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; hid his own lore from him。
    〃Calmly; Hirebrand;〃 Mhoram said to steady him。 〃The catapults are of wood。〃
    Abruptly; Borillar spun and dashed away。 As he passed Warmark Quaan; he cried; 〃Archers!〃 Then he was yelling toward the main Keep; 〃Hirebrands! Bring lor…liarill! We will make arrows!
    In a dangerously short time; the ur…viles had cocked their machine and were filling its cup with their black vitriol。 They fired their next throw scant moments after Tohrm's rhadhamaerl reinforcements had positioned themselves to support the stone。
    At Mhoram's mand; the Lords struck against the arcing gout of acid before it reached the tower。 Their staffs flashed as they threw up a wall of fire across the acid's path。
    The fluid hit their fire with a force which shredded their Forbidding。 The black acid shot through their power to slam against the tower wall。 But the attack had spent much of its virulence。 When it reached the stone; Tohrm and his fellow Gravelingases were able to withstand it。
    It shattered against the strength which they called up in the rock; and fell flaming viciously to the ground; leaving behind dark stains on the wall but no serious damage。
    Tohrm turned to meet High Lord Mhoram's gaze。 Hot anger and exertion flushed the Hearthrall's face; but he bared his teeth in a grin which promised much for the defense of Revelstone。
    Then three of Quaan's archers joined the Lords; followed closely by two Hirebrands。 The archers were tall Woodhelvennin warriors; whose slimness of form belied the strength of their bows。 Warmark Quaan acknowledged them; and asked Borillar what he wanted them to do。 In response; Borillar accepted from the Hirebrands six long; thin arrows。 These were delicately rune…carved; despite their slenderness; their tips were sharpened to keen points; and their ends were fletched with light brown feathers。 The Hearthrall gave two of them to each archer; saying as he did so; 〃This is lor…liarill; the rare wood called by the Giants of Seareach 'Gildenlode。' They…〃
    〃We are Woodhelvennin;〃 the woman who led the archers said bluntly。 ''Lor…liarill is known to us。〃
    〃Loose them well;〃 returned Borillar。 〃There are no others prepared。 Strike first at the Cavewights。〃
    The woman looked at Quaan to see if he had any orders for her; but he waved her and her panions to the parapet。 With smooth petence; the three archers nocked arrows; bent bows; and took aim at the catapult。
    Already; the ur…viles had pulled back its arm; and were busy rabidly refilling its iron cup。
    Through his teeth; Quaan said; 〃Strike now。〃
    Together; three bowstrings thrummed。
    Immediately; the defending Cavewights jerked up their shields; caught the arrows out of the air。
    The instant the arrows bit wood; they exploded into flame。 The force of their impact spread fire over the shields; threw blazing shreds and splinters down onto the Cavewights。 Yelping in surprise and pain; the dull…witted; gangling creatures dropped their shields and jumped away from the fire。
    At once; the archers struck again。 Their shafts sped through the air and hit the catapult's throwing arm; just below the cup。 The lor…liarill detonated instantly; setting the black acid afire。 In sudden conflagration; the fluid's power smashed the catapult; scattered blazing wood in all directions。 A score of ur…viles and several Cavewights fell; and the rest went scrambling beyond arrow range; leaving the pieces of the machine to burn themselves out。
    With a fierce grin; the Woodhelvennin woman turned to Borillar and said; 〃The lillianrill make dour shafts; Hearthrall。〃
    Borillar strove to appear dispassionate; as if he were accustomed to such success; but he had to swallow twice before he could find his voice to say; 〃So it would appear。〃
    High Lord Mhoram placed a hand of praise on the Hearthrall's shoulder。 〃Hirebrand; is there more lor…liarill which may be formed into such arrows?〃
    Borillar nodded like a veteran。 〃There is more。 All the Gildenlode keels and rudders which were made for the Giants…before… That wood may be reshaped。〃
    〃Ask the Hirebrands to begin at once;〃 said Mhoram quietly。

    Smiling broadly; Tohrm moved to stand beside Borillar。 〃Hearthrall; you have outdone me;〃 he said in a teasing tone。 〃The rhadhamaerl will not rest until they have found a way to match this triumph of yours。〃
    At this; Borillar's dispassion broke into a look of wide pleasure。 Arm in arm; he and Tohrm left the tower; followed by the other Hirebrands and Gravelingases。
    After bowing under a few curt words of praise from Quaan; the archers left also。 He and the three Lords were left alone on the tower; gazing somberly into each other's eyes。
    Finally; Quaan spoke the thought that was in all their faces。 〃It is a small victory。 Larger catapults may strike from beyond the reach of arrows。 Larger wedges may make power enough to breach the walls。 If several catapults are brought to the attack together; we will be sorely pressed to resist even the first throws。〃
    〃And the Illearth Stone has not yet spoken against us;〃 Mhoram murmured。 He could still feel the force which had rent his defense tingling in his wrists and elbows。 As an afterthought; he added; 〃Except in the voice of this cruel wind and winter。〃
    For a moment; he melded his mind with Trevor and Amatin; sharing his strength with them; and reminding them of their own resources。 Then; with a sigh; Lord Amatin said; 〃I am of Woodhelvennin blood。 I will assist Hearthrall Borillar in the making of these shafts。 It will be slow work; and many of the lillianrill have other tasks。〃
    〃And I will go to Tohrm;〃 Trevor said。 〃I have no lore to match the rhadhamaerl。 But it may be that a counter to this Demondim…bane can be found in the fire…stones。〃
    Mhoram approved silently; put his arm around the two Lords and hugged them。 〃I will stand watch;'' he said; 〃and summon Loerya when I am weary。〃 Then he sent Quaan with them from the tower; so that the Warmark could ready his warriors for all the work they might have to do if the walls were harmed。 Alone; the High Lord stood and faced the dark encampment of Satansfist's hordes…stood below the snapping Furl; which was already ragged in the sharp wind; planted the iron heel of his staff on the stone; and faced the encircling enemy as if his were the hand which held the oute of the siege。
    In the gray dimness toward evening; the ur…viles built another catapult。 Beyond the reach of arrows; they constructed a stronger machine; one capable of throwing their power across the additional ground。 But High Lord Mhoram summoned no aid。 When the black spew of corrosion was launched; it had farther to travel; it was beyond the mand of its makers for a longer time。 Mhoram's blue power lashed out at it as it reached the top of its arc。 A fervid lightning of Lords…fire bolted into the vitriol; weakened its momentum; caused it to fall short。 Splashing angrily; effectlessly; it crashed to the earth; and burned a morbid hole like a charnel pit in the frozen dirt。
    The ur…viles withdrew; returned to the garish watch fires which burned throughout the army for the sake of 
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