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    〃She needs me!〃 Covenant repeated。 The effort of speech made blood trickle from his mouth。 〃Mhoram; can't you hear me?〃
    That appeal touched something in Mhoram。 He was the High Lord; he could not; must not; fall short of the demands placed upon him。 He forced himself to meet Covenant's feverish gaze。
    〃I hear you; Unbeliever;〃 he said。 His voice became stronger as he spoke。 〃I am Mhoram son of Variol; High Lord by the choice of the Council。 We need you also。 I have summoned you to help us face the Land's last need。 The prophecy which Lord Foul the Despiser gave you to pronounce upon the Land has e to pass。 If we fall; he will have the mand of life and death in his hand; and the universe will be a hell forever。 Ur…Lord Covenant; help us! It is I; Mhoram son of Variol; who beseech you。〃
    The words struck Covenant in flurries。 He staggered and quailed under the sound of Mhoram's voice。 But his aghast resistance did not falter。 When he regained his balance; he shouted again; 〃She needs me; I tell you! That rattlesnake is going to bite her! If you take me now; I can't help her;〃
    In the back of his mind; Mhoram marveled that Covenant could so grimly deny the summoning without employing the power of his ring。 Yet that capacity for refusal accorded with Mhoram's secret knowledge。 Hope and fear struggled in the High Lord; and he had difficulty keeping his voice steady。
    〃Covenant…my friend…please hear me。 Hear the Land's need in my voice。 We cannot hold you。 You have the white gold…you have the power to refuse us。 The Law of Death does not bind you。 Please hear me。 I will not require much time。 After I have spoken; if you still choose to depart…I will recant the summoning。 I will…I will tell you how to make use of your white gold to deny us。〃
    Again; Covenant recoiled from the assault of sound。 But when he had recovered; he did not repeat his demand。 Instead; he said harshly; 〃Talk fast。 This is my only chance…the only chance to get out of a delusion is at the beginning。 I've got to help her。〃
    High Lord Mhoram clenched himself; mustered all his love and fear for the Land; put it into his voice。 ''Ur…Lord; seven years have passed since we stood together on Gallows Howe。 In that time we have recovered from some of our losses。 But since…since the Staff of Law was lost…the Despiser has been much more free。 He has built a new army as vast as the sea; and has marched against us。 Already he has destroyed Revelwood。 Satansfist Raver has burned Revelwood and slain Lord Callindrill。 In a very few days; the siege of Lord's Keep will begin。
    〃But that does not plete the tale of our trouble。 Seven years ago; we might have held Revelstone against any foe for seasons together。 Even without the Staff of Law; we might have defended ourselves well。 But… my friend; hear me…we have lost the Bloodguard。〃
    Covenant cowered as if he were being pounded by a rockfall; but Mhoram did not stop。 〃When Korik of the Bloodguard led his mission to the Giants of Seareach; great evils claimed the lives of the Lords Hyrim and Shetra。 Without them…〃 Mhoram hesitated。 He remembered Covenant's friendship with the Giant; Saltheart Foamfollower。 He could not bear to torment Covenant by telling him of the Giants' bloody fate。 〃Without them to advise him; Korik and two rades captured a fragment of the Illearth Stone。 He did not recognize his danger。 The three Bloodguard bore the fragment with them; thinking to carry it to Lord's Keep。
    〃But the Illearth Stone is a terrible wrong in the Land。 The three Bloodguard were not forewarned…and the Stone enslaved them。 Under its power; they bore their fragment to Foul's Creche。 They believed that they would fight the Despiser。 But he made them his own。〃 Again; Mhoram forbore to tell the whole story。 He could not say to Covenant that the Bloodguard Vow had been subtly betrayed by the breaking of the Law of Death…or that the fine metal of the Bloodguard rectitude had been crucially tarnished when Covenant had forced Banner to reveal the name of the Power of mand。 〃Then he〃…Mhoram still winced whenever he remembered what had happened…〃he sent the three to attack Revelstone。 Korik; Sill; and Doar marched here with green fire in their eyes and Corruption in their hearts。 They killed many farmers and warriors before we prehended what had been done to them。
    〃Then First Mark Banner and Terrel and Runnik of the Bloodguard went to do battle with the three。 They slew Korik and Sill and Doar their rades; and brought their bodies to the Keep。 In that way; we found''… Mhoram swallowed thickly…〃we found that Lord Foul had cut off the last two fingers from the right hand of each of the three。〃
    Covenant cried out in pain; but Mhoram drove his point home hoarsely。 〃He damaged each Bloodguard to resemble you。〃
    〃Stop!〃 Covenant groaned。 〃Stop。 I can't stand it。〃
    Still the High Lord continued。 〃When First Mark Banner saw how Korik and his rades had been corrupted despite their Vow; he and all the Bloodguard abandoned their service。 They returned to the mountain home of the Haruchai。 He said that they had been conquered by Corruption; and could no longer serve any Vow。
    〃My friend; without them…without the Staff of Law…without any immense army or dour…handed allies…we will surely fall。 Only the wild magic can now e between us and Lord Foul's hunger。〃
    As Mhoram finished; Covenant's eyes looked as bleak as a wilder…land。 The heat of his fever seemed to make any tears impossible。 His resistance sagged briefly; and for an instant he almost allowed his translation into the Close to be pleted。 But then he raised his head to look at other memories。 His refusal stiffened; he moved back until he almost vanished in the bright graveling light。 〃Mhoram; I can't;〃 he said as distantly as if he were choking。 〃I can't。 The snake… That little girl is all alone。 I'm responsible for her。 There's no one to help the child but me。〃
    From high in the opposite gallery; Mhoram felt a surge of anger as Quaan's old indignation at Covenant flared into speech。 〃By the Seven!〃 he barked。 〃He speaks of responsibility。〃 Quaan had watched himself bee old and helpless to save the Land; while Covenant neither aged nor acted; He spoke with a warrior's sense of death; a warrior's sense of the value in sacrificing a few lives to save many。 〃Covenant; you are responsible for us!〃
    The Unbeliever suffered under Quaan's voice as he did under Mhoram's; but he did not turn to face the Warmark。 He met Mhoram's gaze painfully and answered; 〃Yes; I know。 I know。 I am…responsible。
    But she needs me。 There's no one else。 She's part of my world; my real world。 You're…not so real now。 I can't give you anything now。'' His face twisted frantically; and his resistance mounted until it poured from him like agony。 〃Mhoram; if I don't get back to her she is going to die。〃
    The desolate passion of Covenant's appeal wrung Mhoram。 Unconsciously; he gnawed his lips; trying to control with physical pain the strain of his conflicting passions。 His whole life; all his long mitments; seemed rent within him。 His love for the Land urged him to deny the Unbeliever; to struggle now as if he were wrestling for posses
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