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 The warm light revealed that Foamfollower was grinning as he said; 〃This is hazardous for me。 It is possible that being of use may bee a dangerous habit。〃
    Gruffly; Covenant muttered; 〃That sounds like something I might say。〃
    Foamfollower's grin broadened。 But Triock threw back a warning
    scowl; and the Giant made no other response。
    Moments later; Triock covered his graveling pot。 At a nod from Foamfollower; Covenant did the same。 The Giant placed the urn in his sack。 Without any light to give them away; the group climbed out of the rift onto the exposed mountainside high above the Mithil valley。
    Under the heavy darkness; they could see nothing below them but the distant watch fires smoldering like sparks in cold black tinder。 Covenant could not gauge how far away the fires were; but Foamfollower said tightly; 〃It is a large band。 They will gain the Stonedown by dawn…as Slen said。〃
    〃Then we must make haste;'' snapped Triock。 He swung away to the left; moving swiftly along the unlit ledge。
    The Giant followed at once; and his long strides easily matched Triock's trotting pace。 Soon they had left the ledge; crossed from it to more gradual slopes as their trail worked downward into the valley。 Slowly; Covenant could feel the air thickening。 With the warmth of the graveling pot resting against his chest; he began to feel stronger。 He made an effort to remember what this trail had looked like in the spring; but no memories came; he could not escape the impression of bare bleakness which shone through the night at him。 He sensed that if he could have seen the unrelieved rock faces of the mountains; or the imposed lifelessness of the foothills; or the blasted tree trunks; or the Mithil River writhing in ice; he would have been dismayed。 He was not yet ready for dismay。
    Ahead of him; Triock began to run。
    Foamfollower's jogging shook other thoughts out of Covenant's mind; and he began to concentrate in earnest on the gloomy night。 By squinting grotesquely; he found that he could adjust his sight somewhat to the dark; apparently his eyes were remembering their Land…born penetration。 As Foamfollower hurried him down the trail; he made out the high loom of the mountains on his left and the depth of the valley on his right。 After a while; he caught vague; pale glimpses of the ice…gnarled river。 Then the trail neared the end of the valley; and swung down in a wide arc toward the Mithil。 When Foamfollower had pleted the turn; Covenant saw the first dim lightening of dawn behind the eastern peaks。
    Their pace became more urgent。 As dawn leaked into the air; Covenant could see shadowy clouts of snow jumping from under the beat of Triock's feet。 Foamfollower's strong respiration filled his ears; and behind it at odd intervals he heard the river straining in sharp creaks and groans against the weight of its own freezing。 He began to feel a need to get down from the Giant's arms; either to separate himself from this urgency or to run toward it on his own。
    Then Quirrel slowed abruptly and stopped。 Triock and Foamfollower caught up with her; found her with another Stonedownor woman。 The woman whispered quickly; 〃Triock; the people are ready。 Enemies approach。 They are many; but the scouts saw no Cavewights or ur…viles。 How shall we fight them?〃
    As she spoke; Covenant dropped to the ground。 He stamped his feet to speed the circulation in his knees and stepped close to Triock so that he could hear what was said。
    〃Someone among them has eyes;〃 Triock responded。 〃They hunt the High Wood。〃
    〃So say the elders。〃
    〃We will use it to lure them。 I will remain on this side of the Stonedown…away from them; so that they must search all the homes to find me。 The houses will disrupt their formations; e between them。 The Stonedown itself and surprise will aid us。 Tell the people to conceal themselves on this side…behind the walls; in the outer houses。 Go。〃
    The woman turned and ran toward the Stonedown。 Triock followed her more slowly; giving instructions to Quirrel and Yeurquin as he moved。 With Foamfollower at his side; Covenant hurried after them; trying to figure out how to keep himself alive when the fighting started。 Triock seemed sure that the marauders were after the lomillialor; but Covenant had other ideas。 He was prepared to believe that this band of Foul's creatures had e for him and the white gold。
    He panted his way up a long hill behind Triock; and when they topped it; he found himself overlooking the crouched stone shapes of the village。 In the unhale dawn; he made out the rough; circular configuration of the Stonedown; its irregular houses; most of them flat…roofed and single…storied; stood facing inward around its open center; the gathering place for its people。
    In the distance; near the mouth of the valley; were the fires of the marauders。 They moved swiftly; as if they had the scent of prey in their nostrils。
    Triock stopped for a moment to peer through the gloom toward them。 Then he said to Foamfollower; 〃If this also goes astray; I leave the High Wood and the Unbeliever in your care。 You must do what I cannot。〃
    〃It must not go astray;〃 Foamfollower replied。 〃We cannot allow it。 What is there that I could do in your stead?〃
    Triock jerked his head toward Covenant。 〃Forgive him。〃
    Without waiting for an answer; he started at a lope down the hill。
    Covenant rushed to catch up with him; but his dead feet slipped so uncertainly through the snow that he could not move fast enough。 He did not overtake Triock until they were almost at the bottom of the hill。 There Covenant grabbed his arm; stopped him; and panted steamily into his face; 〃Don't forgive me。 Don't do any more violence to yourself for me。 Just give me a weapon so I can defend myself。〃
    Triock struck Covenant's hand away。 〃A weapon; Unbeliever?〃 he barked。 '' Use your ring。〃 But a moment later he controlled himself; fought down his bitterness。 Softly; he said; 〃Covenant; perhaps one day we will e to prehend each other; you and I。〃 Reaching into his cloak; he drew out a stone dagger with a long blade; and handed it to Covenant gravely; as if they were rades。 Then he hastened away to join the people scurrying toward their positions on the outskirts of the village。
    Covenant regarded the knife as if it were a secret asp。 For a moment; he was uncertain what to do with it; now that he had a weapon; he could not imagine using it。 He had had other knives; the implications of which were ambiguous。 He looked questioningly up at Foamfollower; but the Giant's attention was elsewhere。 He was staring intently toward the approach of the fires; and his eyes held a hot; enthusiastic gleam; as if they reflected or remembered slaughter。 Covenant winced inwardly。 He passed the knife back and forth between his hands; almost threw it away; then abruptly opened his jacket and slid the blade under his belt。
    〃Now what?〃 he demanded; trying to distract Foamfollower's stare。 〃Do we just stand here; or should we start running around in circles?〃
    The Giant looked down sharply and his face darkened。 〃They fight for their homes;〃 he said dangerously。 〃If you cannot aid; at l
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