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    〃Yes; indeed;〃 Covenant muttered。 〃Only I hate surprises。 You never know when one of them is going to ruin your life。〃
    Grimly; Foamfollower replied; 〃Perhaps now we will be able to return a measure of ruin to the miner。〃
    Covenant nodded。 〃I certainly hope so。〃
    Together; they crept back toward the entrance; then separated。 Following the Giant's instructions; Covenant worked his way down among the boulders and rubble; trying to get as close as he could to the front of the cave without being seen。 He moved with extreme caution; took a circuitous route。 When he was done; he was still at least forty yards from the abutment。 The distance distressed him; but he could find no alternative。 He was not trying to sneak past the warder; he only wanted to make it hesitate。
    e on; Covenant; he snarled。 Get on with it。 This is no place for cowards。
    He took a deep breath; cursed himself once more as if this were his last chance; and stepped out of his hiding place。
    At once; he felt the warder's gaze spring at him; but he tried to ignore it; strove to pick his way up toward the cave with at least a semblance of nonchalance。 Gripping his hands behind him; whistling tunelessly through his teeth; he walked forward as if he expected free admittance to Foul's Creche。
    He avoided the warder's stare。 That gaze felt hot enough to lay bare his purpose; expose him for what he was。 It made his skin crawl with revulsion。 But as he passed from the rubble onto the polished stone apron of the entry way; he forced himself to look into the figure's face。
    Involuntarily; he faltered; stopped whistling。 The yellow ill of the warder's gaze smote him with chagrin。 Those eyes seemed to know him from skin to soul; seemed to know everything about him and hold everything they knew in the utterest contempt。 For a fraction of an instant; he feared that this being was the Despiser himself。 But he knew better。 Like so many of the marauders; this creature was made of warped flesh…a victim of Lord Foul's Stonework。 And there was uncertainty in the way it held itself。
    Feigning cockiness; he strode up the apron until he was almost within sword reach of the warder。 There he stopped; deliberately scrutinized the figure for a moment。 When he had surveyed it from head to foot; he met its powerful gaze again; and said with all the insolence he could muster; 〃Don't tell Foul I'm here。 I want to surprise him。〃
    As he said surprise him; he suddenly snatched his hands from behind his back。 With his ring exposed on the index finger of his right hand; he lunged forward as if to attack the warder with a blast of wild
    The warder jumped into a defensive stance。 For an instant; all three of its heads turned toward Covenant。
    In that instant; Foamfollower came leaping over the abutment above the entrance to the Creche。
    The warder was beyond his reach; but as he landed; he dove forward; rolled at it; swept its feet from under it。 It went down in a whirl of limbs and blades。
    At once; he straddled it。 It was as large as he; perhaps stronger。 It was armed。 But he hammered it so mightily with his fists; pinned it so effectively with his body; that it could not defend itself。 After he dealt it a huge two…fisted blow at the base of its necks; it went limp。
    Quickly; he took one of its swords to behead it。
    〃Foamfollower!〃 Covenant protested。
    Foamfollower thrust himself up from the unconscious figure; faced Covenant with the sword clenched in one fist。
    〃Don't kill it。〃
    Panting slightly at his exertion; the Giant said; 〃It will alert the Creche against us when it recovers。〃 His expression was grim; but not savage。
    〃There's been enough killing;〃 Covenant replied thickly。 〃I hate it。〃
    For a moment; Foamfollower held Covenant's gaze。 Then he threw back his head and began to laugh。
    Covenant felt suddenly weak with gratitude。 His knees almost buckled under him。 〃 That' s better;〃 he mumbled in relief。 Leaning against one wall of the entry; he rested while he treasured the Giant's mirth。
    Shortly; Foamfollower subsided。 〃Very well; my friend;〃 he said quietly。 〃The death of this creature would gain time for us…time in which we might work our work and then seek to escape。 But escape has never been our purpose。'' He dropped the sword across the prostrate warder。 〃If its unconsciousness allows us to reach our goal; we will have been well enough served。 Let escape fend for itself。'' He smiled wryly; then went on: 〃However; it is in my heart that I can make a better use of this buckler。〃
    Bending over the warder; he stripped off its garment; and used the leather to cover his own nakedness。
    〃You're right;〃 Covenant sighed。 He did not intend to escape。 〃But there's no reason for you to get yourself killed。 Just help me find that secret door…then get out of here。〃
    〃Abandon you?〃 Foamfollower adjusted the ill…fitting buckler with an expression of distaste。 〃How could I leave this place? I will not attempt Hotash Slay again。〃
    〃Jump into the Sea…swim away…I don't know。'' A sense of urgency mounted in him; they could not afford to spend time debating at the very portal of Foul's Creche。 〃Just don't make me responsible for you too。〃
    〃On the contrary;〃 the Giant replied evenly; 〃it is I who am responsible for you。 I am your summoner。〃
    Covenant winced。 〃I'm not worried about that。〃
    〃Nor am I;〃 Foamfollower returned with a grin。 〃But I mislike this talk of abandonment。 My friend…I am acquainted with such things。〃
    They regarded each other gravely; and in the Giant's gaze Covenant saw as clearly as words that he could not take responsibility for his friend; could not make his friend's decisions。 He could only accept Foamfollower's help and be grateful。 He groaned in pain at the oute he foresaw。 〃Then let's go;〃 he said dismally。 〃I'm not going to last much longer。〃
    In answer; the Giant took his arm; supported him。 Side by side; they turned toward the dark mouth of the cave。
    Side by side; they penetrated the gloom of Foul's Creche。
    To their surprise; the darkness vanished as if they had passed through a veil of obscurity。 Beyond it; they found themselves in the narrow end of an egg…shaped hall。 It was coldly lit from end to end as if green sea…ice were aflame in its walls; the whole place seemed on the verge of bursting into frigid fire。
    Involuntarily; they paused; stared about them。 The hall's symmetry and stonework were perfect。 At its widest point; it opened into matched passages which led up to the towers; and the floor of its opposite end sank flawlessly down to form a wide; spiral stairway into the rock。 Everywhere the stone stretched and met without seams; cracks; junctures; the hall was as smoothly carved; polished; and even; as unblemished by ornament; feature; error; as if the ideal conception of its creator had been rendered into immaculate stone without the interference of hands that slipped; minds that misunderstood。 It was obviously not Giant…work; it lacked anything which might intrude on the absolute exaction of its shape; lacked the Giantish enthusiasm for detail。 Instead; it seemed to surpass any 
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