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    〃All right;〃 he said unclearly。 〃I've got…got to do something about that bite。 First I have to tie off your leg…so the poison won't spread。 Then I have to cut your leg a little。 That way the poison can get out; and it won't hurt you so much。〃 He strove to sound calm。 〃Are you brave today?〃
    She replied solemnly; 〃Daddy spanked me and I didn't cry。 I ran away。〃 He heard no trace of her earlier terror。
    〃Good girl;〃 he mumbled。 He could not delay any longer; the swelling over her skin had increased noticeably; and a faint; blackish hue had started to stain her pale flesh。 He wrapped his bootlace around her wounded leg above the knee。
    〃Stand on your other leg; so this one can relax。〃
    When she obeyed; he pulled the lace tight until she let out a low gasp of pain。 Then he tied it off。 〃Good girl;〃 he said again。 〃You're very brave today。〃
 With uncertain hands; he picked up his penknife and opened it。
    For a time; he quailed at the prospect of cutting her。 He was shivering too badly; the sun's warmth went nowhere near the chill in his bones。 But the livid fang marks pelled him。 Gently; he lifted the child and seated her on his lap。 With his left hand; he raised her leg until its swelling was only ten or twelve inches from his face。 His penknife he gripped inadequately with the two fingers and thumb of his right hand。
    〃If you don't look; you might not even feel it;'' he said; and hoped he was not lying。
    She acted as if the mere presence of an adult banished all her fears。 〃I'm not afraid;〃 she replied proudly。 〃I'm brave today。〃 But when Covenant turned so that his right shoulder came between her face and the sight of her leg; she caught her hands in his shirt and pressed her face against him。
    In the back of his mind; he could hear Mhoram saying; We have lost the Bloodguard。 Lost the Bloodguard。 Lost。 Oh; Bannor! he moaned silently。 Was it that bad?
    He clenched his teeth until his jaws ached; and the wound on his forehead pounded。 The pain steadied him。 It held him like a spike driven through his brain; affixing him to the task of the fang marks。
    With an abrupt movement; he slashed twice; cut an X across the swelling between the two red marks。
    The child let out a low cry; and went rigid; clinging to him fervidly。
    For an instant he stared in horror at the violent red blood which welled out of the cuts and ran across the pale leg。 Then he dropped the knife as if it had burned him。 Gripping her leg in both hands; he bent his mouth to the fang marks and sucked。
    The strain of stretching his lips tight over her shin made his mouth wound sting; and his blood mingled with hers as it trickled across the darkening stain of the swelling。 But he ignored that as well。 With all his strength; he sucked at the cuts。 When he stopped to breathe; he rubbed the child's leg; trying to squeeze all of her blood toward the cuts。 Then he sucked again。
    A nauseating dizziness caught hold of his head and made it spin。 He stopped; afraid that he would faint。 〃All right; 〃he panted。 〃I'm finished。 You're going to be all right。〃 After a moment; he realized that the child was whimpering softly into the back of his shoulder。 Quickly; he turned; put his arms around her; hugged her to him。'' You're going to be all right;'' he repeated thickly。 〃I'll take you to your mommy now。〃 He did not believe that he had the strength to stand; much less to carry her any distance at all。
    But he knew that she still needed treatment; he could hardly have removed all the venom。 And the cuts he had inflicted would have to be tended。 She could not afford his weakness。 With an effort that almost undid him; he lurched painfully to his feet; and stood listing on the hillside as if he were about to capsize。
    The child sniffled miserably in his arms。 He could not bear to look at her; for fear that she would meet his gaze with reproach。 He stared down the hill while he struggled to scourge or beg himself into a condition of fortitude。
    Through her tears; the child said; 〃Your mouth's bleeding。〃
    〃Yes; I know;〃 he mumbled。 But that pain was no worse than the ache in his forehead; or the hurt of his bruises。 And all of it was only pain。 It was temporary; it would soon fall under the pall of his leprosy。 The ice in his bones made him feel that the numbness of his hands and feet was already spreading。 Pain was no excuse for weakness。
    Slowly; he unlocked one knee; let his weight start forward。 Like a poorly articulated puppet; he lumbered woodenly down the hillside。
    By the time he reached the tree…it stood black and straight like a signpost indicating the place where the child had been bitten…he had almost fallen three times。 His boots were trying to trip him; without laces to hold them to his feet; they cluttered every step he took。 For a moment; he leaned against the tree; trying to steady himself。 Then he kicked off his boots。 He did not need them。 His feet were too numb to feel the damage of hiking barefoot。
    〃You ready?〃 he breathed。 〃Here we go。〃 But he was not sure he made any sound。 In the fever which clouded his thoughts; he found himself thinking that life was poorly designed; burdens were placed on the wrong people。 For some obscure reason; he believed that in Banner's place he could have found some other answer to Korik's corruption。 And Bannor would have been equal many times over to the physical task of saving this child。
    Then he remembered that Mhoram had not told him any news of the Giants in connection with Korik's mission。 Sparked by the association; a vision of Gallows Howe cut through his haze。 He saw again a Giant dangling from the gibbet of the Forestal;
    What had happened to the Giants?
    Gaping mutely as if the woods and the stream and the little girl in his arms astonished him; he pushed away from the black tree and began shambling along Righters Creek in the general direction of the town。
    As he moved; he forced open his caked lips to cry aloud; 〃Help!〃
    The child had said that her parents were a long way away; but he did not know what distances meant to her。 He did not know whether or not her parents were anywhere near the Creek。 He did not even know how far he was from Haven Farm; the whole previous night was a blank hurt in his mind。 But the banks of the stream offered him the most accessible route toward town; and he could think of nothing to do but move in that direction。 The girl's pain was increasing。 Her leg was blacker every time he looked at it; and she winced and whimpered at every jolt of his stiff stride。 At intervals she moaned for her parents; and every moan made him gasp out like the jab of a goad; 〃Help!〃
    But his voice seemed to have no authority; no carrying power; it dropped into silence after him like a stillborn。 And the effort of shouting aggravated the injury to his mouth。 Soon he could feel his lip swelling like the girl's leg; growing dark and taut and heavy with pain。 He hugged her closer to him and croaked in grim; forlorn insistence; 〃Help! Help me!〃
    Gradually; the heat of the sun made him sweat。 It stung his forehead until his eyes blurred。 But it did not touch the cold in his bones
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