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 There they found Trevor Loerya…mate with Warmark Quaan and Hirebrand Borillar。
    Quaan stood between the Lord and the Hearthrall like an anchor to their separate tensions。 Trevor's whole face was clenched white with apprehension; and Borillar's hands trembled on his staff with mixed dread and determination; but Quaan held his arms folded across his chest and frowned stolidly downward as if he had lost the capacity to be surprised by anything any servant of the Gray Slayer did。 As the High Lord joined them; the old Warmark pointed with one tanned; muscular arm; and his rigid finger guided Mhoram's eyes like an accusation to a gathering of ur…viles before the gates of the tower。
    The ur…viles were within arrow reach; but a line of red…eyed Cavewights bearing wooden shields protected them by intercepting the occasional shafts which Quaan's warriors loosed from the windows of the tower。 Behind this cover; the ur…viles were building。
    They worked with deft speed; and their construction quickly took shape in their midst。 Soon Mhoram saw that they were making a catapult。
    Despite the freezing ire of Foul's wind; his hands began to sweat on his staff。 As the ur…viles looped heavy ropes around the sprocketed winches at the back of the machine; lashed the ropes to the stiff throwing…arm; and sealed with flashes of black power a large; ominous iron cup to the end of the arm; he found himself tensing; calling all his lore and strength into readiness。 He knew instinctively that the attackers did not intend to hurl rocks at Revelstone。
    The Demondim…spawn worked without instructions from Satansfist。 He watched from a distance; but neither spoke nor moved。 A score of them clambered over the catapult…adjusting; tightening; sealing it…and High Lord Mhoram marveled grimly that they could build so well without eyes。 But they showed no need for eyes; noses were as discerning as vision。 In a short time the finished catapult stood erect before Revelstone's tower。
    Then barking shouts chorused through the encampment; and a hundred ur…viles ran forward to the machine。 On either side; a score of them formed wedges to concentrate their power and placed themselves so that their loremasters stood at the winches。 Using their iron staves; the two loremasters began turning the sprockets; thus tightening the ropes and slowly bending the catapult's arm backward。 The catapult dwarfed the creatures; but by focusing their strength in wedges; they were able to crank the winches and bend the arm。 And while this was being done; the other ur…viles came together and made an immense wedge behind the catapult。 Against the background of the frozen snow…scud; they looked like a spear point aimed at the heart of the Keep。
    With part of his mind; Mhoram observed that Lord Amatin now stood beside him。 He glanced around for Loerya and saw her on a balcony of the main Keep。 He waved his approval to her; if any holocaust struck the watchtower; all the Lords would not be lost。 Then he cocked an eyebrow at Quaan; and when the Warmark nodded to indicate that the warriors were ready for any sudden orders; High Lord Mhoram returned his attention to the ur…viles。
    As the arm of the catapult was drawn back; Gravelingas Tohrm knelt at the parapet; spreading his arms and pressing his palms against the slow curve of the wall。 In a dim; alien voice; he began to sing a song of granite endurance to the stone。
    Then the arm reached its fullest arc。 Quivering as if it were about to splinter; it strained toward the tower。 At once; it was locked into place with iron hooks。 Its wide cup had been brought down to chest level directly in front of the loremaster who apexed the largest wedge。
    With a ringing clang; the loremaster struck its stave against the cup。 Strength surged through scores of black shoulders; they emanated power as the loremaster labored over the cup。 And thick; cruel fluid; as fiery as the vitriol which consumes flesh and obsidian and teak alike; splashed coruscating darkly from the stave into the waiting cup。
    The High Lord had seen human bodies fall into ash at the least touch of fluid like that。 He turned to warn Quaan。 But the old Warmark needed no warning; he also had watched warriors die in Demondim acid。 Before Mhoram could speak; Quaan was shouting down the stairwell into the tower; ordering his warriors away from all the exposed windows and battlements。
    At Mhoram's side; Lord Amatin's slight form began to shiver in the wind。 She held her staff braced before her as if she were trying to ward the cold away。
    Slowly; the loremaster's fluid filled the cup。 It splashed and spouted like black lava; throwing midnight sparks into the air; but the lore of the ur…viles contained it; held its dark force together; prevented it from shattering the catapult。
    Then the cup was full。
    The ur…viles did not hesitate。 With a hoarse; hungry cry; they knocked free the restraining hooks。
    The arm arced viciously forward; slapped with flat vehemence against the stop at the end of its throw。
    A black gout of vitriol as large as a Stonedownor home sprang through the air and crashed against the tower a few dozen feet below the topmost parapet。
    As the acid struck stone; it erupted。 In lightless incandescence; it burned at the mountain rock like the flare of a dark sun。 Tohrm cried out in pain; and the stone's agony howled under Mhoram's feet。 He leaped forward。 With Trevor and Amatin beside him; he called blue Lords…fire from his staff and flung it down against the vitriol。
    Together; the three staffs flamed hotly to counter the acid。 And because the ur…viles could not replenish it; it fell apart in moments… dropped like pieces of hate from the wall; and seared the ground before it was extinguished。
    It left behind a long scar of corrosion in the stone。 But it had not broken through the wall。
    With a groan; Tohrm sagged away from the parapet。 Sweat ran down his face; confusing his tears so that Mhoram could not tell whether the Gravelingas wept from pain or grief or rage。 〃Melenkurion abatha!〃 he cried thickly。 〃Ah; Revelstone!〃
    The ur…viles were already cranking their catapult into position for another throw。
    For an instant; Mhoram felt stunned and helpless。 With such catapults; so many thousands of ur…viles might be able to tear Lord's Keep down piece by piece; reduce it to dead rubble。 But then his instinct for resistance came to life within him。 To Trevor and Amatin he snapped; 〃Those blasts must not touch the Keep。 Join me。 We will shape a Forbidding。〃
    Even as they moved away from him on either side to prepare between them as wide a defense as possible; he knew that these tactics would not suffice。 Three Lords might be able to deflect the greatest harm of a few attacks; but they could not repulse the assault of fifteen or twenty thousand ur…viles。 〃Tohrm!〃 he manded sharply。 〃Borillar!〃
    At once; Hearthrall Tohrm began calling for more Gravelingases。 But Borillar hesitated; searching around him uncertainly as if the urgency of the Situation interfered with his thinking; hid his own lore from him。
    〃Calmly; Hirebrand;〃 Mhoram said to steady him。 〃The catapults ar
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