What will you fight for? There is matter enough to occupy your hate in your own world。 You are in the Land now。 What will you fight for?〃
    Hell and blood! Covenant shouted silently。 How much of me do you want? But Triock's question threw him back upon himself。 He could have replied: I hate Foul because of what he's doing to the Land。 But that sounded like a disclaimer of responsibility; and he was too angry to deny his own convictions。 He was too angry; also; to give Triock any forting answer。 In a brittle voice; he said; 〃I'm going to do it for myself。 So that I can at least believe in me before I lose my mind altogether。〃
    This response silenced Triock; and after a moment Foamfollower asked painfully;  〃My friend; what will you do with your passion?〃
    Snow slowly thickened in the air。 The flakes danced like motes of obscurity across Covenant's vision; and the strain of his fierce stare made his unhealed forehead throb as if his skull were crippled with cracks。 But he did not relent; could not relent now。 〃There's only one good answer to someone like Foul。〃 Yet in spite of his anger; he found that he could not meet Foamfollower's gaze。
    〃What answer?〃
    Involuntarily; Covenant's fingers bent into claws。 〃I'm going to bring Foul's Creche down around his ears。〃
    He heard the surprise and incredulity of the Stonedownors; but he ignored them。 He listened only to Foamfollower as the Giant said; 〃Have you learned then how to make use of the white gold?〃
    With all the intensity of conviction he could muster; Covenant replied; 〃I'll find a way。〃
    As he spoke; he believed himself。 Hatred would be enough。 Foul could not take it from him; could not quench it or deflect its aim。 He; Thomas Covenant; was a leper; he alone in all the Land had the moral experience or training for this task。 Facing between Foamfollower and Triock; addressing them both; he said; 〃You can either help me or not。〃
    Triock met him squarely。 〃I will not aid you。 I will undertake to send word of you to High Lord Mhoram…but I will not share in this defamation of Peace。〃
    〃It is the wild magic; Triock;〃 Foamfollower said as if he were pleading on Covenant's behalf; 〃the wild magic which destroys Peace。 You have heard the song。 White gold surpasses all Oaths。〃
    〃Yet I will retain my own。 Without the Oath; I would have slain the Unbeliever seven and forty years ago。 Let him accept that; and be content。〃
    Softly; the Giant said; 〃I hear you; my friend。 You are worthy of the Land you serve。〃 Then he turned to Covenant。 〃Ur…Lord; permit me to acpany you。 I am a Giant…I may be of use。 And I…I yearn to strike closer blows against the Soulcrusher who so appalled my kindred。 And I know the peril。 I have seen the ways in which we bee what we hate。 Permit me。〃
    Before Covenant could reply; Lena jumped to her feet。 〃Permit me also!〃 she cried excitedly。
    〃Lena!〃 Triock protested。
    She paid no attention to him。 〃I wish to acpany you。 I have waited so long。 I have striven to be worthy。 I have mothered a High Lord and ridden a Ranyhyn。 I am young and strong。 Ah; I yearn to share with you。 Permit me; Thomas Covenant。〃
    The wind hummed softly between the houses; carrying the snow like haze into Covenant's eyes。 The flakes flicked cold at his sore lip; but still he nodded his approval of the gathering flurries。 A good snowfall would cover his trail。 The snow muffled the sounds of the village; and he seemed to be speaking to himself as he said; 〃Let's get going。 I've got debts to pay。〃
 Message to Revelstone
    Though his jaws ached with protests; Triock gave the orders which sent several of his rades hurrying to collect supplies for Covenant; Foamfollower; and Lena。 In that moment; the giving of those orders seemed to be the hardest thing he had ever done。 The restraint which had allowed Covenant to live seven and forty years ago paled by parison。 The exertions which had brought Covenant to the Land now lost their meaning。 Lena Atiaran…daughter's desire to acpany the Unbeliever turned all Triock's long years of devotion to dust and loss; and all his lavish love had been wasted。
    Yet he could not refuse her…could not; though he had the authority to do so。 He was one of Mithil Stonedown's Circle of elders; and by old Stonedown tradition; even marriages and long journeys were subject to the approval of the Circle。 Furthermore; he was the acknowledged leader of Mithil Stonedown's defense。 He could have manded Lena to stay at home; and if his reasons were valid; all the Stonedown would have fought to keep her。
    His reasons were valid。 Lena was old; half confused。 She might hamper Covenant's movements; she might even risk his life again; as she had so recently。 She would be in danger from all the enemies between Mithil Stonedown and Foul's Creche。 Covenant was the one man responsible for her condition; the man who had permanently warped the channel of her life。 And he; Triock son of Thuler…he loved her。
    Yet he gave the orders。 He had never loved Lena in a way which would have enabled him to control her。 At one time; he had been ready to break his Oath of Peace for her; but throughout most of his life now he had kept it for her。 He had done his utmost to raise her daughter free of shame and outrage。 He could not begin now to refuse the cost of a love to which he had so entirely given himself。
    Once that ordeal was over; he grew somewhat calmer。 In the back of his heart; he believed that if there were any hope for the Land in Thomas Covenant; it depended upon Covenant's responses to Lena。 Then his chief bitterness lay in the fact that he himself could not acpany Covenant
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