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。 At the same time; hundreds of creatures broke from their ranks and charged toward the open gates。
    But Mhoram deflected the blast with his staff; sent it into the air over his head; where his own fiery power attacked it and consumed it。 Then he ducked behind the concealment of the parapet。 Over his shoulder; he called Warmark Quaan; 〃Seal the gates! Order the archers to slay any creatures which gain the courtyard。 We cannot deal gently with this foe。〃
    Quaan was already on his way down the stairs into the plex passages of the tower; shouting orders as he ran to oversee the fray; Mhoram looked downward to assure himself that Satansfist had not passed through the gates。 Then he hastened after Quaan。
    From the highest of the crosswalks above the courtyard; he surveyed the skirmish。 Strong Woodhelvennin archers drove their shafts into the milling creatures from the battlements on both sides of the court; and the sound of weapons echoed out of the tunnel。 In moments; the fighting would be done。 Gritting his teeth over the shed blood; Mhoram left the conclusion the skirmish in Quaan's petent hands; and crossed the wooden span to the main Keep; where his fellow Lords awaited him。
    As he met the somber eyes of Trevor; Loerya; and Amatin; a sudden weariness came over him。 Satansfist's threats came so close to the truth。 He held his panions were inadequate for the task of using even those few powers and mysteries which they possessed。 And he was no nearer to a resolution of his secret knowledge than he had been when he had summoned and lost Thomas Covenant。 He sighed; allowed his shoulders to sag。 To explain himself; he said; 〃I had not thought there were so many ur…viles in all the world。〃 But the words were only tangential to what he  felt。
    Yet he could not afford such weariness。 He was the High Lord。 Trevor; Loerya; and Amatin had their own uncertainties; their own needs; which he could not refuse; he had already done them enough damage in the private dilemma of his heart。 Drawing himself erect; he told them what he had seen and heard of the Raver and Lord Foul's army。
    When he was done; Amatin smiled wryly。 〃You affronted samadhi Raver。 That was boldly done; High Lord。〃
    〃I did not wish to fort him with the thought that we believe him safe。〃
    At this; Loerya's gaze winced。 〃Is he so safe?〃 she asked painfully。
    Mhoram hardened。 〃He is not safe while there is heart or bone or Earthpower to oppose him。 I only say that I know not how he may be fought。 Let him discover my ignorance for himself。〃
    As she had so often in the past; Loerya once again attempted to probe his secret。 〃Yet you have touched Loric's krill and given it life。 Your hand drew a gleam of blue from the gem。 Is there no hope in this? The legends say that the krill of Loric Vilesilencer was potent against the peril of the Demondim。〃
    〃A gleam;〃 Mhoram replied。 Even in the privacy of his own knowledge; he feared the strange power which had enabled him to spark the krill's opaque jewel。 He lacked the courage to explain the source of his strength。 〃What will that avail?〃
    In response; Loerya's face thronged with demands and protests; but before she could voice them; a shout from the courtyard drew the Lords' attention downward。 Warmark Quaan stood on the flagstones amid the corpses。 When Mhoram answered him; he saluted mutely with his sword。
    Mhoram returned the salute; acknowledging Quaan's victory。 But he could not keep the hue of sadness from his voice as he said; 〃We have shed the first blood in this siege。 Thus even those who oppose ill must wreak harm upon the victims of ill。 Bear their bodies to the upland hills and burn them with purging fires; so that their flesh may recover its innocence in ashes。 Then scatter their ashes over Furl Falls; as a sign to all the Land that we abhor the Despiser's wrong; not the slaves which he has made to serve his wrong。〃
    The Warmark scowled; loath to honor his enemies with such courtesy。 But he promptly gave the orders to carry out Mhoram's instructions; Sagging again; Mhoram turned back to his fellow Lords。 To forestall any further probing; he said; 〃The Giant knows he cannot breach these walls with swords and spears。 But he will not stand idle; waiting for hunger to do his work。 He is too avid for blood。 He will attempt us。 We must be prepared。 We must stand constant watch within the tower…to counter any force which he may bring against us。〃
    Lord Trevor; eager for any responsibility which he believed to be within his ability; said; 〃I will watch。〃
    With a nod; Mhoram accepted。 〃Summon one of us when you are weary。 And summon us all when Satansfist chooses to act。 We must see him at work; so that we may learn our defense。〃 Then he turned to a warrior standing nearby。 〃Warhaft; bear word to the Hearthralls Tohrm and Borillar。 Ask the Hirebrands and Gravelingases of Lord's Keep to share the watch of the Lords。 They also must learn our defense。〃
    The warrior saluted and walked briskly away。 Mhoram placed a hand on Trevor's shoulder; gripped it firmly for a moment。 Then; with one backward look at the winter…stricken sky; he left the balcony and went to his chambers。
    He intended to rest; but the sight of Elena's marrowmeld sculpture standing restlessly on his table disturbed him。 It had the fanatic; vulnerable look of a man; chosen to be a prophet; who entirely mistakes his errand… who; instead of speaking to glad ears the words of hope with which he was entrusted; spends his time preaching woe and retribution to a wilderland。 Looking at the bust; Mhoram had to force himself to remember that Covenant had rejected the Land to save a child in his own world。 And the Unbeliever's ability to refuse help to tens of thousands of lives…to the Land itself…for the sake of one life was a capacity which could not be easily judged。 Mhoram believed that large balances might be tipped by the weight of one life。 Yet the face of the sculpture seemed at this moment taut with misapprehended purpose…crowded with all the people who would die so that one young girl might live。
    As he gazed at this rendition of Covenant's fate; High Lord Mhoram experienced again the sudden passion which had enabled him to draw a gleam from Loric's krill。 Danger filled his eyes; and he snatched up the sculpture as if he meant to shout at it。 But then the hard lines of his mouth bent; and he sighed at himself。 With conflicting intensities in his face; he ore the anundivian yajna work to the Hall of Gifts; where he placed it in a position of honor high on one of the rude; rootlike pillars of the cavern; after that; he returned to his chambers and slept。
    He was awakened shortly after noon by Trevor's summons。 His dreamless slumber vanished instantly; and he was on his way out of his rooms before the young warrior who brought the message was able to knock a second time。 He hastened up out of the recesses of Revelstone toward the battlements over the gates of the main Keep; where he chanced upon Hearthrall Tohrm。 Together; they crossed to the tower and climbed the stairs to its top。 There they found Trevor Loerya…mate with Warmark Quaan and Hirebrand Borillar。
    Quaan stood be
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