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as visible。 From windows atop the towers; Lord Foul or his guards could look outward beyond the promontory; beyond Hotash Slay; beyond even the Shattered Hills; but the rest of his demesne…his breeding dens; storehouses; power works; barracks; thronehall…had to be underground; delved into the rock; accessible only through that one mouth and the tunnels hidden among Kurash Qwellinir。
    Covenant stared across the promontory; and the dark windows of the towers gaped blindly back at him like soulless eyes; hollow and abhorred。 At first; he was simply transfixed by the sight; stunned to find himself so close to such a destination。 But when that emotion faded; he began to wonder how he could reach the Creche without being spotted by sentries。 He did not believe that the towers would be as empty as they appeared。 Surely the Despiser would not leave any approach unwatched。 And if he waited for dark to conceal him; he might fall off a cliff or into one of the cracks。
    He considered the problem for some time without finding any answer。 But at last he decided that he would have to take his chances。 They were no more impossible than they had ever been。 And the ground he had to cross was blasted and rough; scarred with slag pits; ash heaps; crevices; he would be able to find cover for much of the distance。
    He began by returning to the gully and following it south until it began to veer down toward the cliff。 He could hear and see the ocean clearly now; though the lava's brimstone still overwhelmed any smell of salt in the air; but he took notice of it only to avoid the danger of the cliff。 From there he climbed the hill again; and peered over it to study the nearby terrain。
    To his relief; he saw more gullies。 From the base of the hill; they ran like a web of erosion scars over that part of the lowland。 If he could get into them without being seen; he would be safe for some distance。
    He congratulated himself grimly on the filthiness of his robe; which blended well into the ruined colors of the ground。 For a moment; he gathered his courage; steadied himself。 Then he sprinted; tumbled down the last slope; rolled into the nearest gully。
    It was too shallow to allow him to move erect; but by alternately crawling and crouching; he was able to work his way into the web。 After that; he made better progress。
    But beyond the heat of Hotash Slay; the air turned cold and wet like an exhalation from a dank crypt; it soaked into him despite his robe; made his sweat hurt like ice on his skin; drained his scant energies。 The ground was hard; and when he crawled; his knees felt muffled ill beating up through the rock。 Hunger ached precipitously within him。 But he drove himself onward。
    Beyond the gullies; he moved more swiftly for a time by limping between slag pits and ash heaps。 But after that he came to a flat; shelterless stretch riddled with cracks and crevices。 Through some he could hear the crashing of the Sea; from others came rank blasts of air; ventilation for the Creche。 He had to scuttle unprotected across the flat; now running between wide gaps in the ground; now throwing himself in dizzy fear over cracks across his path。 When at last he reached the foot of the rugged; upraised rock which led to the towers; he dropped into the shelter of a boulder and lay there; gasping; shivering in the damp cold; dreading the sound of guards。
    But he heard no alarms; no shout or rush of pursuit…nothing but his own hoarse respiration; the febrile pulse of his blood; the pounding of the waves。 Either he had not been seen or the guards were preparing to ambush him。 He mustered the vestiges of his strength and began to clamber up through the rocks。
    As he climbed; he grew faint。 Weakness like vertigo filled his head made his numb hands powerless to grasp; his legs powerless to thrust。 Yet he went on。 Time and again; he stopped with his heart lurching because he had heard…or thought he had heard…some clink of rock or rustle of apparel which said that he was being stalked。 Still he forced himself to continue。 Dizzy; weak; alone; trembling; vulnerable…he was engaged in a struggle that he could understand。 He had e too far for any kind of surrender。
    Now he was so high that he could seldom hide pletely from the towers。 But the angle was an awkward one for any guards that might have been at the windows。 So as he gasped and scraped up the last ascents; he worried less about concealment。 He needed all his attention; energy; just to move his hands and feet; lift his body upward; upward。
    At last he neared the top。 Peering through a gap between two boulders; he caught his first close look at the mouth of Foul's Creche。
    It was smooth and symmetrical; unadorned; perfectly made。 The round opening stood in a massive abutment of wrought stone…a honed and polished fortification which cupped the entrance as if it led to a sacred crypt。 Its sheen echoed the clouded sky exactly; reflected the immaculate gray image of the parapets。
    One figure as tall as a Giant stood before the cave。 It had three heads; three sets of eyes so that it could watch in all directions; three brawny legs forming a tripod to give it stability。 Its three arms were poised in constant readiness。 Each held a gleaming broadsword; each was protected with heavy leather bands。 A long leather buckler girded its torso。 At first; Covenant saw no movement to indicate that the figure was alive。 But then it blinked; drew his attention to its fetid yellow eyes。 They roamed the hilltop constantly; searching for foes。 When they flicked across the gap through which he peered; he recoiled as if he had been discovered。
    But if the figure saw him; it gave no sign。 After a moment; he calmed his apprehension。 The warder was not placed to watch any part of the promontory except the last approaches to the cave; virtually all his trek from Hotash Slay had been out of the figure's line of sight。 So he was safe where he crouched。 But if he wanted to enter Foul's Creche; he would have to pass that warder。
    He had no idea how to do so。 He could not fight the creature。 He could not think of any way to trick it。 And the longer he waited for some kind of inspiration; the larger his fear and weakness became。
    Rather than remain where he was until he paralyzed himself; he squirmed on his belly up through the boulders to the fortification on one side of the entrance。 Hiding behind the parapet almost directly below and between the twin towers; he clenched himself to quiet his breathing; and tried to muster his courage for the only approach he could conceive…drop over the parapet into the entry way and try to outrun the warder。 He was so close to the figure now that he felt sure it could smell his sweat; hear the reel of his dizziness and the labor of his heart。
    Yet he could not move。 He felt utterly exposed to the towers; though he was out of sight of the windows; yet he could not make himself move。 He was afraid。 Once he showed himself…once the warder saw him… Foul's Creche would be warned。 All Foamfollower's effort and sacrifice; all the aid of the jheherrin; would be undone in an instant。 He would be alone against the full defenses of Ridjeck Thome。
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