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〃He said dawn。〃
    〃Yeurquin reports watch fires approaching Mithil Stonedown from the South Plains。 They will not be friendly…few people of the south dare show light at night。 And someone climbs toward us from the Stonedown itself。 We will not remain here。 Arise。〃 He lifted Covenant into a sitting position; then thrust a flask and bowl into his hands。 〃Eat。〃
    Sleepily; Covenant drank from the stone flask; and found that it contained water as icy as melted snow。 The chill draft jolted him toward wakefulness。 Shivering; he turned to the bowl。 It contained unleavened bread and treasure…berries。 He began to eat quickly to appease the cold water in his stomach。
    Between bites; he asked; 〃If whatever they are…marauders…are ing; aren't we safe here?〃
    〃Perhaps。 But the Stonedownors will fight for their homes。 They are Triock's people…we must aid them。〃
    〃Can't they just hide in the mountains…until the marauders go away?〃
    〃They have done so in the past。 But Mithil Stonedown has been attacked many times。 The Stonedownors are sick at the damage done to their homes in these attacks。 This time; they will fight。〃
    Covenant emptied the bowl; and forced himself to drink deeply from the flask。 The chill of the water made his throat ache。
    〃I'm no warrior。〃
    〃I remember;〃 Foamfollower said with an ambiguous smile; as if what he remembered did not accord with Covenant's assertion。 〃We will keep you from harm。〃
    He took the flask and bowl and stowed them in a large leather sack。 Then from it he pulled out a heavy sheepskin jacket; which he handed to Covenant。 〃This will serve you well…though it is said that no apparel or blaze can wholly refute the cold of this winter。〃 As Covenant donned the jacket; the Giant went on; 〃I regret that I have no better footwear for you。 But the Stonedownors wear only sandals。〃 He took from his sack a pair of thick sandals and passed them to Covenant。
    When Covenant pushed back his blankets; he saw for the first time the damage he had done to his feet。 They were torn and bruised from toe to heel; dry; caked blood covered them in blotches; and the remains of his socks hung from his ankles like the ragged frills of a jester。 But he felt no pain; the deadness of his nerves reached deeper than these injuries。 〃Don't worry about it;〃 he rasped as he pulled the socks from his ankles; 〃it's only leprosy。〃
    He snatched the sandals from Foamfollower; jammed them onto his feet; and tied their thongs behind his heels。 〃One of these days I'll figure out why I bother to protect myself at all。〃 But he knew why; his inchoate purpose demanded it。
    〃You ought to visit my world;〃 he growled only half to the Giant。 〃It's painless。 You won't feel a thing。〃
    Then Triock hailed them。 Foamfollower got swiftly to his feet。 When Covenant climbed from the blankets; Foamfollower picked them up and pushed them into his sack。 With the sack in one hand and the graveling pot in the other; he went with Covenant toward the Stonedownor。
    Triock stood with three panions near the narrow ravine which was the outlet of the valley。 They spoke together in low; urgent tones until Foamfollower and Covenant joined them。 Then Triock said rapidly; 〃Rockbrother; our scouts have returned from the Plains。 Slen reports that…〃 Abruptly he stopped himself。 His mouth bent into a sardonic smile; and he said; 〃Pardon me。 I forget my courtesy。 I must make introductions。〃
    He turned to one of his panions; a stocky old man breathing hoarsely in the cold。 〃Slen Terass…mate; here is ur…Lord Thomas Covenant; Unbeliever and white gold wielder。 Unbeliever; here is Slen; the rarest cook in all the South Plains。 Terass his wife stands among the Circle of elders of Mithil Stonedown。〃
    Slen gave Covenant a salute which he returned awkwardly; as if the steaming of his breath and the numbness of his hands prevented him from grace。 Then Triock turned to his other panions。 They were a man and a woman who resembled each other like twins。 They had an embattled look; as if they were familiar with bloodshed and killing at night; and their brown eyes blinked at Covenant like the orbs of people who had lost the capacity to be surprised。 〃Here are Yeurquin and Quirrel;〃 said Triock。 〃We have fought together from the first days of this attack upon the Land。
    〃Unbeliever; when the Giant and I heard the word of Revelstone's siege; we were at work harrying a large band of the Slayer's creatures in the center of the South Plains。 We fled from them at once; taking care to hide °ur trail so that they would not follow。 And we left scouts to keep watch on the band。 Now the scouts have returned to say that at first the band hunted us without success。 But two days ago they turned suddenly and hastened straight toward the Mithil valley。〃
    Triock paused grimly; then said; 〃They have felt the power of our work upon Kevin's Watch。 Melenkurion! Some creature among them has eyes。〃
    〃Therefore we are not safe here;〃 Foamfollower said to Covenant。 〃If they have truly seen the power of the High Wood; they will not rest until they have captured it for Soulcrusher…and slain its wielder。〃
    Slen coughed a gout of steam。 〃We must go。 We will be assailed at daybreak。〃
    With a sharp nod; Triock agreed。 〃We are ready。〃 He glanced toward Foamfollower and Covenant。 〃Unbeliever; we must travel afoot。 The days of horseback sojourning are gone from the Land。 Are you able?〃
    Covenant shrugged the question away。 〃It's a little late for us to start worrying about what I can or can't do。 Foamfollower can carry me easily enough…if I slow you down。〃
    〃Well; then。'' Triock tightened his cloak; then picked up the graveling pot and held it over his head so that it lighted the ravine ahead of him。 〃Let us go。〃
    Quirrel strode briskly ahead of them into the darkness of the ravine; and Triock preceded Slen after her。 At a gesture from the Giant; Covenant followed Slen。 Foamfollower came behind him with the other graveling pot; and Yeurquin brought up the rear of the group。
    Before he had worked his way twenty yards down the ravine; Covenant knew that he was not yet strong enough to travel。 Lassitude clogged his muscles; and what little energy he had he needed to defend himself from the penetrating cold。 At first he resolved to endure despite his weakness。 But by the time he had hauled himself halfway up the rift which led to the mountainside overlooking Mithil Stonedown; he understood that he could not go on without help。 If he were to acplish the purpose which grew obscurely in the back of his mind; he would have to learn how to accept help。
    He leaned panting against the stone。 〃Foamfollower。〃
    The Giant bent near him。 〃Yes; my friend。〃
    〃Foamfollower…I can't make it alone。〃
    Chuckling gently; Foamfollower said; 〃Nor can I。 My friend; there is fort…in some panionships。〃 He lifted Covenant effortlessly into his arms; carried him in a half…sitting position so that Covenant could see ahead。 Though he only needed one arm to bear Covenant's weight; he put the graveling pot into Covenant's hands。 The warm light revealed that Foamfollower was grinning as he said; 〃This is hazardous for me。 It is
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