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ist had with him more of the lore…cunning; roynish; black; eyeless ur…viles; and more of the atrocious creatures which Lord Foul had raised up from the Great Swamp; Lifeswallower; from Sarangrave Flat; from the Spoiled Plains and the bosk of the Ruinwash…raised up and demented with the power of the Illearth Stone。 In addition; the Giant…Raver had at his back a power of which the Lords of Revelstone had no conception。 Therefore he was willing to prolong his approach to the Keep; so that he could hasten its eventual and irreparable collapse。
    Then; early on the twelfth day; a sky…shaking howl shot through his hordes as they caught their first sight of the mountain plateau of Revel…stone。 Thousands of his creatures started to rush madly toward it through the foothills; but he knocked them back with the flail of his power。 Ruling his army with a green scourge; he spent the whole day making his approach; placing his forces in position。 When daylight at last drained away into night; his army was wrapped around the entire promontory of Revel…stone; from the westmost edge of its south wall to the cliffs of the plateau on the northwest。 His encampment locked the Keep in a wide; round formation; sealing it from either flight or rescue; from forages for food or missions to unknown allies。 And that night; Satansfist feasted on the flesh of prisoners who had been captured during his long march from Landsdrop。
    If any eyes in Revelstone had been able to penetrate the unbroken mass of clouds which frowned now constantly over the Land; they would have seen that this night was the dark of the moon on the middle night of spring。 The Despiser's preternatural winter had clenched the Land for forty…two days。
    Satansfist had followed precisely the design which his master had given him for his march through the Upper Land。
    The next morning; he went to face the watchtower which fronted the long walls of Revelstone at their wedge point。 He paid no attention to the intricate Giantish labor which had produced the pattern of coigns and oriels and walks and battlements in the smooth cliff…walls; that part of him which could have responded to the sight had long ago been extinguished by the occupying Raver。 Without a second glance at the walls; or at the warriors who sentried the crenellated parapets; he strode around the promontory until he stood before the great stone gates in the base of the tower on its southeast side…the only entrance into Lord's Keep。
    He was not surprised to find that the gates were open。 Though the Giantish passion for stonework had been quelled in his blood; he retained his knowledge of the Keep。 He knew that as long as those massive; interlocking gates remained intact; they could close upon mand; trapping anyone who dared enter the tunnel under the tower。 While in the tunnel; attackers would be exposed to counterattack from defensive windows built into the roof of the passage。 And beyond the tunnel was nothing but a courtyard; open only to the sky; and then another set of gates even stronger than the first。 The tower itself could not be entered except by suspended crosswalks from the main Keep; or through two small doors from the courtyard。 Lord's Keep had been well made。 The Giant…Raver did not accept the dare of the open gates。
    Instead; he placed himself just close enough to the tower to taunt skilled archers; and shouted up at the stone walls in a voice that vibrated with malice and glee。 〃Hail; Lords! Worthy Lords! Show yourselves; Lordlings! Leave off cowering in your useless warrens; and speak with me。 Behold! I e courteously to accept your surrender!〃
    There was no answer。 The tower; only half as high as the main Keep behind it; stood with its windows and battlements as silent as if it were uninhabited。 A whimpering growl passed among the army as the creatures begged for a chance to charge through the open gates。
    〃Hear me; little Lords!〃 he shouted。 〃See the toils of my strength wrapped around you。 I hold your last lives in the palm of my hand。 There is no hope for you unless you surrender yourselves and all to the mercy of the Despiser。〃 Jeering barks from the ur…viles greeted this; and Satansfist grinned。 〃Speak; Lordlings! Speak or die!〃
    A moment later two figures appeared atop the tower…one a warrior and the other a blue…robed Lord whom Satansfist recognized。 At first they ignored the Giant。 They went to the flagpole; and together raised High Lord's Furl; the azure oriflamme of the Council。 Only after it was fluttering defiantly in the gelid wind did they step to the parapet and face Satansfist。
    〃I hear you!〃 the Lord snapped。 〃I hear you; samadhi Raver。 I know you; Sheol Satansfist。 And you know me。 I am Mhoram son of Variol; High Lord by the choice of the Council。 Depart; Raver! Take your ill hordes with you。 You have touched me。 You know that I will not be daunted。〃
    Fury glinted in the Giant's eyes at the memory Mhoram invoked; but he placed his hand over the livid fragment of the Stone hidden under his jerkin; and gave Mhoram a sarcastic bow。 〃I know you; Mhoram;〃 he replied。 〃When I placed my hand upon you in the labyrinth of Kurash Qwellinir; I knew you。 You were too blind with folly and ignorance to feel a wise despair。 Therefore I permitted your life…so that you would live to better knowledge。 Are you yet blind? Have you no eyes to see that your effectless end at my hand is as sure as the arch of Time? Have you forgotten the Giants? Have you forgotten the Bloodguard? In the name of the Despiser; I will certainly crush you where you cower!〃
    〃Empty words;〃 Mhoram retorted。 〃Bravado is easily uttered…but you will find it difficult of proof。 Melenkurion abatha! Raver; begone! return to your forsaken master before the Creator forgets restraint; and wreaks a timeless vengeance upon you。〃
    The Giant laughed harshly。 〃Do not fort yourself with lies; lordling。 The arch of Time will be broken if the Creator seeks to strike through it…and then Lord Foul the Despiser; Satansheart and Soulcrusher; Corruption and Render; will be unloosed upon the universe! If the Creator tries to lift his hand; my brothers and I will feast upon his very soul! Surrender; fool! Learn to be daunted while groveling may still preserve your life。 Perhaps you will be permitted to serve me as my hand slave。〃
    〃Never!〃 High Lord Mhoram cried boldly。 〃We will never bow to you while one pulse of faith still beats in the Land。 The Earthpower is yet strong to resist you。 We will seek it until we have found the means to cast down you and your master and all his works。 Your victories are hollow while one soul remains with breath enough to cry out against you!'' Raising his staff; he whirled it so that blue fire danced in the air about his head。 Begone; samadhi Raver! Melenkurion abatha! Duroc minas mill kha…wl! We will never surrender!〃
    Below him; Satansfist flinched under the power of the words。 But an instant later; he sprang forward; snatching at his jerkin。 With his piece of  Illearth Stone clenched and steaming in his fist; he hurled a gout of emerald force up at the High Lord。 At the same time; hundreds of creatures broke from their ranks and charged toward the open gates。
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