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    On mand; the marauders led the three to a house at the edge of the circle。 They were positioned around the building; and at once they moved close to the walls; spread their arms to their fullest extent; gripped the flat rock with their suckers。
    Hoarse; growling power began to mount between them。 Their might reached around the house and tightened slowly like a noose。
    Covenant watched them in blank dismay。 He understood the marauders' tactics now; the band attacked as it did to protect these three。 With a stink of attar; their power increased; tightened; growled; until he could see a hawser of green force running through them around the house; squeezing it in implacable fury。 He thought that he should shout to the Stonedownors; warn them of the danger。 But he was dry…mouthed and frozen with horror。 He hardly knew that he had risen to his hands and knees to gain a better view of what was happening。
    Moments passed。 Tension crackled in the air as the stone of the house began to scream silently under the stress。 Covenant gaped at it as if the mute rock were crying out to him for help。
    Then the noose exploded in a flash of green force。 The house crumbled inward; fell into itself until all its rooms and furnishings were buried in rubble。 Its three destroyers stepped back and searched blindly around them for more stone to crush。
    Abruptly; a woman screamed…a raw shout of outrage。 Covenant heard her running between the houses。 He leaped to his feet and saw a fleet; white…haired woman dash past the eaves of his roof with a long knife clenched in both hands。 In an instant; she had raced beyond him toward the center of the Stonedown。
    At once he went after her。 With two quick steps; he threw himself like a bundle of disjointed limbs toward the next roof。 He landed off balance; fell; and slid through the snow almost to the edge of the house。 But he picked himself up and moved back to get a running start toward the next roof。
    From that position; he saw the woman rush into the open circle。 Her scream had alerted the marauders; but they were not ready for the speed with which she launched herself at them。 As she sprang; she stabbed the long knife with all her strength; drove it hilt…deep into the breast of the three…armed creature which had been manding the assault。
    The next instant; another creature grabbed her by the hair and flung her back。 She lost her knife; fell out of Covenant's sight in front of one of the houses。 The marauders moved after her; swords upraised。
    Covenant leaped for the next roof。 He kept his balance as he landed this time; ran across the stone; and leaped again。 Then he fell skidding on the roof of the house which blocked the woman from his sight。 He had too much momentum now; he could not stop。 In a cloud of snow; he toppled over the edge and slammed heavily to the ground beside the woman。
    The impact stunned him。 But his sudden appearance had surprised the attackers; and the nearest creature recoiled several steps; waving its sword defensively as if Covenant were a group of warriors。 In the interval; he shook red mist from his eyes; and got gasping to his feet。
    The marauders whirled their weapons; dropped into fighting crouches。 But when they saw that they were threatened by only one half…stunned man; some of them spat hoarse curses at him and others began to laugh malevolently。 Sheathing their weapons; several of them moved forward with an exaggerated display of caution to capture Covenant and the old woman。 At this; other creatures jeered harshly; and more came into the circle to see what was happening。
    Covenant's gaze dashed in all directions; hunting for a way of escape。 But he could find nothing; he and the woman were alone against more than a score of the misborn creatures。
    The marauders' breathing did not steam in the cold air。 Though they wore nothing to protect their flesh from the cold; they seemed horribly fortable in the preternatural winter。
    They approached as if they meant to eat Covenant and the woman alive。
    The woman hissed at them in revulsion; but he paid no attention to her。 All of him was concentrated on escape。 An odd memory tugged at the back of his mind。 He remembered a time when Mhoram had made even powerless white gold useful。 As the creatures crept hooting toward him; he suddenly brandished his ring and sprang forward a step; shouting; 〃Get back; you bloody bastards; or I'll blast you where you stand!〃
    Either his shout or the sight of his ring startled them; they jumped back a few paces; grabbing at their weapons。
    In that instant; Covenant snatched up the woman's hand and fled。 Pulling her after him; he raced to the corner of the house; swung sharply around it; and sped as fast as he could away from the open ground。 He lost his hold on the woman almost at once; he could not grip her securely with his half…fingerless hand。 But she was running on her own now。 In a moment; she caught up with him and took hold of his arm; helped him make the next turn。
    Roaring with fury; the marauders started in pursuit。 But when they entered the lane between the houses; Foamfollower dove from a rooftop and crashed headlong into them like a battering ram。 Constricted by the houses on either side; they could not evade him; he hit them squarely; breaking the ones nearest him and bowling the others back into the center of the Stonedown。
    Then Triock; Quirrel; and Yeurquin led a dozen Stonedownors into the village across the roofs。 Amid the confusion caused by the Giant's attack; the defenders fell onto the marauders like a rain of swords and javelins。 Other people ran forward to engage the creatures that were still hunting among the houses。 In moments; fighting raged throughout the Stonedown。
    But Covenant did not stop; drawing the woman with him; he fled until he was past the last buildings。 There he lengthened his stride; intending to run as far as he could up the valley。 But Slen intercepted him。 Panting hoarsely; Slen snapped at the woman; 〃Fool! You have lost sense altogether。〃 Then he tugged at Covenant。 〃e。 e。〃
    Covenant and the woman followed him away from the river along an unmarked path into the foothills。 A few hundred yards above the village; they came to a jumble of boulders…the ancient remains of a rockfall from the mountains。 Slen took a cunning way in among the boulders and soon reached a large; hidden cave。 Several Stonedownors stood on guard at the cave mouth; and within it the children and the ill or infirm huddled around graveling bowls。
    Covenant was tempted to enter the cave and share its sanctuary。 But near its mouth was a high; sloped heap of rock with a broad crown。 He turned and climbed the rocks to find out if he could see the Stonedown from its top。 The white…haired woman ascended lightly behind him; soon they stood together; looking down at the battle of Mithil Stonedown。
    The altitude of his position surprised him。 He had not realized that he had climbed so high。 Vertigo made his feet feel suddenly slippery; and he recoiled from the sight。 For a moment; the valley reeled around him。 He could not believe that a short time ago he had been leaping across roofto
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